When I look at my pack of four, I have:

Biko - the social outcast. Had a rough childhood and never learned how to get along with others. Has one or two people he gets along with and ignores the rest of the world, and would probably bite if pushed.
Lunar - tough, savvy old man with a heart of gold. Has had a tough life but has learned to appreciate finding the rainbow in the clouds. He'll give anyone a chance, and if you mess up he'll forgive you anyway.
Bates - suck up. Had a tough childhood and thinks love is conditional. Will stand on his head for you if you'll please just love him.
Breez - spoiled brat. Has never known deprivation or heartache of any kind. The world is her oyster, and she'll pout if its not.

Now without the anthropomorphising
Breez is the first female I've had that I raised as a pup, so I'm on a major learning curve as to what to expect with a "normal" *itch. Ha ha!

I will say, Breez is a very sweet dog. With us she is very respectful and obedient. Not just tolerant of the kids, but actually seeks them out to play or snuggle. She has grown up with Bates as her mentor, and though I think he's too easy on her, she does accept his corrections graciously. Biko, our little social graces flunkie, has had more issues with her, but in general they just ignore eachother and have done fine.

Now enter Lunar. My doggie radar says Lunar, though still somewhat wary of humans, is truly a very confident, and stable dog. His social skills are impeccable - you could use him in doggy language videos he's so obvious. He and Bates (also very good social skills) after just one week, have gotten to be good buds. We went for a short off leash walk the other day, and their budding friendship was clear. Sniffing the same track, and checking back in with eachother after they strayed apart. They're both very similar personality type anyway, so its a very good match. They've already started wrestle/bitey-face playing. No playing outside yet, I think Lunar still feels a little weak, and worried about keeping me or DH in sight when outside. But he's not too far from giving in to Bates' play requests.

Then there's Breez.....
Like I've said, she can be a real sweetheart. Except for the 10% of the time she's just a 8itch! Like yesterday. Everyone was coming inside after a nice walk, and Breez though she would snap at Lunar. Maybe he crowded her (I doubt it) he certainly wasn't being pushy... So Breez snaps, and Lunar snapped back. Lunar won. Breez kaiyaied and tried to hide behind me. Um... Hello??? If you start something, ya better be able to back it up ya know? In the meantime, Lunar has moved on, has forgotten the whole incident, and Breez is still slinking around sulking.
Then there was the "bed" incident. DH was the only one home, Breez was upstairs, and Lunar went up to take a nap too. DH was downstairs and he heard a Breez growl, shortly followed by a much deeper louder growl and snap, followed by Breez kaiyaiing. A few seconds later here comes Breez slinking downstairs looking dejected. Is it wrong that DH and I are laughing about this? Lunar isn't being mean, but he's not going to put up with her *it either! I actually think Lunar will be good for her because Bates is soooo easygoing he lets her get away with too much. Hubby says she'll keep having moments with Lunar, that's just how females are. What do you guys think? When she's being her usual NICE self, she and Lunar are very friendly and companiable with each other. So.... Opinions on 8itches?