I installed a doggie door in my laundry room a few years ago that leads to the garage. From the garage I was going to have a door leading outside for when the dogs had to go during the day. My dad in the past has come over and checked on them during the day, so I never used the doggie door. I guess my dad hasn't been coming over, since we have a had a couple of accidents in the house this week. I guess I will be teaching some old dogs new tricks. Anyway Desi will come in the door, but not go out it. Murray is staunch in belief that said door is a portal to hell, and there is no way that he will use it one way or another. Last night I put him in the dark garage with the laundry room light on, and I was sure he would get the idea to come inside. No he hid behind the car and cried, he wouldn't even come near the door. Last night before we went to bed he ran to the laundry room and woofed to tell the portal not to suck any of in while we slept. This morning the first thing he did was run to the laundry room and woof, damn portal still there. Tonight I fed Desi in the garage because of the fireworks in the neighborhood. I had the light in the garage on and the light in the laundry room off, Murray went nuts. Full alert, all men on deck, full on barking and growling. I am telling you he is a doofus. If I don't post for awhile, just know that Murray was right and we were sucked in while we slept.