Hi Dane Lovers,
Hopefully this will kick off and be a lot of fun but I used to be on a car forum that played this game and it was just a great way to get people to take some wacky pictures or dig through the ones they already have :P. This is how the game works:
1) I will start the game with asking someone to post a picture of their Dane doing something, wearing something, by something, in something, etc...we will call whatever this is that you request be in the picture,
"The Thing"
2) The first person to post a picture of their Dane with one of the things mentioned above in their picture picks the next "Thing" that has to be in the picture(I'll give an example)
The Rules:
1) Only the 1st person to post a picture of their Dane with "The Thing" gets to pick the next "Thing". If you post a picture of your Dane with "The Thing" after by accident, it's ok, you just don't get to pick the next "Thing"
. Try not to post pictures of your Dane with "The Thing" after the 1st person has posted though, this "clogs" the game up and confuses people on what the new "Thing" is.
2) "The Thing" can be anything(That is usually where it gets fun) but keep in mind if you pick something hard to get a picture of(example: Your Dane riding a horse) it will probably end the game and ruin everyones fun
3) In the event of 2 people posting at the same time, we can all come to an agreement on who's picture is better(Or who's picture captures "The
Thing" best) that person picks the next "Thing"
4) Please don't just go online and copy a picture, that takes all the fun out of the game. Get out there and take a picture of Your Dane(Or someone else's you see) with "The Thing"
It's a really fun game and I promise, it's not hard. Hopefully you guys like it, if you have any questions, just ask but lets try and get this going! I'll start with an example:
"The Thing 1": A Dane sneaking up on you
Hopefully this will kick off and be a lot of fun but I used to be on a car forum that played this game and it was just a great way to get people to take some wacky pictures or dig through the ones they already have :P. This is how the game works:
1) I will start the game with asking someone to post a picture of their Dane doing something, wearing something, by something, in something, etc...we will call whatever this is that you request be in the picture,
"The Thing"
2) The first person to post a picture of their Dane with one of the things mentioned above in their picture picks the next "Thing" that has to be in the picture(I'll give an example)
The Rules:
1) Only the 1st person to post a picture of their Dane with "The Thing" gets to pick the next "Thing". If you post a picture of your Dane with "The Thing" after by accident, it's ok, you just don't get to pick the next "Thing"

2) "The Thing" can be anything(That is usually where it gets fun) but keep in mind if you pick something hard to get a picture of(example: Your Dane riding a horse) it will probably end the game and ruin everyones fun

3) In the event of 2 people posting at the same time, we can all come to an agreement on who's picture is better(Or who's picture captures "The
Thing" best) that person picks the next "Thing"
4) Please don't just go online and copy a picture, that takes all the fun out of the game. Get out there and take a picture of Your Dane(Or someone else's you see) with "The Thing"
It's a really fun game and I promise, it's not hard. Hopefully you guys like it, if you have any questions, just ask but lets try and get this going! I'll start with an example:
"The Thing 1": A Dane sneaking up on you