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pea's recovery

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  • pea's recovery

    she is doing waaaay better than i ever would have thought! when i went to pick her up saturday, she was laying in the kennel, trembling, droopy eyes, really "out of it". i guess it's true...coming home makes everything better!

    her cast, wrapped in pink vet wrap. also, her neck will stay wrapped for another couple of days as she is sporting a narcotic pain patch.

    this is my son helping her get around with a sling. got this at the vet's office and it's awesome!

    she can still do the dane sit!

    pea has always been a grass eater, i swear she is part cow!

    she stayed outside with me and bentley this afternoon the whole time i did piggy chores!

  • #2
    So glad to see her getting around! Hopefully she will have a quick and speedy recovery!!
    Caesar Augustus 9 months old


    • #3
      I love that third picture. Pea sure is a cutie pie!
      Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



      • #4
        Glad to see Pea is doing so well! I must also add that your son is good lookin'!
        Mom to: Angel huskyx (3/15/2001), Lestat labx (12/1/2001), Mystra beaglex (04/01/2005), Merlin airedale (08/01/2012)
        RIP my loves:
        Isis (dane) (7/1/2005-11/5/2011), Venus (dane) (9/1/02-06/24/13)


        • #5
          Aww, she looks like she is doing really well! That is great news!


          • #6
            Originally posted by gr8danlvr1 View Post
            Glad to see Pea is doing so well! I must also add that your son is good lookin'!
            sorry, he's happily married!

            Originally posted by deb9017 View Post
            Aww, she looks like she is doing really well! That is great news!
            she really is doing surprisingly well for just 3 days post-op. when i saw her saturday, i thought she'd be helpless for weeks but being home has helped her bounce back. bentley was SO glad to see her! kisses all around!!


            • #7
              she is really getting the hang of this cast thing! i came home at noon yesterday. good thing i did as she couldn't get to the grass fast enough. she had some runny, foul smelling poo which i attribute to all of the meds and my vet confirmed this. i will give her metronidazole for 2 or 3 days to help with that.

              later in the afternoon, i wanted to see what she would do if bentley and i left her alone. i propped the door open and went out to do chores, glancing back at the ramp every so often. got done, turned to walk back to the house and there was pea, at the end of the ramp! she got up, out the door and down the ramp all by herself. and the coup de gras...she peed w/o losing her balance! **happy dance**

              we came into the house, she went to her toy box and grabbed a stuffy, shook it and did a play bow to bentley.

              i took the fentanyl patch off last night but will continue the previcox and tramadol. she gets her staples out on the 29th. she amazes me every single day!!!


              • #8
                I'm glad to hear she is doing so well!
                Caesar Augustus 9 months old


                • #9
                  Wow, she is doing awesome!! WTG Pea!


                  • #10
                    Good news!
                    "The human language, as precise as it is with its thousands of words, can still be so wonderfully vague"....Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain


                    • #11
                      my lil stinker climbed up on my bed sometime today. she's all stretched out and so comfy, she won't even go out to pee!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Charlene View Post
                        my lil stinker climbed up on my bed sometime today. she's all stretched out and so comfy, she won't even go out to pee!

                        Oh good grief! Silly girl!! I'm glad to hear she is doing so well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Charlene View Post
                          my lil stinker climbed up on my bed sometime today. she's all stretched out and so comfy, she won't even go out to pee!
                          That is AMAZING!


                          • #14
                            i should qualify my statement by saying i made it pretty easy for her. i have a twin bed. i took the frame apart, put the box springs in the shed and flopped the mattress on the floor so she only has about 8" to navigate. i did this so *I* would be closer to the floor and then i put her cushy bed right next to mine so that she would be in "petting range". apparently, my bed is now her bed. good thing those big cushy dog beds are so comfy! don't ask me how i know this.


                            • #15
                              I haven't been on here in a while, so I didn't know poor Pea was having surgery. I am glad to hear she is doing so well and I love her girlie pink cast. It's so fashionable with her white and beige!
                              Karen - Myles, Keegan, Clare and Murphy

