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9 Danes Surrended by Breeder in IL

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  • 9 Danes Surrended by Breeder in IL
    Member GDC of Mid-Florida

  • #2
    That was the perfect link to post. Thank you!

    I've been following this as best I can through others, since I'm not this breeder's friend.
    Mouse April 2010
    Echo -- run free, Sweetie! Jan 9, 2007 - April 24, 2014 Lost to osteosarcoma at 7 years, 3 months. RIP.


    • #3
      I am ashamed to say this person was a FB friend, one that had added me and whom I have never met and did not know. I accepted the friend request as we had many mutual friends... Another friend messaged me to let me know she was on my friends list since I didn't even realize it! Needless to say, she is no longer.

      I cannot fathom how someone can do this to animals. I can't. I literally cannot wrap my head around it. No amount of money is worth putting those precious babies into that situation and that horrendous condition. Breaks my heart...
      Member GDC of Mid-Florida


      • #4
        I'm glad a couple of my friends are still her friend so I can get updates, etc. Facebook creeping via mutual friends

        Do you think she dumped off the other six danes found the same day in WI just a little ways from this batch? I do...what an evil, horrible person.

        THIS situation is exactly why puppy buyers have to be SO CAREFUL on who they support!!
        Mouse April 2010
        Echo -- run free, Sweetie! Jan 9, 2007 - April 24, 2014 Lost to osteosarcoma at 7 years, 3 months. RIP.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mnmouse View Post
          I'm glad a couple of my friends are still her friend so I can get updates, etc. Facebook creeping via mutual friends

          Do you think she dumped off the other six danes found the same day in WI just a little ways from this batch? I do...what an evil, horrible person.

          THIS situation is exactly why puppy buyers have to be SO CAREFUL on who they support!!
          When I was told by another friend that she was one of my FB friends, I went to her page to unfriend her. I did not see ANY comments or updates about the situation. Not even other people posting on her page...

          The only updates/info I have seen are from the rescue group. On that page and another Dane group page, several people have said they have reached out to this breeder via phone, email, even went to her house and so far no one has been able to get any comments or explanation from her. Supposedly the litter on the ground and the other pregnant bitch are not on her property...

          I have no idea if the other 6 danes were hers. It's somewhat coincidental they happened to be running loose so closeby, but why wouldn't she just surrender them with the other 9? Who knows...
          Member GDC of Mid-Florida


          • #6
            Made a donation to help these babies!
            ~ Erin ~
            "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe." - Simon Sinek


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tucker's Mom View Post
              Made a donation to help these babies!
              I just sent a donation. Here is the direct link if others would like to help:

              Member GDC of Mid-Florida


              • #8
                I have 18 mutual friends with this person on facebook - people who I know wouldn't support such a horrible breeder... goes to show you can never be too sure who you are really friending!


                • #9
                  I don't really know the story behind this. I apologize if I just straight up missed a past post on it. Could someone please provide a link to an article or something? Or please PM me the info? I just CANNOT read fb timeline. I'm very good with computers, but the graphic design part of me has a mental block on timeline.
                  <, and Stef
                  What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Macho Cheese!!


                  • #10
                    Not sure if there are articles but I got the story from this photo on facebook


                    • #11
                      Thanks. I see where you got that. That's awful. What is being done about the breeder?
                      <, and Stef
                      What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Macho Cheese!!


                      • #12
                        So there is two Sabra Danes. two different owners. That's confusing?

                        **removed the link for the breeder in Canada who is not involved with this situation**

                        Last edited by dolmod; 09-29-2012, 05:45 PM.
                        Linda and Rocky
                        Jesse 1998-2007
                        Harley 1998-2002
                        Breeze 1973-1982


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pauline301 View Post
                          So there is two Sabra Danes. two different owners. That's confusing?

                          **edited by mod**

                          The first link.. the on in CA is NOT this breeder and the rescue doesn't think they are related at all. *shrug*

                          I'm concerned about the litter on the ground and the litter due in October. Just goes to show you that a fancy web site, apparently health tests (although I saw no proof of this but I also didn't look past the "health tested" either) and is actively showing their dogs can still be a total douchebag. Sickens me that these 9 dogs (plus possible 6) were able to get into this kind of condition. Shame on them.
                          Last edited by dolmod; 09-29-2012, 05:46 PM.


                          • #14
                            It sure doesn't make the good breeder look very good (if she is not related), Having two with the same/very similar names. Those poor Danes!!
                            Last edited by Pauline301; 09-27-2012, 10:40 AM.
                            Linda and Rocky
                            Jesse 1998-2007
                            Harley 1998-2002
                            Breeze 1973-1982


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HarlequinHorror View Post
                              Not sure if there are articles but I got the story from this photo on facebook

                              Currently no stories.

                              Just a couple months ago Duke and I were doing a visit to the nursing home. A resident's visitor was intrigued by Duke, as she has a 'friend' who lives in (the same town as this breeder) and breeds danes. Said she had like 7 or 10 of them. (At this point, it sounds like it HAS to be the same person, the town is very small, couldn't be 2 breeders there). I questioned the number as in 'her house must be very crowded'. Visitor said she thought there were kennels. I didn't understand the connection between the visitor and the breeder, as the visitor said something about her being a 'boarder' on her (the visitor's) property, yet she had never seen the operation. I WISH I would have gotten this women's name in case it could have somehow helped.
                              Last edited by bluebeetlemom; 09-27-2012, 03:10 PM.

                              Duke and Ivy

