Hello everyone! I have a 12 week old Dane named Diesel. He is our first GD and this is also my first experience with posting and taping the cropped ears. I have been following the basic method of the infamous Summit View ear taping with the help of a local breeder and show handler of Danes. She taped his ears for me the first two times, so I could watch and try to learn the techniques involved.
About five or six days after the second taping, I noticed an unpleasant sore at the base of his right ear with bleeding that was apparent on the bottom of the tape. In addition, there was a lot of greenish-yellow pus-like goop emitting from the folds on both ears, and it was noticeable on the tapes, not to mention an off-putting smell.
My husband and I decided to cut a one inch slit in the tape to allow the stinky goop to drain out. We followed this by swabbing inside the exposed fold with rubbing alcohol with a q-tip, then applied some Gold Bond powder in the crease/fold to help absorb the moisture. The following morning, I contacted my local Dane resource and she suggested I go ahead and take the tapes down, clean the ears, and put new posts and tapes on.
Now mind you, this was my first taping. I tried to be very careful and follow directions closely to ensure I don't create an issue. I even applied medicated Gold Bond powder to most of his ears, paying extra special attention to the folds. However, I am very worried I may have done something wrong. The tapes I put on looked fine in my point of view, but the following day, the smelly yellowish goop was back and seeping from the folds in both ears.
My local resource contact (Dane breeder/show handler) suggested I take the tapes down completely and wait for her to return from a dog show so I could drive Diesel to her kennel and have her take a look at the problem. When I carefully removed the tapes with the unisolve adhesive remover, my poor pup appeared to be in a great deal of pain and totally detested the process. I realized why he was so agitated when I finally got the tapes off, because he has major irritation and raw skin that is scabbing up on the hair side of his ear. I wanted to cry, I felt so bad for my baby and I feel like I've done something wrong to harm him!
To date, his ears have been down for three days now and I have been cleaning the wounds with 70% rubbing alcohol and applying a thin layer of neosporin to promote healing on his scabs. I am taking him to my experienced local Dane contact today (she is finally back from dog show) to see what we can do to resolve these problems.
I have attached a few photos of Diesel's ears to give you an idea of what I am trying to deal with. Any and all suggestions and/or advice would be GREATLY appreciated, as I feel horrible for my poor baby. Every time I try to treat his wounds, he cries (possibly the stinging from the alcohol?) and I feel just awful that he has to go through this. I am at such a loss of what to do about the issue.
I know just about every Dane owner has their own techniques on how to handle these problems, which is why I'm turning to you helpful and experienced DOL members for your opinions and advice. Again, thank you so very much in advance!!
This is his bad ear (his right ear) just after removing the posts and tapes the local breeder applied.
Not a good quality shot, but this shows the inside view of the ear after tape removal.
Here are his ears the following day after I taped him myself. As you can see, the Gold Bond powder didn't seem to have much affect on the sticky goop in the folds, as it was so bad as to stain the tapes.
This shows the fold that I mentioned that had an unpleasant yellowish-greenish sticky goo in both ears. This was after I taped him myself, then removed them the next day.
This image makes me feel like I've done something terribly wrong. This was a short time after I removed the tapes I applied the previous day. This shows the irritation that formed after I had taped him myself. I did not force the tapes off, in fact, I liberally used the unisolve adhesive remover to carefully and gently remove the tape.
I feel like such a bad mommy to my baby boy. I hate to see him like this and he scratches at his ears, obviously they are bothering him. Also, my heart just breaks when he cries and struggles to get away while I try to clean them up and treat the wounds. Please help! I am desperate to take good care of my baby!
Proud momma of Diesel and Eva
About five or six days after the second taping, I noticed an unpleasant sore at the base of his right ear with bleeding that was apparent on the bottom of the tape. In addition, there was a lot of greenish-yellow pus-like goop emitting from the folds on both ears, and it was noticeable on the tapes, not to mention an off-putting smell.
My husband and I decided to cut a one inch slit in the tape to allow the stinky goop to drain out. We followed this by swabbing inside the exposed fold with rubbing alcohol with a q-tip, then applied some Gold Bond powder in the crease/fold to help absorb the moisture. The following morning, I contacted my local Dane resource and she suggested I go ahead and take the tapes down, clean the ears, and put new posts and tapes on.
Now mind you, this was my first taping. I tried to be very careful and follow directions closely to ensure I don't create an issue. I even applied medicated Gold Bond powder to most of his ears, paying extra special attention to the folds. However, I am very worried I may have done something wrong. The tapes I put on looked fine in my point of view, but the following day, the smelly yellowish goop was back and seeping from the folds in both ears.
My local resource contact (Dane breeder/show handler) suggested I take the tapes down completely and wait for her to return from a dog show so I could drive Diesel to her kennel and have her take a look at the problem. When I carefully removed the tapes with the unisolve adhesive remover, my poor pup appeared to be in a great deal of pain and totally detested the process. I realized why he was so agitated when I finally got the tapes off, because he has major irritation and raw skin that is scabbing up on the hair side of his ear. I wanted to cry, I felt so bad for my baby and I feel like I've done something wrong to harm him!
To date, his ears have been down for three days now and I have been cleaning the wounds with 70% rubbing alcohol and applying a thin layer of neosporin to promote healing on his scabs. I am taking him to my experienced local Dane contact today (she is finally back from dog show) to see what we can do to resolve these problems.
I have attached a few photos of Diesel's ears to give you an idea of what I am trying to deal with. Any and all suggestions and/or advice would be GREATLY appreciated, as I feel horrible for my poor baby. Every time I try to treat his wounds, he cries (possibly the stinging from the alcohol?) and I feel just awful that he has to go through this. I am at such a loss of what to do about the issue.
I know just about every Dane owner has their own techniques on how to handle these problems, which is why I'm turning to you helpful and experienced DOL members for your opinions and advice. Again, thank you so very much in advance!!
This is his bad ear (his right ear) just after removing the posts and tapes the local breeder applied.
Not a good quality shot, but this shows the inside view of the ear after tape removal.
Here are his ears the following day after I taped him myself. As you can see, the Gold Bond powder didn't seem to have much affect on the sticky goop in the folds, as it was so bad as to stain the tapes.
This shows the fold that I mentioned that had an unpleasant yellowish-greenish sticky goo in both ears. This was after I taped him myself, then removed them the next day.
This image makes me feel like I've done something terribly wrong. This was a short time after I removed the tapes I applied the previous day. This shows the irritation that formed after I had taped him myself. I did not force the tapes off, in fact, I liberally used the unisolve adhesive remover to carefully and gently remove the tape.
I feel like such a bad mommy to my baby boy. I hate to see him like this and he scratches at his ears, obviously they are bothering him. Also, my heart just breaks when he cries and struggles to get away while I try to clean them up and treat the wounds. Please help! I am desperate to take good care of my baby!
Proud momma of Diesel and Eva