I just had my Danes ears cropped last week. The vet removed the sutures yesterday and I left the clinic with only a few pieces of tape at the base of his ears. He has no brace, posts, stays or anything that are keeping his ears erect. The vet is very old school and has been doing ears for 30 years and says this is the only way he believes in. I saw several pictures of ears he did on another great dane breeders dogs and they all looked good. However, I'm really starting to freak out about his method. I just don't see how his ears will ever stand, if there is nothing supporting them up. Just wondering if anyone has ever used a vet that has this "less is more" approach to ears? If so, how successful did they stand? I would really like some feedback, as I'm about ready to under-mind this vet and look for another vet to take over with the wrapping and taping... especially if this method just sounds strange to everyone? Thanks in advance!
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Has anyone experienced a Vet that tapes like this?
So glad that to hear that someone else had a vet who used this method. I had no idea that this was my vet's method until I picked Jack up after surgery and he told me that I do not need to use anything for his ears. I had a Doberman that I had to tape his ears for almost 5 months and his ears looked great but the vet that cut his ears had moved. (Good vets are hard to come by in West Texas so I hated to see him go) So anyway I thought that this method of no taping was impossible..."How could they possibly stand?" Well they layed on top of his head for a while and started to try to stand when stitches were gone and wounds healed, but eventually (I had to wrap them down for a couple of days cuz vet said that muscles were too strong) they stayed erect.sigpicEMILY
Sounds like they roll wrapped them we occasionly will roll wrap a week here and their to help speed it up supposedly according to my cropper LOL but the rest is posted and braced IF were still tping when they start showing we roll wrp with msking tape between shows then repost when we get home.sigpicLisa
Thank you for the feedback. I'm just having a hard time seeing that these ears can magically stand erect all on there own, with just a few pieces of tape. The ears are just bent and flopping to the sides. I hear so many talk about their difficulty with ears standing and they are actually using a device to assist with it. So where does that leave me...who doesn't have anything attached to the ear to start with? LOL
Can you post a picture when I roll wrap they are straight up nd look like they are in post.sigpicLisa
Originally posted by 1217trumpetgirl View PostThank you for the feedback. I'm just having a hard time seeing that these ears can magically stand erect all on there own, with just a few pieces of tape. The ears are just bent and flopping to the sides. I hear so many talk about their difficulty with ears standing and they are actually using a device to assist with it. So where does that leave me...who doesn't have anything attached to the ear to start with? LOL
Originally posted by 1217trumpetgirl View PostI left the clinic with only a few pieces of tape at the base of his ears. He has no brace, posts, stays or anything that are keeping his ears erect.
I don't have a ton of ear experience, but it would make me a little nervous, too.
Foto Danes
Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC CHIC
For Jack's ears we were told to use nothing and we used nothing. I still wish that I would have used something because now his ears tend to cross one another or touch at the tips. His right one leans a lot of the times. I personally will not have this vet cut my next dog's ears. I wish that I would have went ahead and taped them up or used some sort of bridge thing. Maybe his ears would stand better now.sigpicEMILY
Thanks to all for their feedback. I have an appointment this afternoon with a different Vet to get me started down the right path...before its too late. I have too many doubts about this old vets method. I don't trust it either. As this is the only way he sees to tape and its not just while the ears are healing...but for the whole process. Doesn't make sense to me. But, I just can't get over how the pictures I saw of the Danes he cropped stood up perfect. It's night and day how my dog looks. Anyways, off to the Vet to try something better! Thanks again to all.
Ive never seen it and cant see how they will stand UP LOL
Ill email tonight pics of Roll Wrap with masking tape to you.sigpicLisa