Hi, I am on my 7th Dane and the breeder cropped the pups ears. At 9.5 weeks I received the pup and her ears were infected and had terrible smell. Took her to my vet who I have been going through for decades and my vet usually does the cropping and then the ear taping until the ears stand. My vet treated the infection and left the ears unwrapped to air out for 3 days. After that she posted and tape the ears for the next 5 days. Then she only tape wrap the ears and I was to bring her back in a week. When I went today I found out my vet quit and another vet at the hospital saw the pup. That vet let the ears air out. The one is crooked inward and the other seems to a crease in the middle. I don't think this vet has the experience and time for the cartilage to solidify is running out. I am desperate to find an experience vet. This pup is potential show quality and want the ears to be fixed and straightened out. I would appreciate any help or referral.
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Need quality vet in Northwest Indiana that has a lot of experience in ear cropping
Do you mean the breeder's vet cropped the ears? Or the breeder?
Not many vets are experienced in ear care for cropped Danes. I would encourage you to do it yourself. There are videos on YouTube for how to do it. I encourage all of my puppy people to learn to do their own because it always works out much better than using a vet. Unless the vet is a Dane breeder themselves...*Jennifer*
Member GDC of Mid-Florida
Thank you for responding. I now am not sure of the breeder. I don't know who did the cropping because I did not receive medical records only a log that had one entry for shots given. The pup is quality Dane and does come from Champions line. I didn't get a contract to sign but maybe the breeder will put in the mail.
I have watched the many videos on youtube and did attempt but I am not good at it. I am nervous about cutting of the blood circulation. Yes, I found out that its hard to find a vet to crop and care for the ears. I was lucky for decades with my vet but as I mentioned, she quit the clinic. I do have ant appointment on Friday for vet to see what he can do. This vet does cropping and taping but he has only done Dobermans.
Can you tell the time frame for taping and getting the ears to stand before the ear cartilage is set?
I wouldn't panic. I'd say you have a month or two to perfect your taping from the time of the crop. Ears do wonky things even during the teething stage, so you have some wiggle room in regards to getting it right. I'd definitely look into doing it yourself. It's not that difficult, and if the crop is good they should stand correctly.
ETA: Taping is taping, whether Dobes or Danes. As long as he knows what he's doing, you should be fine.~ Lisa & Rupert
Thanks for the help. I found my vet who quit the vet hospital abruptly...been going to her for 3+decades. She is now with another clinic.The vet taped one side and then instructed me in taping the 2nd side. After one day, the vet side was good but the side I did was covered with yellow wax. When I removed the tapes the ears dropped. I kept them naturals for 5 days so the one side could heal plus there was all this glue attached to her fur.. I then attempted myself and I thought I did good job but Pallas was able to shake the taping off in one day. I did not give up and taped again that same night. The next morning they were still taped and when I came home for work they were still taped. The tape stayed on for 5 days and then Pallas shook them off. No glue from the tape was left on the ears Both ears were standing erect but floppy. The next day one ear started to droop so I used a Breath-Rite to help support it. Both ears were standing nice so I left them alonge for a couple of days. Last night I retaped and Pallas did not shake them off. I think I am almost there and I am kind of proud of myself. When finished I will upload a picture.
How old is he now? Just because they stand for a day or two doesn't mean they'll stay up, unfortunately. Sometimes a shorter wider crop takes less time, I can't really see in the pic. I hate this forum for never fixing how images upload (but that's a different thread altogether LOL). Sometimes the teething stage (5-6 months old) reeks havoc on ears for some reason. Maybe you'll get lucky and be fine.~ Lisa & Rupert
Lets see if this photo is better. She is 4.5 months old. I also attached the picture as an attachment. I will see how long the ears will stand up and then repost.Attached FilesLast edited by DPU; 05-13-2018, 11:40 AM.