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Deformed Ears

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  • Deformed Ears

    I have a 5 month old GD puppy who had his ears cropped. His vet retapes them every week for free so that they're done properly. I loved the way his ears looked when we did a week off of taping to see how they stand. He left for vacation (2 weeks) and his vet tech he's been training wrapped his ears last week. When the tech unwrapped them this time his ears looked like she shaped them wrong and too tight. We are leaving them down for another week but I wanted to see if anyone knows if it will effect his ears in the long run. I post a picture of the first week off, then his ears now for a comparison. I love the way his ears looked with him and the bath towel (vet)Â* Not so much the car picture (vet tech) Advice?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    The second photo is quite small and difficult to see. Ears go through a lot of changes as they're 'learning' to stand through posting. You're better to have them posted than not as the longer they are down the longer they're going to have to be taped for at the end and it isn't a week for week type thing. My boy was in tapes until he was just over 6 months and my girl was in tapes until she was around a year old. Keep up with the taping, there might be a dane or dobe breeder close to you that would be willing to help you learn to tape yourself as well until your vet is back.


    • #3
      Second photo is too small to see. The crop looks VERY wide. I expect they will appear wide at maturity as well. Search YouTube videos and do the taping yourself. Also, I would not do days or weeks "off". You want them taped up until they are finished. Otherwise you are just delaying the process..
      Member GDC of Mid-Florida


      • #4
        Thank you! I actually got ahold of my vet and he actually sent me to a breeder who showed me how to tape his ears until my vet gets back. Thank you!


        • #5
          Has anybody done natural ear tapping on a 10 week old dane?

