Hello guys. Here is the situation. I have a 14 mo. female who is the best dog God ever created :7 But, we are having a little issue.
We first noticed that she had really extreme "puppy dreams". While asleep she will twitch, whine, whimper, bark etc... We just figured it was nothing. A couple of times she has pee'd on our beds. I thought it was a behavioral thing, or figured that my kids were not properly supervising whene we were not home.
She normally sleeps between my husband and I at night. We kick her off when we are ready to sleep and she normally crawls back up around 3 or so in the morning.
Last night she was asleep on my husbands feet, and her "puppy dream" actually woke him up. Then he felt his feet get real warm and real wet... :9 ok- so I thouhgt that was a little funny. He jumped up which in turn woke her up and we realized that she is doing this in her sleep.
My son has epilepsy so I am fairly familiar with the human side of this, but I don't believe that if a dog or person is having a seizure you can wake them out of it, so while I doubt she has epilepsy I am not totally ruling it out.
I am taking her to the vet next week to see what she has to say but wanted to get some opinions here if you have one.
TIA- this board has been very helpful!
We first noticed that she had really extreme "puppy dreams". While asleep she will twitch, whine, whimper, bark etc... We just figured it was nothing. A couple of times she has pee'd on our beds. I thought it was a behavioral thing, or figured that my kids were not properly supervising whene we were not home.
She normally sleeps between my husband and I at night. We kick her off when we are ready to sleep and she normally crawls back up around 3 or so in the morning.
Last night she was asleep on my husbands feet, and her "puppy dream" actually woke him up. Then he felt his feet get real warm and real wet... :9 ok- so I thouhgt that was a little funny. He jumped up which in turn woke her up and we realized that she is doing this in her sleep.
My son has epilepsy so I am fairly familiar with the human side of this, but I don't believe that if a dog or person is having a seizure you can wake them out of it, so while I doubt she has epilepsy I am not totally ruling it out.
I am taking her to the vet next week to see what she has to say but wanted to get some opinions here if you have one.
TIA- this board has been very helpful!