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House Hunting

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  • House Hunting

    Hey you guys,
    It's been awhile since I've been on here! Jax is doing great, he's my big baby. 5 months & 6 days old today. I got him housebroken in 2 weeks & I have had no trouble whatsoever with biting or ripping anything to shreds! He's an angel, I can't believe how easy it was to train him. So smart!

    Anywaaaay, my boyfriend & I are looking for a house. I start a new job in a month & we've been looking around the area I will be located. Right now we're staying at his parents until we find a place & they have 2 inside dogs, a golden retriever & a papillion. Jax loves them both immensely & he whines to play with them every morning when we get up. I'm so scared that when we move he's going to be so lonely at the house by himself when my boyfriend & I are both at work Has anyone had any experience in moving away from other dogs they grew up with? I don't want him to be upset or lonely without his friends!

  • #2
    Will you still live close enough for the occasional play date?

    I think dogs, puppies especially, are pretty resilient. Yes, Jax enjoys the company of your BF's parent's dogs, but certainly he enjoyed his litter mates and you were able to transition him, so you can do it again! Maybe you can find a local pet day care or pet meet up or a drop-in play date sort of thing?

    My only advice would be to call ahead and ask about the skew of the class -- are there more small dogs, or more large dogs? Does one class offer more large dogs? You want him to get the most out of his time!


    • #3
      Yeah, we'll live about 15 minutes away so we could always drop him off for a play date every once & awhile. He was great about leaving the litter, he only whined the first couple of nights. I'm such a worrier lol. But a friend of mine had a lab that became depressed after he left his sister he grew up with at home when my friend moved out.

      Maybe since Jax is so young he won't even think twice about it. Thanks so much for your advice!

      If he does seem sad after we move I am totally for adopting a little brother or sister


      • #4
        Originally posted by jax.2014 View Post
        Yeah, we'll live about 15 minutes away so we could always drop him off for a play date every once & awhile. He was great about leaving the litter, he only whined the first couple of nights. I'm such a worrier lol. But a friend of mine had a lab that became depressed after he left his sister he grew up with at home when my friend moved out.

        Maybe since Jax is so young he won't even think twice about it. Thanks so much for your advice!

        If he does seem sad after we move I am totally for adopting a little brother or sister
        I would really think twice about adopting another puppy for your current puppy. He hasn't even reached the teenage stage yet. It might be better to stick with play dates with other dogs or doggy daycare.
        Asaah ~ xxx Asaah LaLa, CGC, registered therapy dog


        • #5
          He would be much older by the time we moved... We haven't even found a house yet. We've actually been looking even before we got Jax. I know I'll eventually get another dane but not until I'm in a stable home lol.


          • #6
            Good idea. Most people recommend waiting for another puppy until the current one is around 2. We moved into our house in July and got Finn the following June and I'm glad we waited. That gave us time to get settled and moved in and put up a fence (which went up a whole 2 weeks before Finn came home ).
            Asaah ~ xxx Asaah LaLa, CGC, registered therapy dog

