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Stacking Training Advice

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  • Stacking Training Advice

    I hope I posted this under the appropriate forum group!

    Though I'm interested, we're probably not going to show our 4 month old boy, Diesel, due to the fact I have a baby on the way and it just doesn't seem realistic. There is a possibility I will hire a local breeder and show handler to perhaps show him for us, but like I said, we are still undecided. That being said, and regardless of showing or not, I would LOVE to be able to get some stacked photos of him even if it's just for fun.

    Now my problem is, I have no earthly idea on how to train him to stack. My local breeder tried to do it herself last week, but he was very uncooperative and wanted nothing to do with it. Everytime she touched his butt or back legs, Diesel just wanted to sit down. And he detested even further when she encouraged him to stand back up by grasping his bum or underneath his flank. Things progressed quickly into further frustration, so we agreed it might be better to try him again this week.

    I've been trying to get him used to having his bum, back legs, and underneath his flanks touched, but it still seems like he has no clue as to what I'm asking of him. He seems to be under confident about how I'm asking him to trust me in where to place his feet, almost like he's going to slip, regardless of the solid surface with plenty of traction.

    Does anyone have any opinions, advice, or resources in how this can be accomplished? If anything, I'd love to get a few stacked photos of my boy to send over to my breeder for updates and show how well he's looking and doing. Plus, if we do decide to start showing, I'd like him to learn now before he gets any larger!!

    Are there any relatively simple "How To's" out there that someone could point me in the right direction? Or even any experienced handling tips that might help me, considering my lack of experience. I would really appreciate any type of help with this, as Diesel is my first Dane baby and I'd love to show off his handsome head and structure!

    Thanks in advance =)

    Proud momma of Diesel and Eva

    Rest in peace, my sweet angel Dixie 3/2/2013

  • #2
    My suggestion would be to start only with his front feet. Teach him to allow you to place those and don't worry about his rear. Just get him comfortable with keeping the front feet where you place them.

    Lots of treats! Reward him when he does it. I use the command 'stand' when I am stacking. They learn that it means to leave their feet where you put them and to hold still in that position.

    Once you master the front end, move to the back. But always start a stack with the front placement first.

    Definitely keep handling and touching him all over. Belly, legs, feet, tail. Get him comfortable with being touched everywhere.
    Member GDC of Mid-Florida


    • #3
      Originally posted by oceanbluedanes View Post
      My suggestion would be to start only with his front feet. Teach him to allow you to place those and don't worry about his rear. Just get him comfortable with keeping the front feet where you place them.

      Lots of treats! Reward him when he does it. I use the command 'stand' when I am stacking. They learn that it means to leave their feet where you put them and to hold still in that position.

      Once you master the front end, move to the back. But always start a stack with the front placement first.

      Definitely keep handling and touching him all over. Belly, legs, feet, tail. Get him comfortable with being touched everywhere.
      Thanks so much for your detailed response! Since working with the feet placement, he's been very good with his fronts. Took to it like a natural! We got his fronts positioned correctly (well as correct as I can tell!) and he will hold them there, so I feel progress is coming. But as soon as that back end is touched, he curls his back and tucks his tail between his legs, then reallllly wants to sit! Very frustrating, but we always try to stay positive. A few lucky times, he will at least hold his back feet square and we praise him for staying. But as soon as we try to move them back slowly, he gets anxious and almost seems to get fearful.

      I will definitely keep working with him on it and we're diligently trying to get him used to all over body touching. Thanks so much for your advice! We will keep trying and I'll keep this thread updated with our progress =D

      Proud momma of Diesel and Eva

      Rest in peace, my sweet angel Dixie 3/2/2013


      • #4
        Just keep working on it. I start puppies quite young and only work for about 5 minutes at a time at first. Gradually add more and more time to each session. One thing that might help the next time your breeder comes over: wear him out before she gets there to work with him. When they are exhausted they tend to not move their feet so much. That will provide opportunity for you to reward him and let him know the behavior you are looking for.

        If he is shy of being touched on his rear while standing, perhaps it would be worth working on the touching while standing first. Don't even worry about placement. Just so long as he is standing and you are running your hands all over him while he stands there.
        Member GDC of Mid-Florida

