the only time i have ever had this problem was with my female corgi when ashley came to live with us. maggie was NOT a happy camper and would charge at ashley, growl, show teeth, the whole 9 yards. ashley simply ignored her, would give her that look that said "oh whatEVER!" and walk away. in a matter of a day or two, when maggie learned she would not get a reaction out of ashley, she stopped the behavior and it was never a problem again. i only intervened the first couple of times and all i did was say, in a happy voice, "oh maggie, you are such a little bitch!"...i never actually corrected her growls/snarls because ashley seemed to be doing that on her own and in all honesty, i knew it would never proceed to an all out fight.
i have seen several threads/posts on DOL about this issue over the past few weeks. i was always told NEVER to correct a growl as if the dog learns growling is not acceptable he/she will just skip that part and go right for the bite.
this was never an issue even with 3 danes and now that i have only pea and bentley, i have never seen it between them. they share everything, including ME, without a problem.
for those of you with a lot of experience training "aggressive" dogs or dogs that are new to a family and the problem begins, what is your opinion and what, exactly, do you do about it?
i have seen several threads/posts on DOL about this issue over the past few weeks. i was always told NEVER to correct a growl as if the dog learns growling is not acceptable he/she will just skip that part and go right for the bite.
this was never an issue even with 3 danes and now that i have only pea and bentley, i have never seen it between them. they share everything, including ME, without a problem.
for those of you with a lot of experience training "aggressive" dogs or dogs that are new to a family and the problem begins, what is your opinion and what, exactly, do you do about it?