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Puppy Training - Nipping/Bite Inhibition
This is a sticky topic.
I don't see how the dog would not continue to nip/bite, the behavior is still an option. To change the behavior from beng pleasurable, it has to become unpleasurable and so something negative has to be introduced and that something negative does not have to be physical but merely a predictor of a consequence.
In my house, there is not biting, nipping, or mouthing of any human. With other dogs in play, yes.
Originally posted by jengily View PostQuick Question -
Saw something on tv about correcting nippers.
Take frozen butter and smear it on the back of your hand.
When dog licks, praise - this way he will associate skin with licking and not biting...
I like the bite inhibition approach best, but I'm wondering about the time frame. How quickly should you progress through the stages: tell pup hard bite hurts, tell pup soft bite hurts, and then tell pup any tooth contact hurts. My puppy is still teething (4 months), but she gets that hard bites hurt, though she still has to be corrected sometimes when she's got me with her canines, and now I've told her that even softer biting hurts. She is almost beginning to move to the last stage herself at times. I act like it hurts when it doesn't quite, and then she will remove her teeth and lick my hand. But I don't want to skip through it too fast, because she still doesn't have it all down perfectly. Including that sometimes she gets too playful and jumps and bites hard. So for those who have used this bite inhibition technique, how long do you spend on each stage of it?
Originally posted by Greenmagick View PostWell, most likely by using really loud voices, scruffing, and hitting you are turning a normal puppy issue into a fight. He is not trying to be dominate, he is being a puppy!
How long have you had him? He is so very very young still.
Did you read through the thread? The best is to end all fun when he starts nipping. Turn around, walk away, etc.
I would HIGHLY suggest reading the following book (link is to the free pdf version.
Before You Get Your Puppy
After You Get Your Puppy
23wks old/biting
Im new to this forum, but I've been trying to seek help in every way possible! I am hoping a few of you will have some good advice for me!
Our family purchased our very first Great Dane puppy in March. We were told by the breeder that with Great Dane puppies they could be adopted out earlier than other breeds. Had never owning a dane pup before, we went ahead and brought Odin home...He wasen't even 4wks old yet! We had to feed him milk/mush food for almost 2wks, and weaned him on to kibble ourselves. Looking back, I now reaize we made a bad choice in going with that perticular breeder. However, damage is done, and now Im trying to clean up the mess.
Right off Odin displayed biting/nipping problems. Always using his teeth to touch and feel. Our 3yr old child seems to get the worst of it, because she seems to be viewed as just another litter mate in Odin's eyes. After his shots were complete we enrolled him in puppy classes at our local Petsmart, where he seems to do really well with catching onto commands. However, biting/nipping were still an issuse.
I've tried spraying BitterApple, removing myself & daughter from him when he bites, saying in a stern voice "Odin, No Bite!" when he is latched on to me, I've tried the "bopping" method (which only seems to intensify the biting), lately all's Ive been able to do it place him outside when he bites. I hate to do this because we live in Texas, and as you've all heard, our temps have been scorching!!! Lately when friends come to visit, he is constantly using his teeth to explore. He is especially bad during play, however, even during quiet time, when we are lounging on the couch, petting results in hand to mouth contact.
Odin is now approaching 6mos old. He is 65lbs, and stands taller than my 3yr old. He has lost most of his baby teeth already and his adult teeth are coming in. His bites continue to get harder, and my daughter gets the worst of it. Im afraid to leave them unattened for any amount of time (even to change the laundry) because in the end, my daughter ends up in tears, often bleeding, and he ends up outside!!!
I finally broke down and ordered a muzzle online a week ago. However, I dread using it on him. I just dont know what else to try or do!! I have thought about adopting him out to another family without young children, but my daughter loves him so much, and with her father deployed overseas, I hate to take him away from her!!
If anyone has any information or tips for me, please, please help me out!!! Thank-you!!!Last edited by LoraLee; 07-31-2011, 10:13 AM.
Your situation sounds PAINFULLY similar to mine. We got Goliath at 5 weeks though. And we have no young kids at home...but have nieces. I want Goliath to be able to go anywhere. See anyone. Not be nipping at their hands. He actually jumps allfour feet off the ground now and bites at a person while playing. we correct it EVERY SINGLE TIME. It is growing old fast lol. BUT I know I must NOT be do something right. I will CONTINUE to try every moment of every day though.sigpic
Originally posted by LoraLee View PostHi,
Im new to this forum, but I've been trying to seek help in every way possible! I am hoping a few of you will have some good advice for me!
Our family purchased our very first Great Dane puppy in March. We were told by the breeder that with Great Dane puppies they could be adopted out earlier than other breeds. Had never owning a dane pup before, we went ahead and brought Odin home...He wasen't even 4wks old yet! We had to feed him milk/mush food for almost 2wks, and weaned him on to kibble ourselves. Looking back, I now reaize we made a bad choice in going with that perticular breeder. However, damage is done, and now Im trying to clean up the mess.
Right off Odin displayed biting/nipping problems. Always using his teeth to touch and feel. Our 3yr old child seems to get the worst of it, because she seems to be viewed as just another litter mate in Odin's eyes. After his shots were complete we enrolled him in puppy classes at our local Petsmart, where he seems to do really well with catching onto commands. However, biting/nipping were still an issuse.
I've tried spraying BitterApple, removing myself & daughter from him when he bites, saying in a stern voice "Odin, No Bite!" when he is latched on to me, I've tried the "bopping" method (which only seems to intensify the biting), lately all's Ive been able to do it place him outside when he bites. I hate to do this because we live in Texas, and as you've all heard, our temps have been scorching!!! Lately when friends come to visit, he is constantly using his teeth to explore. He is especially bad during play, however, even during quiet time, when we are lounging on the couch, petting results in hand to mouth contact.
Odin is now approaching 6mos old. He is 65lbs, and stands taller than my 3yr old. He has lost most of his baby teeth already and his adult teeth are coming in. His bites continue to get harder, and my daughter gets the worst of it. Im afraid to leave them unattened for any amount of time (even to change the laundry) because in the end, my daughter ends up in tears, often bleeding, and he ends up outside!!!
I finally broke down and ordered a muzzle online a week ago. However, I dread using it on him. I just dont know what else to try or do!! I have thought about adopting him out to another family without young children, but my daughter loves him so much, and with her father deployed overseas, I hate to take him away from her!!
If anyone has any information or tips for me, please, please help me out!!! Thank-you!!!
From the sounds of it, you're dealing with more than just puppy nipping at this age. What really concerns me is that your 3 year old is ending up in tears and bleeding from 6 month old teeth - that is NOT okay!!
Honestly I would recommend that you see a trainer/behavioralist in addition to the puppy classes. I have a feeling there is a lot more going on here than the biting issue...Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.- Anatole France
We have a strict no human parts in the mouth policy.
There's a few lines of thought on it, but apparently pulling back is seen as a sign as weakness, so we never pulled back. The rest of the pack have taught him how heavy to "bite." In all training having a previously well trained pack can go very far.
Originally posted by Izod View PostWe have a strict no human parts in the mouth policy.
There's a few lines of thought on it, but apparently pulling back is seen as a sign as weakness, so we never pulled back. The rest of the pack have taught him how heavy to "bite." In all training having a previously well trained pack can go very far.Last edited by Greenmagick; 04-17-2014, 02:02 PM.
I know everyone will not agree with this for the nipping but after trying everything thing I chad read and researched I did the very last thing I wanted to do and I bite my 10 wk old back, on the ear and if he try's to nip or bite now and I say no bite and reach down like I am going to bite his ear he stops. I know it is strange but it has worked for me and my hubby.
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Never EVER hit or bite ANY dog...period
Its a great way to teach a dog to fear human hands coming at them. Its totally unnecessary. Its a horrible example to teach children. There is NO need to EVER hit a dog. (and yes "bopping" is hitting)
Training a dog is NOT about whether or not something works on the surface. Why it works is more important. Its about teaching a dog to coexist with us and to live with humans safely and happily. Its about learning each others signals and cues, wants and needs.