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Wrecking the door!!

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  • Wrecking the door!!

    I am trying to teach our pup not to scratch the door when she wants to come it. She is destroying it and we are getting a new one installed in a few weeks and I don't want her to scratch at it. What I've been doing so far is when she scratches, I open the door a small crack, firmly say no, then close it again. As soon as I hear her whine (she won't bark) I open the door and let her in. My problem is that her whine is really quiet so I don't think I'm hearing it right away. I can't seem to get her to "speak" on command.
    I was wondering if there is anything I can put on the door that will deter her from something she wouldn't want to touch (I know, not likely). Any ideas are much appreciated.


  • #2
    Well, you can get bells they hit to let you know they need to go in/out. Some of our local pet stores sell them here.


    • #3
      I never thought about using them for her to tell me when she wants to come in! I think I will try that!


      • #4
        FYI, you may be reinforcing her scratching by opening the door a crack. It shows her that bad behavior gets your attention -- even though you say "no!"

        Sorry, I go out and stay out with mine whenever they potty or exercise, so I don't have this problem. IMO that's a good practice for many reasons -- lets an owner nip stool eating in the bud, poop is scooped as soon as it falls, and it avoids boredom behaviors like digging and barking. Food for thought.....
        Lissa's furkids: Jupiter (RIP), Merlot (RIP), Savannah, and Poet
        Visit them at:
        AKC CGC Evaluator #9661 since 2003
        Feeding RMB since 2001


        • #5
          I didn't think that I might be re-inforcing it....but it makes sense. I always go out with her when she potty's (makes keeping the yard clean, way easier). But, as the weather gets warmer, she really likes to play outside with the kids and I can't/don't want to spend a couple hours outside with them.
          I will work on not reinforcing by opening it a crack.


          • #6
            We are having issues with getting Ry to speak on command.

            I can get him to do it if I bark at him first. I say "speak" "woof." He thinks it is funny but will respond. Then I give him a treat, and say "good speak."

            If I hear him speak and is not being annoying. I tell him good speak.

            It is probably not the best method....


            • #7
              lol...when I try to "bark" at her, she just looks at me and then cocks her head to one side!! I'm going to keep trying though.


              • #8
                Savanna does this too, but she is getting better with it ever since we began making her sit before she ever gets to come inside! Most times, we're out there with her, and when we walk up to the door, we say, "Sit!" -- now we don't even have to ask! We just look at her as we get up to the door, and she sits right down until the door is opened. It's helping with the jumping when she wants to come inside when we're not out there! We just say it from inside the house (sort of loudly, so she can actually hear us through the door!) and she looks around like, "Where is that noise coming from? I'm out here by myself! Oh well, better just sit anyways!"
                It'll definitely take some time before Savanna is perfect at it, but she's getting the picture! I hope it helps for you!

                (I do like the idea of putting the bell OUTSIDE the door as well! Duh! Wish I had thought'a that!)
                sigpic"Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are
                --Ann Landers


                • #9
                  try a bell they can hit with their paws. even try a door bell, they can hit with their paw or nose


                  • #10
                    You might not hear the bells when they are on the outside. Maybe try putting a clear carpet runner with the points pointing out. Should save the door and deter the dog.
                    ~Patty~ I have the right to remain silent; I don't have the ability.


                    • #11
                      Oh Patty,
                      I really like that idea!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by empm View Post
                        You might not hear the bells when they are on the outside. Maybe try putting a clear carpet runner with the points pointing out. Should save the door and deter the dog.

                        That would just be something new and fun for my dogs to chew on.


                        • #13
                          I go in and out with Millie as Joyable suggests, so I don't really have the problem on the back door. She knows to sit and wait. Our kitchen opens on to a deck and we have a problem with Millie knocking on the sliding glass patio doors.

                          If I go out the other door and come to her on the deck, the training opportunity is lost.

                          Most of her training involves treats (lures) and if I showed her a dog biscuit, it would only make things worse. Then I would have jumping on the door as well. How do I train her myself from the inside?

                          Even with my DH helping, there is no way to implement the element of surprise, ie. the water bottle.

