Milt was adopted from the humane society last July when he was 10 months old. I have worked with him to the point where he obeys me quite well. I have had some issues with him which are no longer a problem. I use NILIF with him also. He has turned out to be a wonderful boy who I am very attached to. He is great with the family and people that he knows, but if someone he doesn't know comes into the house, he will go after them, which unfortunately, I found out after the fact. Fortunately the person he went after had a heavy coat on and ended up with a bruise on her arm and no other damage. I reprimanded him, reintroduced him, while he was on lead and I had control of him and he was fine. This is what I've had to do since then with people he doesn't know well, just to be safe. I don't want to have to worry every time someone that he doesn't know well comes into the house. I think that he's being protective, which would be great if someone were a threat. I talked to my vet and she said that it's a fine line. How do I make him understand that he can't go after just anyone? In this day and age, it's nice to feel protected but I don't need to be protected from people that I know. Due to the winter, he really hasn't been out and around people. At this point, I'm even leary as to what he'd do. He was fine on lead with other people when I got him. I am signing up for obedience classes in the spring. I just hope that all goes well. Opinions and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
