Does anyone have any good tips for "Come" for a dane? Raven is 4 months old now and she's having trouble obeying it. I do the NILIF, praise (more than treats), etc. for her. But I've heard that they become a little 'stubborn' at this age in their early stage of life. My training so far has been off a leash in the front yard. But I've also done the rope\leash on her collar, make her sit and stay, and then walk away from her. Then I crouch down a little to make eye contact with her and tell her to "Come". Sometimes she does it, but when she doesnt I gently pull the leash to let her know that I want her to come. this works okay until she gallops past me
Other times she just ignores me completely, won't make eye contact, etc. What are some good things you've taught, used with your Great dane?
