What is it about the early morning for my 8month old, 80lb Lily? I know (think, hope) it is just a stage, but every morning it is the same thing...same verse. After the morning poop and pee outside she gets a treat. Good start. I make the coffee and prepare my 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and jelly. She sits by my side sort of patiently waiting for me to let her lick the knife. She loves it. Now the trouble starts. As I eat she sits on her bed watching me...then she starts to bark, bark, bark, bark.... I know what she wants, but won't give it to her. Then she comes to me and sticks her head up to the table trying to pry the toast away. It escalates to wanting to mouth then nip at me for attention. I think she really just wants the toast. Often, I have to get up and return to the kitchen area separating her by the gate I installed to keep her out.
Phase II begins here. Now she continues to bark, but the nipping becomes soft biting, when I return to my seat. Countless times I have to get up and go back to the kitchen quickly shutting her out as she tries to nip/bite at me. I wait several seconds for her to go back and lay down. I approach her then as she is being calm and nice, saying soothing things of appreciation that she is such a great dog. That lasts for about 5 seconds as I try to stroke her. She wants to go for my face! So round and round we go. After about half an hour of this she begins to ease up and calm down. She's a great dog. Anyone experienced the same thing? What did you do to keep your sanity?
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Morning barking and biting
Hello, this is a new question. I have 2 male Danes. 21 month old neutered and 15 month old not neutered. I’ve had the older one as a puppy and the 15 month old since 9 months old, they got long great right off the bat but lately they have been having arguments. Never real fights but I’m afraid it will escalate. Initially the older one was dominant but now the younger one is and I don’t like how nervous my original boy is. I’ve reached out to a trainer and gotten a doggie don’t device but I’m nervous. Any advice?
She could probably benefit from some activity to burn off her energy, but mostly I think she's just being a brat. Stop allowing her to lick the knife or demand any treats, and if I were you I'd be very firm about not allowing her in the kitchen.
I never had an issue with my younger two Danes but my youngest dog was similar to this. He is strong willed and always persisted in trying to get his way. I would correct him but not as firmly as I should have. Fast forward to 14 months of age and he was suddenly attacking the other dogs to guard toys, treats, and the human bed, and eventually even the whole bedroom. The he went after the cats, guarding any food related stuff he considered his. I quickly snapped into reality and put him on the NILF program and punished him much more firmly for misbehavior. I became his leader instead of a housemate.
Fast forward a few months and he's a great dog who respects me, the other dogs, and the cats. He was just a young punk who thought he was the leader and I had to get it under control to help him shine. This is the age when they test boundaries and it's important to gain control or they will continue to push your buttons.Last edited by Michelle L; 06-01-2019, 03:41 PM.
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Dogs do what works for them, behavior is reward driven... she is seeking attention and she is getting that attention ..she is being rewarded for her bad behavior...
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