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Housetraining trouble

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  • #16
    RE: Housetraining trouble

    sigpicLexi...Forever in my heart. 2005 - 2011


    • #17
      RE: Housetraining trouble

      >The Monster will be 5 months next week and he's barely
      >completely potty trained. Don't fret, you'll be picking up
      >piles and soaking up puddles for a long while, and that's okay
      >cause it's normal.
      >What�s the formula? They can hold is for 1 hour longer than
      >their age in months? That seems about right. At 2 1/2 months
      >even if you were to hoover over your little man every second
      >of the day, he will still look up at you and squat on the
      >You're doing fine, just keep your expectations based in
      >reality and buy the Natures Miracle by the gallon, (I prefer
      >the one with the battery operated sprayer.)
      >Wait until you get to 4 months and he thinks that all doors
      >lead outside, and on your way to bed when you finally think
      >he�s doing really well only to discover there�s a pile in
      >front of your bedroom door and a pile in front of the laundry
      >room door. Nothing is as frustratingly funny as that

      Oh my God, that's hysterical! Good idea about buying the power sprayer bottle of Natures Miracle, that's at the top of my to-do list now.


      • #18
        RE: Housetraining trouble

        I posted a similar question last week for my puppy Truman. Just to provide you some encouragement - after a full week we ended up with No accidents in the crate (poop or pee) for 4 days in a row. I'm sure we will continue to have some, but he really does seem eager to please. My puppy is 9 weeks old this week and now seems to be adjusting to the crate. I have a pet sitter coming in the mid-afternoon, but he is in his crate while I am at work. He is getting really good already at letting me know when he needs to go outside, even walking to the door and standing by it.

        I did alter his feeding schedule slightly which also seems to have helped. I feed him a morning meal 2 hours before I leave for work. I dont feed him mid-day when no one is home to take him out (but the pet sitter spends 45 minutes playing with him and getting his excess energy out as well as making sure he has plenty of water. I feed him again at 5:30 and then another small meal at 8PM. This way I am at home when he most needs to go out. I

        We had a lot of rain this weekend and he definitely DOES NOT LIKE his feet to get wet. He made that known and it took a lot more prodding to get him to go outside.

        Good Luck


        • #19
          RE: Housetraining trouble

          >I don't think that as a breed they are typically difficult to
          >housetrain. it may be the experience of some individuals but
          >certainly not the norm.
          >They are smart, eager to please and have large bladders. You
          >just have to be absolutley consistant.

          I will agree with you, it’s just when they have an accident it is much more noticeable then a small dog.

