Just wondering if it is normal for a 10 week old pup to try and hump an older 11 month olf dog? I know this is a way to show dominence, but should I allow it to happen or should I step in and stop it.
IN other words, my 11 month old is not real alpha like, but she is holding her own. She is hording the toys, argueing for couch position, and does not like me to have interaction with the pup without coming over and asking for attention to. It isn't real bad as of yet, but the pup does persist with her for toys ect. I feel he might have an alpha attitude, a natural one, unlie her who has been given it by being her first. I have read in books some that say we should let the dogs work it out, and some that say the older dog should be dominent. What do you all think? I mean it is not aggressive or anything, but it does happen a lot. It will 3 weeks with the new pup and i assume since he is getting bigger now and more steady on his feet and used to being here now, he wants to claim something as his. So far I have actknowledged my older dog first, pet her first, feed her first ect... but what if she lets him take over in doggie world? Is this something i can control?? Thanks
IN other words, my 11 month old is not real alpha like, but she is holding her own. She is hording the toys, argueing for couch position, and does not like me to have interaction with the pup without coming over and asking for attention to. It isn't real bad as of yet, but the pup does persist with her for toys ect. I feel he might have an alpha attitude, a natural one, unlie her who has been given it by being her first. I have read in books some that say we should let the dogs work it out, and some that say the older dog should be dominent. What do you all think? I mean it is not aggressive or anything, but it does happen a lot. It will 3 weeks with the new pup and i assume since he is getting bigger now and more steady on his feet and used to being here now, he wants to claim something as his. So far I have actknowledged my older dog first, pet her first, feed her first ect... but what if she lets him take over in doggie world? Is this something i can control?? Thanks