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What's in a Name?

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  • What's in a Name?

    Does anyone else go bonkers trying to decide on names for you dogs? I'm pretty picky... the registered name and call name have to go hand-in-hand. I'm having the worst time coming up with names! Even though I have a spreadsheet with about 50 call names and registered name ideas, suddenly, none of them sound good anymore.

    No, I'm not asking for name ideas. I don't want to be a name thief. Just wanted to complain about how difficult it was for a minute.

  • #2
    Totally!! I feel your pain in it all. I gave up and when I come up with something I like I keep track of it. I have quite the list going now all alphabetical as quite a few breeders register their dogs by the alphabet. Some will also do themes. Both my dane breeders went with alphabets.

    With Festus his registered name does not go with his call name at all drives me a wee bit batty when I think of it. He is a pet though so his registered name doesn't come up all that often. His registered name is *******'* ******* After Eight.

    Ginnie though, her registered name does go with her call name a bit so it is ok. Her registered name is **********'* Gold N Ginger


    • #3
      Yes! Totally! I didn't have a spreadsheet but I had a list on both of the Danes I did name. In the end I always like what I came up with but the process is taxing. God help me if I ever try to name a child!


      • #4
        I'm pretty sure my ex and I spent about 6 months trying to come up with a name for Finn. Maybe it's good that Asaah already came with a name lol. I also have a big list of dog names ready to go. If I get a spoo next year I already have one or two picked out and I'm pretty sure my breeder will let me pick whatever name I want
        Asaah ~ xxx Asaah LaLa, CGC, registered therapy dog


        • #5
          I have tons of names I like, but forget to write them down. Or I always have names for males but never females. So weird.
          ~ Lisa & Rupert


          • #6
            Peach's name came pretty organically and stuck as soon as it was uttered. We had been talking about getting a biggish boy dog, and Russell had jokingly said Bowser, and even though we both knew it wouldn't really be the name, we would refer to our theoretical dog in conversations as Bowser. When I sent him the first picture of Peach he exclaimed, "you found Bowser!" to which I replied, "actually, this is more of a Peach". And just like that, she was our Princess LOL. We've discussed sticking with a Mario theme (I could see us with a Daisy sister maybe?) but I have a few others too.

            Peach, merle Great Dane
            Born July 7 2014
            Peach & Emily!


            • #7
              I pick them and hubby names them. It is a good system


              • #8
                We have like name death matches around here lol. It gets rough. Ironically enough, both the dogs are MY dogs, but I didn't name either one. My daughter gave Fergus his call name from the movie Brave. My husband gave Eisen his call name because for some reason he decided we needed a dog with a German name. The stud dog owner suggested Ferg's registered name and we liked it so we used it. As for Eisen's reg name, I think I went through every song on my laptop, and when "Shadow on the sun" came on husband was like, "OMG that's it!" At that point I was over arguing so I just conceded lol. I'm pulling rank and naming the next dog though, and they can both kiss my butt. I don't care how lame my husband thinks my name ideas are.
                SC Dinnie Stone Guardian, CGC
                Eisen Shark
                C Shadows On The Sun, CGC


                • #9
                  It does not bother me if the call name has nothing to do with the registered name.

                  My first litter of Parsons, I intend on naming the puppies the registered name and then they can give whatever call name they want. Yes I will do that. I love my litter theme idea and I have the names picked out.

                  My dogs are about 50/50 on call names and registered name.

                  I have *** Diamond T Deacon (call name Smoochie)
                  *** Wild Wynd Rodeo (Rodeo)
                  *** Time Bandit (Bandit)
                  *** Matinee Idol (Redford)
                  *** Fury by Day (Kimber)
                  *** Tiny Dancer (Panda)
                  *** Basior Mysia Zaglada (Booshie)
                  *** To the moon and back (Karma)
                  *** Pandora Moon (Navi or Hairball)

                  Deacon - Harl born 2-10-09
                  Noodle - Black born 7-4-09

