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Peanut Butter with Xylitol

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  • Peanut Butter with Xylitol

    Saw this post on my Golden board and thought it was important enough to share:

    "Yikes! I was poking around a fancypants market today and found yummy-looking peanut butter. It's packaged as "all natural," and it's the kind of thing I totally would have purchased except that I'm an obsessive label reader. I turned it over, and one of the ingredients is xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.

    The brand is Nuts 'N More. Their products might be awesome, and maybe they're great people, but I thought I'd give everybody a heads up about the brand and about how important it is to read labels before you give something to your dog. "All natural" peanut butter is the kind of thing we would commonly share with the boys, so I'm really glad I read that label."

    Here's their website:
    Last edited by kwhit; 08-14-2014, 09:53 PM.
    Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB


  • #2
    "All natural"? Clearly not
    Mom to: Angel huskyx (3/15/2001), Lestat labx (12/1/2001), Mystra beaglex (04/01/2005), Merlin airedale (08/01/2012)
    RIP my loves:
    Isis (dane) (7/1/2005-11/5/2011), Venus (dane) (9/1/02-06/24/13)


    • #3
      "All natural" means nothing and is scam marketing to get people to pay more. Pretty much anything can be labeled as "all natural". Don't buy buzz words. This is just one example of many. Peanut butter should be just that, a butter made from peanuts. The stuff that gets put into it is ridiculous. If you look at your pb the ingredients should say "Ingredients: Peanuts." That's it. Forget dogs, even for humans. Basically, everyone needs to read the lable on everything they eat or any body product they use. If not then they are seriously jepardizing the health of themselves, thier family, and, in this case, thier pets. I'm glad this person realized this before it was too late. And I'm glad this got shared here to increase awareness and necessity of reading ingredient labels. You wouldn't belive the number of carcinogens, estrogenic endocrine disruptors, and neurotoxins that are in our food and daily body products. The madness must stop! /soapbox


      • #4
        Originally posted by gr8danlvr1 View Post
        "All natural"? Clearly not
        Actually it is. Thats the problem. Xylitol is a naturally occurring chemical from fruit fibers. Therefore it is "all natural". The peanut butter could be 1/3 sugar and be "all natural". "All natural" has nothing to do with how healthy or safe a product is. It's really sad how companies exploit this phrase to mislead the public and make more money imo.


        • #5
          oh dear... glad you did post this..... I don't give much but once in awhile when I make a PB & honey for the human kids I'll scoop a finger of the peanut butter and giggle while Titan licks his chops for a long time... we use all natrual I need to look at the label again!
          Mom of 3 dogs & 4 small humans
          Titan - GD
          Thor - GD RIP 12/28/13 6/1/14
          Finnegan - Mini Schnauzer
          Cookie - Mini Schnauzer


          • #6
            I can appreciate the warning, especially about the xylitol. However, this particular packaging does NOT claim to be "all natural". I'm not sure how the original poster thought this to begin with. In very large lettering, it tells you on the front of the jar that it is fortified with various things and NOT an "all natural" product but instead a fortified one.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Angel7292 View Post
              I can appreciate the warning, especially about the xylitol. However, this particular packaging does NOT claim to be "all natural". I'm not sure how the original poster thought this to begin with. In very large lettering, it tells you on the front of the jar that it is fortified with various things and NOT an "all natural" product but instead a fortified one.
              This is quoted from their site:

              "The result is the products being brought to market now – spreadable and incredibly delicious, all-natural, high protein peanut butters and almond butters that have 14 grams per serving, without any extra calories or fat. Simple and all natural! Nuts ’N More quickly expanded from fortified, high protein peanut butters and almond butters to other varieties such as Cinnamon Almond Raisin – all of which are all natural and fortified with whey protein and flaxseed. …Nuts ‘N More, the original high protein peanut butters and almond butters!"

              I'm confused...
              Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



              • #8
                Originally posted by kwhit View Post
                I'm confused...
                It's packaged as "all natural," and it's the kind of thing I totally would have purchased except that I'm an obsessive label reader

                I've looked at the jars. How is it packaged as "all natural", which was my initial point. I don't care what their web site says. Standing in a grocery aisle, that product doesn't say all natural. Why assume it was? It's fortified and makes that very clear on the packaging. Perhaps they use all natural stuff they are fortifying it with.

                Still confused?
                Last edited by Angel7292; 08-15-2014, 12:12 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Angel7292 View Post
                  I've looked at the jars. How is it packaged as "all natural", which was my initial point. I don't care what their web site says. Standing in a grocery aisle, that product doesn't say all natural. Why assume it was? It's fortified and makes that very clear on the packaging. Perhaps they use all natural stuff they are fortifying it with.

                  Still confused?
                  Why so harsh/confrontational? I just brought what I thought was important information about a potentially harmful product. Maybe the grocery store labeled it all natural in their display, I have no idea.

                  Whether it's labeled all natural or not, it's not a product to be given to dogs. That's the only point I was trying to get across.
                  Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kwhit View Post
                    Why so harsh/confrontational? I just brought what I thought was important information about a potentially harmful product. Maybe the grocery store labeled it all natural in their display, I have no idea.

                    Whether it's labeled all natural or not, it's not a product to be given to dogs. That's the only point I was trying to get across.
                    I acknowledged in my initial post that it is a very good warning, especially about the xylitol. I simply pointed out that it was NOT deceptive packaging that made the original poster think it was "all natural" as they had claimed it was, but instead it's clearly labeled as fortified. You responded back with web site quotes. I responded back explaining that I was going off the original text of what this person saw on the jar. But now I'm being harsh?

                    I give up! Whatever!
                    Last edited by Angel7292; 08-15-2014, 12:31 PM.


                    • #11
                      It is labeled All Natural, (look at the second picture on the left):

                      [ame=""] Nuts 'N More Peanut Butter, 16 Ounce: Health & Personal Care[/ame]
                      Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kwhit View Post
                        It is labeled All Natural, (look at the second picture on the left):

               Nuts 'N More Peanut Butter, 16 Ounce: Health & Personal Care
                        That is not a product shot shown on their web site nor in any of the google images available. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. I concede.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Angel7292 View Post
                          That is not a product shot shown on their web site nor in any of the google images available. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. I concede.
                          No's just that the guy that posted that on my other board is a total sweetheart and is always there to help anyone that needs it. I guess I kinda went a little "mama bear" when the content of his post was challenged.
                          Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB


