I agree with the below comments. Chase in particular is a heavier boned more substance puppy. His whole litter is big. It's just the bloodline he is doing wonderful with no health issues and his line just tend to be bigger and look more mature at a young age. My previous show pup had no bone and very feminine with no substance. I did show her in the puppy classes but she didn't do any good.
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Chase 5 months
What a great looking pup!
Originally posted by mersc726My baby boy Chase is now 5 months old and we are almost ready to hit the show ring. He is 29.5" and 115# I think this boy is going to be big.try already is lol. I just posted my petite Minnie Mouse turned 7 months yesterday and tipped the scales at 72lbs using the ever accurate weigh myself, then pick her up and weigh us together.
Originally posted by dn89lx View PostWhat a great looking pup!
Going to be?try already is lol. I just posted my petite Minnie Mouse turned 7 months yesterday and tipped the scales at 72lbs using the ever accurate weigh myself, then pick her up and weigh us together.
lol well yes I guess I mean a monster when he gets bigger. And what a cute name "Minnie Mouse";-)
Originally posted by mersc726 View PostTall is Titan now?
His rump is higher than his shoulders this week due to a weird growth spurtsigpic
Mom of 3 dogs & 4 small humans
Titan - GD
Thor - GD RIP 12/28/13 6/1/14
Finnegan - Mini Schnauzer
Cookie - Mini Schnauzer
Originally posted by Titan3151 View Postwe are 31-32" tall... wiggle worm we had a 33" tall cage and some days hes the same height at the top of the cage(standing next to it
His rump is higher than his shoulders this week due to a weird growth spurtsigpic Little boy!