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Dane slobbering--why is it so variable?

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  • Dane slobbering--why is it so variable?

    Well luckily neither Dusty nor Pearl are chronic slobbering droolers though Pearl will occasionally salivate heavily if she senses she is going to get a treat soon. Dusty can drink from the water bowl and then immediately stick her perfectly dry head on my lap to pet. Pearl on the other hand, will consistently distribute about 4 ounces of water anywhere her head goes in the first five seconds after leaving the water bowl. The floor, my lap, the counter, wherever. She may repeat this five or six times in one visit to the water bowl. Does anyone else have this isssue? Do you have any stategies? (Pearl is 2 and Dusty is 2 1/2).
    ~ Rob ~

  • #2
    pea drools when she knows there is a treat coming. ashley did the same thing. i have not seen bentley drool unless he is hot and has been running around and playing.

    gotta tell ya...when i first read the title of this thread, instead of "variable", i thought it said "valuable"' and i was thinking WHOA!! drool babies, drool!!!


    • #3
      Luna only really drools after drinking. I taught her to let me whipe her mouth with a towel. Now we keep one stashed in most rooms of the house b/c she LIKES having her drool whiped off, and will come and find us after she has had a drink of water.


      • #4
        Hudson is not a big drooler just when drinking. Thank gooness because I was worried he's got some big o' lips. Macee she never drools but she just turned 4 months today! May be a big drooler in the future but I hope not.
        Stephanie..... Owned by
        Hudson -2yr old GD
        Macee-16 month old GD
        Red- Forever will be missed!


        • #5
          My first dane only drooled when I had some cookie dough. My second dane drooled all the time but she did have very long lucious lips!! She didn't need anything in particular to make the drool appear, it was always just hanging. I wiped it a lot but mostly my clothes took the brunt of it!
          Eve, sweet couch potato DA GD, 2009-
          Louie, rescue cat, 2011-
          Jazz, sweet, loving GD, 2008-2010
          Max, BYB GD, 2000-2007
          Gabby, rescue Lab, 1998-2008
          Dusty, rescue sheltie mix, 1980-1992

