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"Couldn't you find one sooner??"

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  • "Couldn't you find one sooner??"

    Went to Petco today and as I was checking out, there was a beautiful Merle male Dane in front of me, and, of course, I had to check him out. And, as always, I mentioned that I was getting a Blue boy in a few months, that I would know in about a week and a half if the bitch was pregnant. The cashier then asked me "Couldn't you find a pup sooner than Sept.?" and I said "Well, I could but I don't want to line the pockets of a BYB. I want to support a breeder that is breeding to better the breed. I don't want a puppy born/raised in a barn. Nor do I want a puppy from parents that weren't health tested, shown to show that they conform to the breed standard or bred even if they had horrible temperaments." She looked at me like I'd sprouted a tail, had elephant ears and a pig nose.
    My Blog: My Fur-Real Life


    Wife to John, Mom to McKayla and Chris
    Owned by Katie and Rio

  • #2
    That will happen a lot.
    sigpic Cooper 2 years old
    "Turner" Great Dane DOB: 4/7/2008
    "Cooper" Great Dane DOB: 11/20/2010
    "Lady" Beagle DOB: 8/24/2009
    "Penny" Miniature Bull Terrier DOB: 8/17/2010


    • #3
      Oh Jenn!!! And yes, I am surprised you haven't run into many more people like that by now!! You find my balls?!!! LOL
      Last edited by THCdanes; 06-09-2011, 03:12 AM.

      Bree - 5 yr old Mantle Female (Rescued, Spayed)
      Brodee - 12 Month old Fawn Male
      "Divine Acres Time Well Spent"


      • #4
        The odd thing is... some people, no matter how well you artiuclate the legitimacy of breeding healthy, and standard pure... they will never accept that a dog should come from health tested, OFA, temperment tested, show sire/dam... no matter how many completely valid and logical reasons you give them...
        its like they're ingrained to believe that because so many 'mutts' are great dogs... that breeding mutts is ideal... its such an uphill arguement with nearly ALL people that aren't well educated and involved in the canine community.

        Unfortunately its an arguement and lecture I'm VERY accustomed to having with close friends that just don't/won't listen to logical reasoning on the subject.
        - Chris
        "Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal"


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mr. Walnuts View Post
          The odd thing is... some people, no matter how well you artiuclate the legitimacy of breeding healthy, and standard pure... they will never accept that a dog should come from health tested, OFA, temperment tested, show sire/dam... no matter how many completely valid and logical reasons you give them...
          its like they're ingrained to believe that because so many 'mutts' are great dogs... that breeding mutts is ideal... its such an uphill arguement with nearly ALL people that aren't well educated and involved in the canine community.

          Unfortunately its an arguement and lecture I'm VERY accustomed to having with close friends that just don't/won't listen to logical reasoning on the subject.
          In cases such as this, it's usually all about the money! The buyer doesn't see why they should spend $1500 when they could get it for $500. And human's usually want what they want & when they want it. People don't believe in waiting for the right time, until they have saved enough, researched what it is they want. They just want it NOW!
          Roxy & Ace


          • #6
            Originally posted by mistified247 View Post
            In cases such as this, it's usually all about the money! The buyer doesn't see why they should spend $1500 when they could get it for $500. And human's usually want what they want & when they want it. People don't believe in waiting for the right time, until they have saved enough, researched what it is they want. They just want it NOW!
            Absolutely... I always hear the exact same rationalizations...
            • All the best dogs I've ever had/met have been mutts...and all the purebred's were snooty and snippy. I want one more like the mutts...
            • I dont even want to the showdog thing... im not going to shows... why would I want a showdog?
            • Who cares if this 'rare', 'designer' nonconforming pup meets type or standard (they usually don't use that terminology), looks way more unique this way since it doesn't meet any type standard... and Im a Unique kinda person.
            • blah blah blah... thats about when I tune them out and realiz they're just going to do whatever they want anyway... so I just smile and nod.
            - Chris
            "Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal"


            • #7
              Even here at DOL many show up looking for a problem solver,a free education,an online trainer,vet or mentor and don't stay because with education comes responsibility.Those who are or buy from byb's and want to ask questions but refuse to learn from honest and direct answers.So happy to see some actually do the research,learn and do it right.Without those byb's I would'nt have had all the good "mutts"that I have adopted over the years,much as I love my mutts it would be nice to raise a dog that I picked,without the problems bred and trained into them.Until there are no more puppymills and byb's I'll keep picking up what they throw away.I pass the soapbox to you,welcome to the pig nosed,elephant eared monsters club.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mr. Walnuts View Post
                Unfortunately its an arguement and lecture I'm VERY accustomed to having with close friends that just don't/won't listen to logical reasoning on the subject.
                This is my Mother and most other family 100%

                The only other logical one in my family is my Aunt... She's been a dane owner ever since I was a kid.


                • #9
                  Honestly, I would have though that 3 years ago. I knew not to get a pup from a pet store but I thought buying from an add in the paper was OK.

                  Once you know better, you do better.

                  When ever people ask me about Cooper or Great Danes in general I always mention to get them a good breeder (and I explain what I mean by that).
                  Cooper at 4 months


                  • #10
                    This kind of reminds me of a situation I had several years ago when I was renting a home. My breeder required written permission from my landlord to bring a new dog into the home. The breeder rightfully did not want one of her pups going into a home that may or may not allow dogs and she didn't want one of her pups returned or dumped as a result. Well, when I went to the landlord and explained what I needed, he could not believe a person would buy a dog from someone that would require such a thing as landlord permission!!! I was more than a little surprised that he didn't understand, as he was a landlord.....After I spent a very long time explaining the reasons and that it was in his best interest as well as the puppy's and the breeder's best interest, he somewhat agreed.
                    (I now own my own home and don't need to deal with a landlord, thank Goodness)

                    Most people are just so used to buying a puppy, no questions asked out of the newspaper, that they are just shocked that there would be any stipulations to a puppy purchase....

                    My dogs may not be my whole life, but they make my life whole.



                    • #11
                      you know Sam, it isn't just people buying from BYBs. i've run into more than a couple of know it all bunny hugger types that were so positive they could train the work/hunting drive out of good hounds, curs, birddogs, heelers & collies. and they lose their minds when the dogs won't stop trying to hunt everything but especially the neighborscats. or well meaning nimrods convinced they could love/train/socialize the DA out of game bulldogs. then when the dog goes hot on the neighbors roaming, fight picking golden they are completely unprepared not just for the situation but to even live the responsible & careful lifestyle such a dog requires.
                      like you i'll always be able to find some dogs at the pound to join the pack in the woods. i've seen 3-6 month old hounds, curs & birddogs at the shelter because "they wouldn't hunt/tree." i know for a fact some of those have turned out fair big game dogs. had a buddy in NC go take 3 young hound pups from the county shelter that i told him about (he had had 3 good dogs wrecked by a big bear training in may). after spending a couple of months getting a good handle on the dogs and starting tracking training all over, he ran them one at a time w/ his two healthy dogs. by the time the season started in Oct he had 2 healthy experienced dogs, 1 wrecked dog recovered and ready to run and 3 young dogs chomping at the bit. by the end of the season people were offerring him real money for those youngsters. after that he started checking the pound when ever his pack took a hit for young dogs to bring on. all because some idiot didn't know how to handle the young hounds & didn't understand what was to be expected from them.


                      • #12
                        It is amazing to me that people are still so ignorant about BYB. Here in southern California there are so many fantastic groups of dedicated people who are trying to educate the public and I still hear the same questions We have a big mall in our neighborhood who has a store which sells puppies ( about 40 pups of all sizes and breeds ) One organization has a table just a couple of feet from that store to educate about BYB and puppy mills but the store is still packed !!!! The pups are really expensive but selling like hot cakes . When people asked me if I have been to that store I let them know that I refuse to go into stores who sells puppies ...........We then get into this big discussion that I don't know where they are from yadda yadda yadda........ It is frustrating !


                        • #13
                          Jennifer most likly she not a DANE Person! Some People just do'nt get it.
                          just get Ready for ALL Kinds of Comments ok. When you hear dumb things just Think!
                          OMEGA ! OMEGA ! and the Biggest Smile will come on your Face
                          I Bet you will Forget about the Negative!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by danelover1 View Post
                            It is amazing to me that people are still so ignorant about BYB. Here in southern California there are so many fantastic groups of dedicated people who are trying to educate the public and I still hear the same questions We have a big mall in our neighborhood who has a store which sells puppies ( about 40 pups of all sizes and breeds ) One organization has a table just a couple of feet from that store to educate about BYB and puppy mills but the store is still packed !!!! The pups are really expensive but selling like hot cakes . When people asked me if I have been to that store I let them know that I refuse to go into stores who sells puppies ...........We then get into this big discussion that I don't know where they are from yadda yadda yadda........ It is frustrating !
                            This wouldn't by chance be the Westfield mall in Valencia would it ?? I was there last week and saw exactly this !


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nzpatty View Post
                              This wouldn't by chance be the Westfield mall in Valencia would it ?? I was there last week and saw exactly this !
                              No, the store is at the shops at Mission Viejo.

