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#(*&#$kin' neighbor kid throwing eggs at our dogs

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  • #(*&#$kin' neighbor kid throwing eggs at our dogs

    Okay so a little back story... We bought our house last August and were so excited to finally own our own home. The week after we moved in we were out back with our dachshund, Toby, playing and noticed that someone had egged our fence. The way that the egg had cracked against the fence it was easy to tell which backyard they were thrown from. They have a teenage son so we decided just to keep an eye on him to see if anything happens again. A few days later DH and I are sitting in our living room (that has an entire wall of windows that face our backyard) with the windows open. Toby was in the backyard and all of the sudden we see him running like mad and barking. Brian stands up and sees several eggs come flying over the fence at Toby. He runs out in the backyard and starts yelling at the kid but he ran off and we heard his backdoor slam. So Brian went over to have a chat with his Dad. Guess what? No one would answer the door.

    So Brian called the PD to see if we could file any charges for animal cruelty since the point was obviously to hit Toby. They said that we couldn't prove that he was trying to hit Toby and since there was no property damage that a police report wouldn't be worth filing.

    Fast forward to about 2 weeks later. My husband walks outside one Saturday morning to get the newspaper and comes right back inside and just says "Follow Me". On our driveway someone had lovingly and meticulously spray painted a rather large ... uh... piece of male anatomy It was taller than me if I laid on top of it. They also spray painted some vulgar stuff on the side of our privacy fence that faces their house.
    PD called again, this time they came out and took a report. But they were reluctant to even go talk to the neighbor because we couldn't prove it was him. When they did the dad gave the whole "My kid doesn't do things like that" speal and acted so offended we would even think about this.

    The next night? My husband's work truck got egged.

    Long story short - we talked to some of the other neighbors and the kid has done similar things to other neighbors before. BTW .... since no one would do anything about this we left the large spray paint graffiti on our driveway until the HOA said something about it. Then we filled them in. Shortly after that the kid got shipped off to military school!!!Turns out he was selling prescription drugs at school. Dummy.

    Anyways...apparently school's out for the summer! Last night DH was checking the chemicals in the pool and dum dum from next door popped his head over the fence when he saw Brian and Brian saw him the kid dropped back down and took off running in his house. Brian climbed up on the fence and saw that he had dropped his arsenal of eggs when he ran. Later that evening, we heard the dogs going crazy while out to potty. Can you guess? Our yard was bombarded with cracked eggs and Olive even had muck all over her which tells me that he hit her.

    I am so livid right now. The PD really isn't doing much to help. I don't know if it's because we live in a small town and they just don't want to deal with it? Or if it's because maybe they know the dad? But I'm getting really PO'd. Brian wants to hide out in the back yard while the dogs are out playing one evening and as soon as he starts launching eggs pop him with the bb gun. While it would be entertaining, I really don't want to sink to this boys level (and possibly get in trouble for shooting a minor!!!).

    Any suggestions? Sorry for the lengthy post...

    ETA: We live in a very nice neighborhood that is only about 5 or 6 years old. I guess I could understand this a little more if we lived in a bad part of town. Bah.
    Last edited by lisa.gayle; 05-31-2011, 05:32 AM.
    Wife to Brian
    Mommy to 3 skin kids - Kaleb (6) and twins Ben and Ella (3) - and Olive, Great Dane (2)!


  • #2
    Seek out an attorney and see what your rights are against this harassment. Set up video cameras and a start a paper trail. Write a letter stating your issues with their child and send it via certified mail. Document everything. It may not be enough for a criminal case, but you can probably go after them civilly.

    In the meantime, Don't leave your dogs unsupervised for any time in the yard.
    In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

    Visit Poke's Facebook Page

    Member of the GDC of MD.
    Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.


    • #3
      I agree set up a video camera. That way you will have proof for the police. Let it record several incidents not just one.


      • #4
        So sorry for your situation! My first thought was never leave the dogs unattended & buy video cameras, just like others stated. You can also buy a hunting camera, they have a motion sensor on them & will take a pic if anything moves. Please keep us updated!
        sigpic Brenda
        RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
        Presley 8/96 - 11/06


        • #5
          I agree with everything Deb said - particularly the part about not leaving the dogs unsupervised. Throwing eggs could easily escalate into something more serious, and being struck by an egg is traumatic enough for a young dog. You could easily end up with behavior issues related to this, such as a fence reactive adult Great Dane (scary)!
          Misty, Leonidas (Dane), and Valor (Pomeranian Mix)
          Current 52 Photo Project:


          • #6
            Ugh, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this...

            Dolmod gives good advice, especially the certified letter (have a lawyer help you draft it - want to make sure there is nothing in there that can come back on you). Once they sign for it, that counts as evidence and you have help building a case.
            And as much as it sucks, for the time being you will have to go out with the dogs every time they are in the yard. And then find lots of fun places to go with them - good for your stress too
            Sending you good wishes that this gets resolved quickly and with minimal disruptions to everyone involved.
            Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
            - Anatole France


            • #7
              I'm with everyone else. Get a camera, take some videos. Have DH hide out with a video Camera while the dogs are playing and catch him.

              Sounds to me like Military School isn't helping this kid!


              • #8
                Thank you to everyone who responded! My husband is going to stop by Lowe's on his way home from work this evening and get one of those cameras that we can have fed to our TV so we can watch and record from inside if anything happens. He wants to set one up in the backyard and in the front yard.

                The certified letter is a good idea. I'm going to make some calls today to see about speaking with an attorney and finding out what can be done.

                And to the OP that suggested going fun places - we usually take the dogs to get snocones a couple of times a week. Oh yeah... the kids get to go too! Olive isn't old enough to go to the dog park yet, just a few more weeks. But I also work at Camp Bow Wow so Toby gets to go to work with me. They also require 4 months of age at minimum so Olive hasn't been able to go with me either yet. But in just a few weeks they will both have somewhere fun to run out their energy at least 4 or 5 days a week.

                I also agree with only going out with them supervised. I'm leery to even let my 4 year old play outside without me out there with him! Normally we let him play out there since I can see him at all times with the windows open, but I'm not taking any chances on anything anymore.
                Wife to Brian
                Mommy to 3 skin kids - Kaleb (6) and twins Ben and Ella (3) - and Olive, Great Dane (2)!



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cas View Post
                  I'm with everyone else. Get a camera, take some videos. Have DH hide out with a video Camera while the dogs are playing and catch him.

                  Sounds to me like Military School isn't helping this kid!
                  Nope, it sure doesn't sound like it to me either! Hey hiding out with the camera is a great idea. I actually hadn't thought of that. DH was just going to go buy some to mount outside. But I bet if Brian popped out from behind the pool or something with the camera and the kid knew he was caught in the act he'd probably his pants!
                  Wife to Brian
                  Mommy to 3 skin kids - Kaleb (6) and twins Ben and Ella (3) - and Olive, Great Dane (2)!



                  • #10
                    Sounds like someone's going to be an inmate when he grows up.

                    You've received great advice--hope you all can stay sane until this is resolved.


                    • #11
                      That's horrible! We had some rotten neighbors at our old house, but not that bad...although their kid was still young when we left. Glad we won't be there during his teen years. Crummy neighbors are the worst.

                      Best of luck to you.
                      Foto Danes

                      Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC CHIC


                      • #12
                        This is just a horrible situation for you. I lived next door to a teenager years ago and I caught him shooting a BB gun in the direction of my Akitas that were in a run in the back yard. I called the cops and they immediately put a stop to it. On another occassion, I wasn't able to prove that a kid was harrassing my dogs, so I got a few teenage "friends" of my dogs to "Deal" with the kid in question....never had another problem. Sorry but drastic situation needed drastic solution...I never asked and never knew just what was said or done to the either.
                        I wouldn't recommend your hubby shooting the punk with a BB gun though. he is the one that would end up behind bars....
                        I pray the cameras deter the punk.
                        Good luck, Kathy

                        My dogs may not be my whole life, but they make my life whole.



                        • #13
                          what an awful situation for you to be put in!!

                          obviously, you weren't serious about the bb gun thing but i will just say IF you took that course of action, chances are YOU would end up behind bars and believe me, jail food sucks! i'll also say, i don't know this from personal experience but i work for a defense attorney and most of the calls i get from inmates at the jail are when they want to complain about the food!

                          here is what i would do...go ahead and document everything you can in writing up to the present time. take it (don't mail it, TAKE IT) to your county prosecuting attorney's office. ask for whichever attorney there deals with juvenile matters. i don't know how old this kid is but it's possible there have been prior complaints filed against him and those should be on record. you cannot view them yourself because juvenile stuff is sealed by the court but the prosecuting attorney's office will be aware of any previous problems with him.

                          good luck! what a sucky situation!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Charlene View Post
                            what an awful situation for you to be put in!!

                            obviously, you weren't serious about the bb gun thing but i will just say IF you took that course of action, chances are YOU would end up behind bars and believe me, jail food sucks! i'll also say, i don't know this from personal experience but i work for a defense attorney and most of the calls i get from inmates at the jail are when they want to complain about the food!

                            here is what i would do...go ahead and document everything you can in writing up to the present time. take it (don't mail it, TAKE IT) to your county prosecuting attorney's office. ask for whichever attorney there deals with juvenile matters. i don't know how old this kid is but it's possible there have been prior complaints filed against him and those should be on record. you cannot view them yourself because juvenile stuff is sealed by the court but the prosecuting attorney's office will be aware of any previous problems with him.

                            good luck! what a sucky situation!!!
                            You're right. We were joking about the BB can always dream how good that might feel to pop him right in the butt. Thanks for the advice. We're going to do a combination of all of the advice we've been given. Starting with hooking up cameras in the backyard and front yard. DH is going to run by the hardware store on his way home from work this evening and we're going to try to place them discreetly so he won't know we've got surveillance. I think DH may also hang out a couple of evenings this week with our handheld video camera hiding behind the pool or in the treehouse or something. We'll let the dogs out so the moron thinks they are out alone and then hopefully DH can catch him in the act. I've been documenting everything that has happened since the beginning. I have a word document on my computer that has the dates and times of every single incident (not just the ones including the dogs) and also the dates and times we have contacted the PD and who was spoken with and what was said and what the outcome was. My MIL works at the county courthouse (and has for about 25 years) so she is going to speak with one of the prosecutors to see where we need to go what course of action needs to be taken since obviously the police are not helping us out.

                            I'm also sending a certified letter, as someone else mentioned, to the kid's father. Letting him know the exact issues we've had and that things are continuing. That way he can't say we never tried to talk to him about it. We have tried, but they never answer their door when DH goes over to talk to them.

                            Thank you everyone for the suggestions. I am being very careful with the dogs (and our kids) and not letting anyone out unsupervised. I hate that it has to be this way for now because I cannot spend all day in the backyard...even though I'm sure they all wish I could. But I'm hoping that a resolution happens soon.
                            Wife to Brian
                            Mommy to 3 skin kids - Kaleb (6) and twins Ben and Ella (3) - and Olive, Great Dane (2)!



                            • #15
                              Sounds like you have a great plan! Hope you can get the problem under control so all your kids can have fun in their own back yard!!
                              sigpic Brenda
                              RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
                              Presley 8/96 - 11/06

