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Rain or Shine: 10 Ways to Engage Your Dog Indoors

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  • dolmod
    started a topic Rain or Shine: 10 Ways to Engage Your Dog Indoors

    Rain or Shine: 10 Ways to Engage Your Dog Indoors

    Dogs need exercise, regardless of the weather. In snow or rain, they still need mental and physical stimulation. That said, there are certainly some days where the weather may be too hot, too cold, or the precipitation too blinding to exercise your dog as you might otherwise like. On these days, it's helpful to have on hand a variety of ideas for ways you can provide your dog with boredom relief in the comfort of your own home. Here are a few ideas you may find helpful!
    Last edited by James-dol; 11-21-2017, 02:18 PM.

  • kathe1945
    We r new Dane owners my husband was out in the rain taking Trinity potty he turned on the water hose to clean her paws and she went crazy,running and jumping all through the rain and mud. Clean up was simple we just played in the grass then dried her with a towel. She went in and she fell asleep. Good in any weather.
    Last edited by kathe1945; 04-03-2013, 08:15 PM.

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  • Jewelz
    I love this post. Kodi and I play hide and seek with my 4 year old daughter, Annie every day. They both love it, and Kodi has gotten quite good! I tell Kodi seek now any time during the day and she will run to Annie. I love my girls

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  • JasonRohde
    Originally posted by isa aldawolfa View Post
    OK, with winter here, cabin fever sets in for everyone, including our fur kids. I figured now would be a good time to post on some ways to relieve that boredom.

    How To Play With You Dog and a Laser Light Properly

    First, Realize that some dogs are obsessive, and will never be able to play with a laser light. Some dogs (and cats from my understanding) will continue to search for the blasted light for days after. I am going to give tips on how to prevent this from happening. However, if your dog just doesnt get it, please stop playing with a laser light.

    Now, you have a LL. You have a dog. You have open space. You have treats handy. Lets have fun.

    Introduce the light without turning it on. let the dog sniff if, but not take it. Say "done" or whatever command you use to end a game, and put the light away. VERY IMPORTANT - put the light in the same exact spot every time. We have a drawer it goes into.

    After doing this, the next day, do it again, but this time after showing the light off, turn it on... and WATCH OUT!! they seem to forget anything else except "get that light". Tons of fun and hilarity (Ever seen a dane try and reach the ceiling? )
    Now, you are ready to end the game. Be close to where the light will stay when not in use. Nonchalantly Drop a treat on the floor then shine then have the light go to the treat. When the dog snatches the treat Turn off the light. Give the "done" command. Make sure the dog sees you put the light away. (VERY IMPORTANT) seriously, i cant stress enough, make sure they see that light go in the same spot it will stay.

    The first time or to the dog may still look for the light after you end the game. If the dog doesnt get it after a couple times, prolly not a good game to play. However, if they DO get it, its a great way to burn off energies inside. I started this with Isa as a pup, and now when i say "play with the light" she runs to the drawer and is giddy as a little kid while I am getting it. we also no longer have to use treats to end the game. and she never looks for the light after it is put away. but if you open that drawer, and DONT pull out the light, she pouts,

    So... what games do YOU play?

    living in ohio i love this idea I will have to try this game this winter i have done it with cats but never tried with a dog

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  • enzosmom
    Here is mental stimulation. It works with Enzo (well sorta he just knocks them all down)

    1. Treat under a cup. We have plastic cups and hide a treat under one. Then ask one of the dogs to find it.

    2. Hide the kong. I have 4 HUGE kongs that I fill with food and seal with some peanut butter (other people do yogurt inside and then freeze the whole kong).
    Then if I know I am busy all day and can't get outside to walk I hide the kongs and have the dogs find them. The reward is trying to get all the goodies out. =)

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  • BigLittleSmall
    Not one of mine even pay attention to the laser light I bought. I was very dissapointed.

    The fish, however, love it lol.

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  • Michkendo
    We live in a rain forest - so going out in the rain usually isn't a big deal unless it's raining really hard and sideways. Mister doesn't even like to go out to on those days and the DH will hold an umbrella for him so that will
    We make sure there are no vehicles in the attached garage. leave the door open and toss favorite items out the door for a decent game of 'fetch' - while Mister is running to get the item, we run and hide - he will happily fetch and hunt for a long time

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  • DaneFolly
    Great post! Can't wait to see what everyone has to say. When the energy levels get too high and we can't go out we just do a long trick training session (boooooring).

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  • isa aldawolfa
    How to: A Cabin Fever Reliever

    OK, with winter here, cabin fever sets in for everyone, including our fur kids. I figured now would be a good time to post on some ways to relieve that boredom.

    How To Play With You Dog and a Laser Light Properly

    First, Realize that some dogs are obsessive, and will never be able to play with a laser light. Some dogs (and cats from my understanding) will continue to search for the blasted light for days after. I am going to give tips on how to prevent this from happening. However, if your dog just doesnt get it, please stop playing with a laser light.

    Now, you have a LL. You have a dog. You have open space. You have treats handy. Lets have fun.

    Introduce the light without turning it on. let the dog sniff if, but not take it. Say "done" or whatever command you use to end a game, and put the light away. VERY IMPORTANT - put the light in the same exact spot every time. We have a drawer it goes into.

    After doing this, the next day, do it again, but this time after showing the light off, turn it on... and WATCH OUT!! they seem to forget anything else except "get that light". Tons of fun and hilarity (Ever seen a dane try and reach the ceiling? )
    Now, you are ready to end the game. Be close to where the light will stay when not in use. Nonchalantly Drop a treat on the floor then shine then have the light go to the treat. When the dog snatches the treat Turn off the light. Give the "done" command. Make sure the dog sees you put the light away. (VERY IMPORTANT) seriously, i cant stress enough, make sure they see that light go in the same spot it will stay.

    The first time or to the dog may still look for the light after you end the game. If the dog doesnt get it after a couple times, prolly not a good game to play. However, if they DO get it, its a great way to burn off energies inside. I started this with Isa as a pup, and now when i say "play with the light" she runs to the drawer and is giddy as a little kid while I am getting it. we also no longer have to use treats to end the game. and she never looks for the light after it is put away. but if you open that drawer, and DONT pull out the light, she pouts,

    So... what games do YOU play?

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  • Brittany-Mooie&Token
    That is a great article! Thank you for it! I think we are going to try out the nosework routines

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