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"Rescuing" from a byb

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  • "Rescuing" from a byb

    Originally posted by Carolyn View Post
    <<Please buyers........if you really want to RESCUE a pup..........go thru a reputible rescue!!!! NEVER, EVER give ANY amount of money to these kinds of HORRIBLE only keeps them in "business".
    Carolyn made a great point here and I thought it needed its own thread. Maybe I'm just fed up in particular today, but I just have to say this.

    Thank you for hitting on one of my biggest pet peeves... people who claim to have "rescued" a pup or dog by purchasing from a byb. This gets my blood pressure up every time. You did no such thing! You funded another litter, another pup that will likely have the same issues, another broken hearted owner who loses their dog too soon or accumulates high vet bills over the years.

    You felt bad? Sure. You wanted to get the pup out of there? I can understand that. You are committed to helping this pup anyways? Fair enough. But there is no rescue involved. You bought a pup from a bad breeder is all.

    If you truly want to make a difference now, take what you've learned and get out there and educate. See what your local laws are to make this byb's life difficult. Volunteer for rescue. Foster, transport, donate to shelters. Talk to everyone you meet about it, especially people who are thinking about doing the same thing. If you went through it, tell your story all you can. It's up to you to make a difference now if you really regret your decision, regardless of buying the pup or not. As the old saying goes, put your money (and time and effort) where your mouth is.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...
    *~Molly and Oakley~*


  • #2
    Agree 100%.

    BYBs don't care WHY you bought that pup...they just care about the $$$. Whether you bought the puppy because you just couldn't stand to leave it in those conditions, or maybe you just didn't know any does not make a difference to the person who cashes your cheque.

    A lot of people ask what would happen to the puppies if they weren't all given good homes. Well, they would be turned into rescues and hopefully the BYB will realise that breeding is just not worth it, and they'll close up shop. Some pups may be euthanised, yes. But maybe euthanasia is kinder than a life of who knows what. Oftentimes, a BYB will also surrender their breeding stock to the vet or to rescues and that means a nice retirement life for those dogs as well.

    In order to stop the BYB process, you have to think long-term. YES, many pups will be "sacrificed" (that's not really the right word) but in the long run, it will have been worth it.
    Katie & Scarlett


    • #3
      Thank you for this thread! It is a great point, and I get the question all the time - someone eventually will buy the pup, might as well be me, I'll give him a good life. While the sentiment may sound noble, the logic is all flawed.
      Someone doesn't always buy the pup. The people who bred Breez were a good example of what this economy can do to caual breeders IF WE STOP GIVING THEM OUR MONEY. They realized how hard it was to unload the puppies, and not only turned the last pup in to rescue, but the breeding pair too! Sweet dogs, still fairly young, they were spayed, neutered and have the rest of their lives to live spoiled and loved. Even if the dogs end up at the pound, they'll at least get fixed before they're adopted back out.

      (For DPU ) Money = R+ which increases the likelyhood that the behavior will continue.
      DON'T give BYB ANY positive reinforcement for their behavior!!!!
      Last edited by ouesi; 10-28-2009, 05:48 AM.
      Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
      - Anatole France


      • #4
        Whenever I hear about someone "rescuing" a BYB puppy I think about the breeder down the road from us. I know her dogs are mangey. Other than that I can't say anything about the conditions because I've never seen them. I have heard things about her that indicate she only cares about her dogs if they are making money for her. I think about people who may go there and think they are "rescuing" a puppy from her. They probably aren't there a month later when the sign is back up on the road because she has another litter. They aren't there fostering one of the puppies she sold that had been living in a barn its entire life. That "rescued" puppy is doing great in a good home but the other puppies and its parents aren't!
        Duds and Miles 5- and 6-year-old fawns, Smudge (terrier mix); Bobke, Fig, Olive, Albert (cats); Einstein (African Grey), Rocky (Amazon Parrot).
        RIP Willow 12/95 - 04/04, Maia 03/05 - 10/11, Maverick 11/07-10/14, Spencer 05/06-12/14
        Upper Midwest Great Dane Rescue Volunteer


        • #5
          I want to point out that at times, rescues DO have to pay puppy millers or byb's a fee for the whole lot of their dogs if they want to take them into rescue, because often, the greedy people just want a buck off their dogs, no matter how small the amount may be. The rescues buy the dogs, in other words. I've been involved in a rescue that had this happen. The puppy miller was closing and didn't care what was done with the dogs, so long as they made some money. Feelings on this?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Saint and Mal mom View Post
            I want to point out that at times, rescues DO have to pay puppy millers or byb's a fee for the whole lot of their dogs if they want to take them into rescue, because often, the greedy people just want a buck off their dogs, no matter how small the amount may be. The rescues buy the dogs, in other words. I've been involved in a rescue that had this happen. The puppy miller was closing and didn't care what was done with the dogs, so long as they made some money. Feelings on this?
            I think it's a small price to pay if the BYBer is offloading pups so they can close up shop.
            Katie & Scarlett


            • #7
              My moms husband didn't get their pitbull from a real rescue. But we still say that they rescued him. He had gone to a "friends" house and saw that they had a litter of pits. And there was Dude pretty much starving to death with a homemade crop. He took him away and told the guy that he would beat his @ss if he tried to stop him from taking him. So really he kidnapped the dog. I would have done the same thing. And let me add there is no such thing as a free dog...they end up costing you hundreds if not thousands in the end. But Dude now has such a strong bond with the family...its like he knows we rescued him.


              • #8
                Re: rescues buying dogs/pups

                I think that rescues are a different story than individuals buying a pup. Most of the rescues I know won't buy a dog. The exception I've seen is when the breeder is willing to fully give up EVERY dog in their operation, otherwise they will just continue with the other dogs they have. If the breeder is being put out of business unwillingly, usually animal control is involved and the dogs come in that way. Most of the rescues I know, however, will not ever buy a dog under any circumstances.
                *~Molly and Oakley~*



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Saint and Mal mom View Post
                  I want to point out that at times, rescues DO have to pay puppy millers or byb's a fee for the whole lot of their dogs if they want to take them into rescue, because often, the greedy people just want a buck off their dogs, no matter how small the amount may be. The rescues buy the dogs, in other words. I've been involved in a rescue that had this happen. The puppy miller was closing and didn't care what was done with the dogs, so long as they made some money. Feelings on this?
                  I don't know a single legitimate GD rescue that will purchase a dane from a breeder.
                  In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

                  Visit Poke's Facebook Page

                  Member of the GDC of MD.
                  Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.


                  • #10
                    Our rescue refuses to work with breeders at all, if we are contacted about a litter we must have the mother as well so we can assure she is spayed. We will not pay for a dog, ever though. Of course there are more pit bulls in shelters than there are leaves on trees, so it is always more worth our while to pull them from shelters.


                    • #11
                      I agree with Deb 100%!

                      I have never heard of a legitimate rescue paying any amount of money to a "breeder" for their dogs.
                      Wouldnt that be defeating the purpose?
                      Divine Acres Great Danes
                      Divine Acres The Legend "Bruce" 5 1/2 months old..5th generation of DA Danes!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ouesi View Post
                        (For DPU ) Money = R+ which increases the likelyhood that the behavior will continue.
                        DON'T give BYB ANY positive reinforcement for their behavior!!!!

                        I agree, I use to think the same way. You may save this pup but who will save the next???
                        sigpicShannon and Floyd.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dolmod View Post
                          I don't know a single legitimate GD rescue that will purchase a dane from a breeder.
                          Although not a one specifc breed, the Wisconsin Humane Society purchased the largest puppymill operation in the US, lock, stock, and barrel. Although very contraversial, I applaud them for making a difference.


                          • #14
                            Sorry Virginia and Carolyn, but I will not be saddled with the ultimate responsibility of this. I am not willing to sacrifice any dog that is living where I can make a difference in the dog's life. It goes against why I rescue, rehab, and rehome. The buyer is the least person that can be controlled with respect to making personal choices and how they wish to spend their own resources, why always target them.

                            It would be a better idea to target those groups that can actually impact the situation. Don't provide the choice for the buyer. Follow the chain, breeder-broker-petshop-products-consumer. Breeders, all breeders can be better organized and structured. So many professional group are self governing why can't the breeders. Within the petshop, the stores are loaded with food and item products, why not a campaign to boycott those products. Just a couple of things that can be worked on but I am sure there are many more.
                            Last edited by DPU; 10-28-2009, 09:44 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DPU View Post
                              Although not a one specifc breed, the Wisconsin Humane Society purchased the largest puppymill operation in the US, lock, stock, and barrel. Although very contraversial, I applaud them for making a difference.
                              I also don't equate a Humane Society organization being the same as a rescue. In fact, and I'm sure that I'll tick people off with my comment, BUT Humane societies seem (to me at least) to be leaning toward the PETA playbook.
                              In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

                              Visit Poke's Facebook Page

                              Member of the GDC of MD.
                              Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.

