Originally posted by Carolyn
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Thank you for hitting on one of my biggest pet peeves... people who claim to have "rescued" a pup or dog by purchasing from a byb. This gets my blood pressure up every time. You did no such thing! You funded another litter, another pup that will likely have the same issues, another broken hearted owner who loses their dog too soon or accumulates high vet bills over the years.
You felt bad? Sure. You wanted to get the pup out of there? I can understand that. You are committed to helping this pup anyways? Fair enough. But there is no rescue involved. You bought a pup from a bad breeder is all.
If you truly want to make a difference now, take what you've learned and get out there and educate. See what your local laws are to make this byb's life difficult. Volunteer for rescue. Foster, transport, donate to shelters. Talk to everyone you meet about it, especially people who are thinking about doing the same thing. If you went through it, tell your story all you can. It's up to you to make a difference now if you really regret your decision, regardless of buying the pup or not. As the old saying goes, put your money (and time and effort) where your mouth is.
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