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Opinions please...

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  • Opinions please...

    Chance and Lucy are EXTREMELY close. I'm in the position, finally, to add a Dane to my family, (after 12 years ). But...I'm worried that my two will push another dog to the "outside" of the pack. My two like other dogs, (although Lucy is VERY bossy ), so I'm just wondering how it went when those of you that had two dogs that were "joined at the hip" added another to the group.

    Chance actually "chose" Lucy at a rescue event we had at my store, so I knew they would be close and I'm glad they are, but just a little worried about adding a puppy to the mix.
    Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB


  • #2
    Jonah was my one and only dog for 3 years before I added Steeler. He was very attached to me and was used to being spoiled. He didn't like Steeler at first but once he realized Steeler wasn't going anywhere....he grew to accept it. Now, after almost a year of having them both together, they are the best of friends and Jonah doesn't want to go anywhere without Steeler.

    I didn't have any trouble with attacking or anything. They got in "arguements" but I kinda just let them work out their own differences. It worked for me. maybe someone with more dogs in their family could give you ideas if they don't get along.
    sigpicSteeler and Kelly

    He is your best friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
    You are his life, his love, his leader.
    He will be yours faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
    You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


    • #3
      Our Eli came along when we had Mel and Gobi who were thick as thieves (and just as bad). They didn't exactly welcome Eli with open arms, they weren't mean, just not inclusive. Eli seemed fine with it. Joined in when it suited him, and hung by himself when it didn't.
      Now we have Bates and Breez who are younger and in to everything, and Biko who is pushing 10 and not in to puppy antics. Biko is perfectly happy to sit on the porch while the other two zoomie across the fields. In the house they all lay down together, eat together, but as soon as the wrestling starts, Biko goes to another room to get his quiet time. He seems perfectly happy with the arrangement.
      I think, just like people, similar ages, energy levels and personalities gravitate towards eachother. But unlike people, I don't think dogs worry about "fitting in" quite like we do LOL!
      Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
      - Anatole France


      • #4
        I had my boxer for 3 1/2 years before Gunner came along. Tiger took 5 minutes to cover that little puppy in slobber....guess he tatsed good? They are inseparable now...took no time at all.

