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  • I'm on Facebook as well - just joined this past weekend.


    • Other peoples Facebook friends...

      Has anyone ever started a fight with a"friend of a friend" over a dog issue? I know I should probably keep my mouth shut but it is so frustrating.

      They are asking for support to appeal their dog being labeled a dangerous dog by the city. The dog was outside with no leash and ran up and attacked a small, leashed dog and left a puncture wound in its neck that required veterinary care. Ten months later the dog, again outside not leashed or confined, runs up and trys to attack the same dog again. In the owners words "THE VERY SAME DOG" as though it is the fault of the leashed dog and their owner. She also stated there was "no way" she was going to comply with the 12 requirements the city has for having a "dangerous" dog.

      My dogs will sometimes bark and growl when an unleashed dog runs up to them. I can guarantee if a dog had run up and attacked one on my small dogs it would not have ended well for that dog. People should be able to walk their dogs in peace. Even if your dog is friendly mine may not be!!

      I needed to vent!! Was I out of line or would you have said something too??


      • Print the fb status and conversations and take it to animal control as evidence if you feel so strongly. People need to be responsible for their dogs actions and the next time it could be a child

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Nitro- Female Mastiff x Dane - July 3, 2010 - July 27, 2013 (RIP Sweet Girl)
        Moose - Male Great Dane - June 3, 2011
        Rush - Male Great Dane - April 8th, 2015 (MBPIS MBPIG Can. GCH Group Placing Paquestone's Intense Rush)


        • Too bad the owners can't be labeled as dangerous to the city.

          It bothers me in places where there is a leash law, and I see dogs off-leash. Leash laws are in place because incidents occurred that warrant them. If your dog is well-trained, it should be trained to be on a leash. If your dog is off-leash, it is disrespectful to me and my dog. It is also dangerous and illegal. Permitting your dog to run at large is inexcusable. As TMedic mentioned, the next time it could be a child. The dog could also get hit by a car. These laws are in place to protect people, dogs, other animals, and property.

          I looked it up, and this is the law in WI:
          174.042  Dogs running at large and untagged dogs subject to impoundment; penalties.
          (1)  Dog running at large.
          (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a dog is considered to be running at large if it is off the premises of its owner and not under the control of the owner or some other person.
          (b) A dog that is actively engaged in a legal hunting activity, including training, is not considered to be running at large if the dog is monitored or supervised by a person and the dog is on land that is open to hunting or on land on which the person has obtained permission to hunt or to train a dog.
          (2) Untagged dog. A dog is considered to be untagged if a valid license tag is not attached to a collar which is kept on the dog whenever the dog is outdoors unless the dog is securely confined in a fenced area.
          (3) Dog running at large or untagged dog subject to impoundment. An officer shall attempt to capture and restrain any dog running at large and any untagged dog.
          (4) Penalties. If the owner of a dog negligently or otherwise permits the dog to run at large or be untagged, the owner shall forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $100 for the first offense and not less than $50 nor more than $200 for subsequent offenses.
          History: 1979 c. 289; 1983 a. 451; 1999 a. 50.

          I would not support those people.
          <, and Stef
          What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Macho Cheese!!


          • Dogs should never be unleashed. This is a huge pet peeve of mine.
            Some of you may recall my post last December, regarding Mona and an uleashed dog. I am still upset over that event and it has made me very cautious.


            • IMO -- starting a fight on facebook will solve what? You will have a person angry.... online. If they are that firm on how they feel you are not going to convince a friend of a friend online that they are wrong in their stance (chances are low anyways).

              Like I said, I would print out the status and any arguements that person has had. It shows that they're not going to comply if their dog is labeled dangerous (which after two attacks... I'd tend to agree even if it IS the same dog). An attack is an attack.

              It technically is evidence against them. If they're not willing to keep their dog on a leash and they're not willing to follow dangerous dog guidelines.... they have brought anything that happens on to themselves and unfortunately the dog. Like I said, if you feel strongly I would take the fb conversations to animal control. If they want to see it online you can show them as well.

              The only place my dogs are allowed off leash is out in the bush around here (although a leash would have helped Nitro not get skunked a few months back.... ahhh retrospect). Yes, I have had my dogs off leash at the dog beach or at the dog park but that is it... nothing in town.
              Nitro- Female Mastiff x Dane - July 3, 2010 - July 27, 2013 (RIP Sweet Girl)
              Moose - Male Great Dane - June 3, 2011
              Rush - Male Great Dane - April 8th, 2015 (MBPIS MBPIG Can. GCH Group Placing Paquestone's Intense Rush)


              • Drives me up the wall when I see people with their dogs offleash in an onleash area, because I KNOW that if it were Castiel off leash (which he would NEVER be because there are too many parking lots, streets and places where cars drive for he him to be), I'd have a dozen people down my throat because I have a "dangerous dog off leash". But it's perfectly fine for a jack russel mix, those little fluffy designer dogs, and anything below knee height, to be off leash around here.
                I can't count the amount of times I've had those little ankle bitters come flying up to Cas, yapping their fool heads off at him. Cas either doesn't give them the time of day (Because he can't hear them) or woofs back. The second he takes a step forward (more...a step infront of me), the owners panic and scream for their little fluffy to come back! I'm sorry, you're dog came out of no where, yapping and snarling at me. For all you know, Castiel could be a service dog and you could be charged with you're dog attacking. (And don't even get me started on the amount of unfixed males around here.... Holy jesus it would make you're head spin!)

                As the others have said, print it off, or email a screen shot to you're local AC.


                • Sorry, maybe fight was too strong of a word. There were many comments in support of this woman and I commented that the dog should have been on a leash, even more so after the dog attacked the first time. This woman tends to be very passionate and, at times, unreasonable when it comes to animal issues. After me several other people also commented that the dog should have been on a leash was this problem was due to the owner. No comments yet from the owner so maybe, hopefully, she will realize she needs to take the necessary steps to prevent this dog from injuring anyone again.

                  I now live 1700 miles away so I am not sure if the Animal Control there can take information from me and if it is my place to contact them. It just seems to be she is not taking this seriously and placing the blame everywhere else... "it's just that dog" "it's Because she has pit bull in here" etc.


                  • New Facebook page

                    Rescuing Dizzy really gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to get more involved. I've filled out a few volunteer aps at rescues and my local humane society. I am also going to be donating my free bags of dog food, treats, and canned flats to rescues. I have also realized that there are several people who are not familiar with the rescues in their area. SO...I decided to start a facebook page dedicated to strictly referring and supporting reputable rescues, low cost spay/neuter clinics, and trainers, etc. I will be contacting each recommended place to get their permission first. If the places are okay with this, they can also post their needs/wants to support their rescue. This is a new adventure for me, and I'm really hoping it turns out well. The new page is:
                    ~ Erin ~
                    "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe." - Simon Sinek


                    • I think this is a great idea!


                      • This is great!


                        • That is so awesome!!!! I liked you so I can follow if you need any help, just let me know
                          sigpicAngie- Titan's mom


                          • This is a great idea! Love it!

                            *heading over to "like" you*

                            Kiizhik-LabXRotti (1999-2012) R.I.P. baby girl.
                            Gimaakwe-LabX (2004-
                            Deaglan-Dane (May 2008-Feb 26, 2016) RIP My Sweet Boy.
                            Jadzia-Dane (2010-
                            Gallagher-Irish Wolfhound (Dec 4, 2016-


                            • Originally posted by Cannaid View Post
                              This is a great idea! Love it!

                              *heading over to "like" you*
                              Ditto. Thanks for doing this!
                              <, and Stef
                              What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Macho Cheese!!


                              • Thank you everyone! In less than 24 hours, I have 29 "Likes" (last time I checked), and I've also received 35 e-mails! My "WOW factor is off the chart right now!

                                Angie - I might be taking you up on the offer in the near future!!
                                ~ Erin ~
                                "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe." - Simon Sinek

