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  • Unbelievable

    Merle and I were out for our usual morning walk today and we bumped into a friend of ours and her German Shepherd that is also very into training her dog. We were walking and talking and along came this woman with some type of Pointer puppy (maybe 4 months old or so?). I have seen the dog before and have noticed that they often take the dog out to potty off-leash, which in addition to being unsafe for the dog is also against out condo association rules. As the woman got closer, she laughed and said, "Oh, I couldn't find her leash this morning!" Upon closer inspection of the dog, to my utter dismay, this lady had tied a PLASTIC GROCERY BAG around her dog's neck and was using this as a collar for the dog!!!!! We immediately pointed out to her the danger of doing this, and her response was "You people in America are so uptight about your dogs!" and stomped away (well, tried to stomp away - it is hard to do so when you are leading your four month old puppy with a grocery bag).

    I am hoping that I see her again within the next few days when I am not having to wrestle with Merle so that I can talk to her and maybe help her see how dangerous it is to a. have your dog off-leash and b. tie a plastic grocery bag around her neck.


  • #2
    Wow!! Is this woman for real?!
    Katie & Scarlett


    • #3
      Go to the dollar store and buy a nice little collar and a leash, then offer them to her, something like, I know what it is like, my pup likes to take my leash too, but you can have this if you'd like, maybe then she'd smarten up and be a responsible dog owner.


      • #4
        that's crazy, or should I say she's crazy?
        What Tucker's up to now:


        • #5
          Wow...that is nuts! I can't believe her comment. NO Sh** we are crazy about our dogs. Why have a dog if they are a nuisance! What a moron! on her!
          sigpicDenali and Meiji --Unconditional Love--

          RIP MacKenzie...I love you!

