Just got done watching the movie 'Seven Pounds'. That mantle was so beautiful he looked computer generated.
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seven pounds
That was a good movie, but my favorite part was definately the Dane!Melisa, Bentley and Ella
CH Divine Acres Livin' in the Fast Lane "Bentley"
Divine Acres Busy Being Fabulous "Ella"
Originally posted by earlsmom View PostJust got done watching the movie 'Seven Pounds'. That mantle was so beautiful he looked computer generated.If you ever get as far east as Pittsburgh, we'd love to have ya over for a burger--for you AND Earl.
i also liked the movie... and loved the dane... but, what i do not like is the fact that they (hollywood) reinforced the idea that danes only live to be about 7. This concept, which I also believed for a long time, needs to be addressed to the general public. The only reason that 7 is the average is primarily because of bad breedings and bad food. Although there life span is limited because of their size and health issues aassociated with the breed, from what I can tell, an average life span for a well bred, well fed, and well taken care of dane is between 9 - 12. It is only because so many die at a young age, primarily due to bad breeding, bad food that the average drops drastically.
Am I correct in this thinking?sigpic A dog has the soul of a philosopher ~ Plato
Originally posted by isa aldawolfa View Posti also liked the movie... and loved the dane... but, what i do not like is the fact that they (hollywood) reinforced the idea that danes only live to be about 7. This concept, which I also believed for a long time, needs to be addressed to the general public. The only reason that 7 is the average is primarily because of bad breedings and bad food. Although there life span is limited because of their size and health issues aassociated with the breed, from what I can tell, an average life span for a well bred, well fed, and well taken care of dane is between 9 - 12. It is only because so many die at a young age, primarily due to bad breeding, bad food that the average drops drastically.
Am I correct in this thinking?sigpic
-Classic & Zuma-
Originally posted by Titan_87 View PostWell seeing as though the dane in the movie was a vegetarian.... I'm sure he won't live that long!!! (No offense intended to you that are vegetarians...)
I do believe that a dog can be perfectly healthy on a properly controlled vegetarian diet (I have seen the proof of this) - definitely better than thea lot of ppl feed. but it does need to be monitored closely... and if it is not natural, not medically necessary, and there are excellent kibble out there, why go through the headache ? I mean dogs are carnivorous... but, to each there own
sigpic A dog has the soul of a philosopher ~ Plato
I just saw that movie too. My best friend was on a heart transplant list before she died so it really hit home. The Dane was cool but I agree, vegan doesn't seem all that realistic. Vegetarian, maybe (there are always eggs and milk products), but not vegan. What do they give the dog for protein? Nuts and soy?Julie
Duds and Miles 5- and 6-year-old fawns, Smudge (terrier mix); Bobke, Fig, Olive, Albert (cats); Einstein (African Grey), Rocky (Amazon Parrot).
RIP Willow 12/95 - 04/04, Maia 03/05 - 10/11, Maverick 11/07-10/14, Spencer 05/06-12/14
Upper Midwest Great Dane Rescue Volunteer www.thegreatdanerescue.com
Originally posted by Danewillow View PostI just saw that movie too. My best friend was on a heart transplant list before she died so it really hit home. The Dane was cool but I agree, vegan doesn't seem all that realistic. Vegetarian, maybe (there are always eggs and milk products), but not vegan. What do they give the dog for protein? Nuts and soy?sigpic A dog has the soul of a philosopher ~ Plato
seven pounds
I have seen the movie 3 times, and it is really a good movie, I don't like the part where they say that they only live for 7 years also.
In fact a friend of mine wants one so bad, but does not want to get one because they live such a short life.
I know how much we all hate the horse comments and saddle etc etc. But, when I saw it in the theatre, everyone laughed when the guy that owned the motel said that is a horse.. Ok, so that was kind of funny in a cute way. I like when they had Will Smith say let me know when you get a horse policy.
That was a very beautiful Danesigpic "To err is human, to forgive, canine." – Unknown
Susan & Gibson
Originally posted by sminturn View PostI have seen the movie 3 times, and it is really a good movie, I don't like the part where they say that they only live for 7 years also.
In fact a friend of mine wants one so bad, but does not want to get one because they live such a short life.
I know how much we all hate the horse comments and saddle etc etc. But, when I saw it in the theatre, everyone laughed when the guy that owned the motel said that is a horse.. Ok, so that was kind of funny in a cute way. I like when they had Will Smith say let me know when you get a horse policy.
That was a very beautiful Danerather them pay attention to her than me!
sigpic A dog has the soul of a philosopher ~ Plato
Well thanks Veronica! I was going to ElPaso a lot but this past week and for I don't know how much longer I'm working for Walmart out of CasaGrande AZ. I run around AZ and SOCAL delivering groceries and come right back. Its great money unfortunately its all nights and I'm too tired to do anything with Earl during the day. I dropped him off at day care Fri. so he could hang out and play and have some fun all weekend. I sure have missed him though and I can't wait to pick him up today.
If I go back out that way I'll let ya know!sigpic