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am i crazy?

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  • am i crazy?

    so today me and my pups are on a walk minding our own business, and out of no where come 4 or 5 little girls under the age of 10, i immediately put both dogs at a sit and stay and they minded just fine but if i had aggressive dogs i feel this could have ended badly for the girls. Am I crazy for marching over to their parents and telling them off for not teaching their children not to run up on dogs they dont know?
    Matt Brinkman
    Bailey GD 3/18/08
    Sphinx GSD 2/1/09

  • #2
    I wouldn't say crazy by any means!
    sigpicGreat Danes are like potato chips you can't have just one! Jessica & Romeo


    • #3
      I don't know why parents don't teach that. My girls know to ask first before approaching a dog. Then hold your hand out for the dog to approach and smell. Do not reach for the dog.
      The Mel Mom
      3 awesome kids (20, 12, 8)
      Hogan and Nikki my Great Dane Duo
      Savanna the old lady Rat Terrier
      Mollie - the rolly polly Pug
      Huey and Isaiah - the AristoCats


      • #4
        Far from it. I highly doubt had a dog so much as nipped one of the girls that the parents would not be the first to blame said dog and owner. Not take any responsibility for lack of educating their children.


        • #5
          First of all, kudos for you for having control of your dogs!
          Secondly, I think we all have a responsibility to educate children (our own or others!) on proper dog etiquette. Their families may not have dogs and their parents may not know any better. My daughter is almost 2 and is afraid of no dog, probably because she spends her days with 2 Great Danes. My husband and I are going to have a challenge in explaining to her and teaching her that all dogs aren't as sweet as hers, and that she needs to be cautious and careful.

          Kids want to learn- tell the girls themselves if you see them again! Just let them know that your dogs are nice, but not all dogs are and that it's not a good idea to run up to strange dogs...always address the owner first.

          And I would probably talk to the parents too, but not accusing them. They may not know any better either. People are dumb.
          ~ Jill


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jill View Post
            First of all, kudos for you for having control of your dogs!
            Secondly, I think we all have a responsibility to educate children (our own or others!) on proper dog etiquette. Their families may not have dogs and their parents may not know any better. My daughter is almost 2 and is afraid of no dog, probably because she spends her days with 2 Great Danes. My husband and I are going to have a challenge in explaining to her and teaching her that all dogs aren't as sweet as hers, and that she needs to be cautious and careful.

            Kids want to learn- tell the girls themselves if you see them again! Just let them know that your dogs are nice, but not all dogs are and that it's not a good idea to run up to strange dogs...always address the owner first.

            And I would probably talk to the parents too, but not accusing them. They may not know any better either. People are dumb.
            I second to what Jill said.I know it could be upsetting for you to feel like YOU should have to teach dog etiquette..but children really do want to learn and If their parents didn't show them a great person like youself would have a good impact on them regarding dogs.


            • #7
              not crazy at all.. i have two girls, 8 and 5, and the oldest has always been high energy, so when she was small she used to run up to strange dogs all the time, and it scared me everytime! at the local park here theres a dog park, and so we started going there to practice their manners with other dogs. theyve learned to walk up slowly, ask the owner, and then approach the dog on it's level with an open hand before petting them. just about every dog owner is appreciative when they see that. i think its something everyone should teach their kids.


              • #8
                I was just like your oldest. I would run up to dogs and want to pet them and love them without any fear. It would drive my mother crazy cause she taught me better but I seemed to loose my mind when a dog appeared. I eventually got bit on the arm and I remember my mom appologizing to the dog owner and looking at me and doing the I told you so speech. Unfortunately, I didn't learn to be any more cautious till t was much older and it sure didn't temper my love for dogs. My little sisters are much better and my mother never misses the chance to remind me :p


                • #9
                  You are not crazy at all! I would have done the same thing to those children's parents. I have a friend who through no fault of her own, as her dogs are rescues, has two aggressive dogs and therefore muzzles them while out on walks. She has very very good control over them but they will start to go bonkers when children run up to them (she warns said children but they still do not head her advice) or when off leash dogs run up to them and she gets the typical "oh he's friendly" however hers are not so much. People need to get better educated. When I was in elementary school, every year we had the police come into an assembly at the beginning of the year and stress about safety, one of the things that I remember is they brought a police dog in and also stressed dog safety and how to properly approach a dog and TO ASK THE OWNER PERMISSION if it was ok to pet the dog. I don't know why this isn't taught anymore......


                  • #10
                    Nope, not crazy, kudos to you! I actually just had this conversation with my sis and brother in law and we just worked on proper dog etiquette with my nephew. Some people don't have dogs or think about it, and some people are just plain asinine. When I hear about dogs being put down because it bit a kid I always wonder "what did the kid do?"
                    sigpic A dog has the soul of a philosopher ~ Plato


                    • #11
                      well i am glad to hear that i am not crazy, i guess the thing that upsets me the most is when i got over there to talk to the parents they wanted to act like they didn't speak English, no dice for them i am not fluent in spanish but i can speak enough to tell them to watch their kids and tell them not to run up on any dog.
                      Matt Brinkman
                      Bailey GD 3/18/08
                      Sphinx GSD 2/1/09


                      • #12
                        I would just like to interject that for some children a dog is just irresistible.. I got very lucky as a child, no matter how many times i was scolded or spanked or told no.. i would still go up to people and their pets. I eventually grew out of it, but it was a constant heart attack for my mother.

