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A WARNING For Anyone That Takes Their Dog To Doggie Daycare

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  • A WARNING For Anyone That Takes Their Dog To Doggie Daycare

    First, I don't know if I am allowed to post this. If not, Deb and Paul I apologize. Please remove it.

    I am so upset. I hope I make sense-if I don't please understand that right now I am still in shock.

    Well most of you know I loved the fact that Ava was exhausted when coming home from doggie daycare at XXXXXXX (a chain that offers boarding/doggie daycare). It was really helping burn her energy.

    Some of you know I wasn't thrilled with the owner. Something wasn't right. It was obvious she wasn't dog savvy and that really concerned me. I heard stories from my friends and family that were able to view her all day while I was at work on the petcam available in the play area only. I could not view her because I was blocked at work.

    Not only was the owner not very dog savvy but something was 'off' about her. Odd? Don't know if I would call it that. There was something I didn't like about her besides not knowing a whole lot about dogs. I just couldn't pin down what was bothering me about her.

    Last night when I picked Ava up I caught what I thought was a whiff of booze. Her eyes were always red and I thought she *may* be medicated-possibly heavily medicated. She had only been going for a week but I was watching and listening (to what others had to say) very carefully.

    This morning when I dropped Ava off the owner came outside. That was odd. Almost as though she didn't want me in the building. Once again, I thought I caught a whiff of booze. Last night and this am I tried to smell her breath. But I just wasn't sure. I almost thought it was her perfume, but was leaning towards liquor.

    Well I went to pick Ava up tonight at XXXXXXXX and what I saw was horrifying.

    I pulled up with Chandler and Roscoe. I knocked on the glassfront door and looked in. Sue (the owner) was hunched up with her head down in a waiting chair. Her unaltered Mastiff (another thing I didn't like), Hannibal was sitting there with her-just looking at her.

    After I knocked, Sue got up and came to the glass doors. Looked THRU me as if she didn't see anyone. Her face was covered in blood. My heart sank. She completely turned around and left. Went thru the steel doors and closed them.

    A worker comes around from the back of the building. Eyes as big as saucers when she saw me. I said WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I thought Sue had been mauled by a dog. Honestly, her own dog. Her dog has ZERO training and runs the show.

    The lady (Sherri) would not say anything. She let me in and told me to stay in the front office. I thought to myself like hell I am. I wanted to know what was going on, how and why! Obviously with Sue's face being covered and I mean covered in blood something horrible had happened.

    I followed Sherri to the play area. There were dogs running loose! I was about to freak on them both. Sue the owner ran to another room. I kept speaking to her and her eyes were rolling around and she was swaying - barely able to stand

    I said I am NOT leaving until one of you tells me what is going on. Sue walked away. I looked at Sherri and said is she DRUNK!? She said yes.

    Now picture dogs running loose and a drunk that cannot even speak with her face covered in blood. I almost had heart failure. I told Sherri that I knew it! I knew something was not right but I could not figure it out. It all made sense now.

    This place is not only a daycare but a boarding facility. There are many other dogs there besides the ones you see in the play area. Imagine a 100lb woman that is so drunk she cannot stand and her eyes are rolling taking care of your dog. I thought I was going to puke right there on the spot.

    I called 911 and got the police and fire dept out there. Apparently, this has happened before. They actually let her stay there to care for the dogs. I left but Sherri called me. She got everyone fed, pottied and kenneled for the night. I left after the fire dept got there. Chandler was traumatized and Rossi was in the van. Oh and a couple of times Ava almost got loose when Sue opened the door. Did I mention this place is off 17-92-a main highway!

    I kid you not this woman's face was covered completely in blood and cuts. Apparently she had fallen. Well I can tell you she fell more than once. There were cuts and blood everywhere on her face. Blood all over the floor, rugs, etc. It was awful.

    I got home and emailed and left a message with the President/CEO. I had better hear from him. If not, I am calling the news stations, reporting this to the BBB and I will tell anyone and everyone that will listen.

    I feel bad for this woman. She is an alcholic, BUT she is caring for my dog. My dog that I love like a family member. She is caring for a lot of dogs. I am horrified for the people that have dogs there for boarding. The dogs that need meds or have special needs Actually, I am horrified for ALL the dogs. I am tempted to stand out front on this major highway and hold up a sign. I am that upset.

    Meanwhile I paid over 317.00 dollars last week. I paid in advance. I demanded a partial refund tonight AFTER I told Sue she need help. I told her I would not leave until I got a refund. She wrote me and check and honestly I don't see how she was coherent enough to do so but she did. She literally could not form a word. It was the absolute drunkest I have ever seen someone.

    You guys...this was so horrible. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I wanted to cry. I feel terrible that I had Ava with a woman that was so neglectful

    I want to add that the President/CEO of XXXXXXX knew of Sue's problem. He was aware that this has happened before and also knew that the paramedics have responded to her business before due to her condition. It is my understand that the last time she was even worse.

    I guess my point is if you ever have a funny feeling about someone that is caring for your child or pet please go with your gut and get them out of there. I just feel horrible.

    What if that had been my Daphne there? What if she had fallen? Who would have 'been there' for her to help her What about all the older dogs that are being boarded there? What about the dogs that need meds? Did they get their meds? Did the owner remember or was she too drunk? I feel horrible that I had to leave knowing all those dogs were there.

    edited to add: Sherri had just gotten there. Sue was alone with these dogs all day. Sue was drunk and called to chat with Sherri and Sherri flew up there. She told Sue to stay in the back when the customers came to pick up their dog but Sue was too drunk to listen.
    Last edited by admin; 12-13-2008, 01:04 PM. Reason: forgot to add something

  • Tonka'sMom
    WOW this is just unbelievable I just can't believe she is still able to run this's so great you're going to be getting the word out, people in your community really need to know that they're putting their animals in danger and don't even know! Thank God for people like you, giving animals a voice when they don't have one of their own

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    I want to post these. I'll take her name out. She was on valium and drinking. She was Baker Acted in one of the reports. God I'm pissed!
    One I cannot even open to view and the rest on 10-08-08, 10-27-08, 11-03-08 and my call on 12-12-08.
    Last edited by DaphneandRoscoe; 12-22-2008, 09:46 AM.

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    OMG! I just got the reports. I have only read one so far, but UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! One I cannot open because it is in .doc format. The others are pdf. Can anyone open this other one for me? Send me a pm with your email and I will forward the reports.

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  • AWAaviatrix
    Originally posted by DaphneandRoscoe View Post
    Thank you Susanne. Trust me a lot of the agencies want to do something but cannot.

    I just found out there were three other instances besides mine on 12-12-08. There are a total of three reports, plus my call. The Records Dept. will be emailing me copies today by 3:30. I'll print them and pass them out to all the vets, dog parks, etc in the area.

    Remember....she just opened in September, 2008
    Anyway you can post the reports online on someones website? Eventually when someone does a search for dog care in your area or this woman's business name they should come up too.

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    Thank you Susanne. Trust me a lot of the agencies want to do something but cannot.

    I just found out there were three other instances besides mine on 12-12-08. There are a total of three reports, plus my call. The Records Dept. will be emailing me copies today by 3:30. I'll print them and pass them out to all the vets, dog parks, etc in the area.

    Remember....she just opened in September, 2008

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  • Susanne
    Hey Michelle,

    I want to know that you are a HIGHER VOICE for those that don't have one and a person that won't take this laying down until something is done. I’m sure a lot of people on here are very proud of you right now, because I sure am. I wish more people could step up and speak out.

    Like Judge Judy would say, you can't do anything until something happens, but can't you charge her for public drunkenness, reckless endangerment of others since she is running a public business and service to others? Just a thought.

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    Thank you Patty. I really care about animals and children. I hate to see someone mistreat animals and me, she mistreated Ava and all the other animals by not being there physically or mentally. I paid her to care for and watch my dog...along with all the other people that left their pets there in her care

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  • empm
    Michele, I admire your diligence. Animals don't have many people being their voice. All I can say is thank you, and I don't mean it to sound trite. It's heartfelt. Thank you.

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    Originally posted by Littlefirebird View Post
    What's kind of scary is that AC can't do anything until something happens. Does a dog have to be seriously injured or die in order for someone to take notice? I just don't get it.

    Pretty much

    The good thing is a lot of agencies are watching her. A lot of others are complaining too. She has really given herself quite the name in the few months she has been open.

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  • Littlefirebird
    What's kind of scary is that AC can't do anything until something happens. Does a dog have to be seriously injured or die in order for someone to take notice? I just don't get it.

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  • Mom2Dori
    Oh my gosh Michele, you are such a trooper! What a mighty task you are undertaking! I cannot believe that the AC can't see what a danger it is to these is the threat of danger not enough?

    Good luck and keep us updated...

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  • DaphneandRoscoe
    Originally posted by jondawn View Post
    what if you sat outside in the parking lot and told the people that drop or pick up their dogs what is happening? some probably have no idea. if people don't go she will be forced to go out of business!

    sorry you had to go through this and thank you for going forward and not backing down!

    I'm planning on doing that. I want to get the copies of the police reports first-I'll pass them out. Seriously, I plan on doing as much as I can.

    I've lived in this area since the 70's and I know a lot of people.

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  • jondawn
    what if you sat outside in the parking lot and told the people that drop or pick up their dogs what is happening? some probably have no idea. if people don't go she will be forced to go out of business!

    sorry you had to go through this and thank you for going forward and not backing down!

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  • joshandjulie
    WOW!!!what a horrible story. I hope I never come across someone who has no respect for an animal that only has one mission in life.....TO LOVE!!!

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