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A WARNING For Anyone That Takes Their Dog To Doggie Daycare

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  • #31
    Thanks! They don't scare me I haven't done ANYTHING wrong-THEY HAVE!

    Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne) urce=otm&utm_medium=text_url
    Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by DaphneandRoscoe View Post
      Funny though...they want to sue They don't want me talking about it! lol I'm wondering if they know they can be sued for negligence and putting my dog and all the others in a dangerous situation-KNOWINGLY PUTTING THEM IN A DANGEROUS, NEGLECTFUL SITUATION???? There is a record of the last time it happened. I'm not thru with this.
      I'm so gald you did something about this...

      wait do they want to sue the lady or who???

      And actually their actions were reckless not negligent because they knew there was an actual risk involved and ignored it by continuing to let her work there which is worse, negligent just means they didn't act reasonably to ensure things like this dont happen because there might be a risk(just in case you want to let them know what they did wrong)

      The only thing that sucks about stuff like this is that there may not be much that can be done against Preppy Pets the main company b/c its a franchise so the lady owned it they didn't. Although I could be very wrong about this, makes me wish I took Business Organizations this semester instead of waiting till next semester.

      It would be nice if there were laws that made this lady's behavior criminal, but even then good luck finding a DA who would be willing to prosecute someone for actions against an animal.

      If only more ppl felt the way we do about our babies...
      Last edited by artellez; 12-14-2008, 08:17 PM. Reason: spelling...its been a long day
      *Amy & The Boys*
      Polydeuces "Deuce" 2yr old Dane --
      Austin 1 1/2 yr old Golden --


      • #33
        All I have to say is WTF???? What an insane situation! All those poor pups... Poor Ava and Chandler! I feel terrible that you were in that position, but so glad you were there to put a stop to it! Keep us updated!
        Capone & Sookie


        • #34
          Holy cow Michele! I haven't been on in awhile so I just saw this thread! What a mess! I'm so glad you went with your gut and put an end to a horrible situation. You go girl!




          • #35
            No end to it...she is STILL up there alone! I went there again this am. A couple people went up there on Sat and she was the only one there caring for the dogs It is like nothing happened! UNBELIEVABLE! I'm going to contact some more agencies today.

            Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
            Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


            • #36
              I can't believe she is still there! I'm glad you are such a deligant, caring person! Hopefully this will all be over soon. I can't believe they are talking about suing you! Give me a break.
              sigpic Brenda
              RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
              Presley 8/96 - 11/06


              • #37
                This is absolutely crazy as well as being incredibly sad. They are probably talking about suing you just to scare you. I can't see how they could have a leg to stand on since you spoke of what you yourself witnessed not just what you heard from other people. I am glad you spoke up. Unfortunately, it sounds like people won't take this too seriously b/c it is "just dogs" like they aren't important. I hope you get someone to listen to reason about this. It is very serious. Keep us posted.


                • #38
                  I for one am appalled at the callousness of the business that allowed...and continues to allow...this irresponsible woman to be in charge of people's beloved pets. Do they not realize that pets are not property with a cute collar attached, but living, breathing creatures that are a fundamental part of their owners' lives? That allowing an employee to drink on the job (which would be intolerable in any other job) smacks of disrespect toward the customers who have entrusted those beloved pets in their care and keeping?

                  Michele, it's interesting how they told you they 'fired her'....since she's the franchise owner then their reply to you should have been a cancellation of her franchise agreement, right? It's an answer that at this point I would be wondering were the truth or an attempt to placate me.

                  Last edited by wouldluv2haveadane; 12-15-2008, 10:37 AM.


                  • #39
                    Actually it was 'terminated'. We'll see what happens. Like I said I am NOT giving up.

                    Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
                    Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


                    • #40
                      WOW I am just absolutely dumfounded?!?!?! I just do not understand how people can turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff?? What, just because it's "just a dog" means it isn't as important?! That's bull! They took on the responsibility of caring for your pet in the best possible way when they opened their doors, if they can not continue to uphold that standard, then something needs to change. Like some others have said, it's sad that many people just do not have the same regard for animals being a part of a family like we do I do not get how this woman was permitted, and still is, to watch over these poor animals! Like you said earlier, Michele, are they getting their meds etc. if she's consistently passing out on the floor behind the desk? This is unbelievable and it's good to hear that you are not letting this go. Thank God Ava is ok! I would absolutely FLIP if I saw Tonka in the conditions that you and your poor son saw.

                      Keep going and let us know what happens! I hope that the news stations and newspapers decide to run this story, I think it is so important for people to know these things! And what would be the basis of the law suit against you?! You are in no way slandering them, you are simply telling the truth and helping protect all the pets you can. If anything THEY should be the ones getting sued! UGH this is just unbelievable. I'm so infuriated
                      Not so sure of his new baby brother's stroller going on our walk - March 2013


                      • #41
                        One of the big news stations called my house today. I've got a call (left a message) with the reporter to call me back. Maybe he will do a story on this.

                        She is still there running the place

                        Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
                        Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


                        • #42
                          I'm sure this is a real money-making time of the year what with folks going away for Christmas and boarding their dogs. I hope this gets resolved before anything serious happens. Does she check vaccination records of boarding/daycare dogs? A Parvo puppy could really wreak havoc, or a dog with kennel cough, or any contagious illness. Or she could pass out with a cigarette and burn the place down. What a nightmare situation. Good luck!
                          ~Patty~ I have the right to remain silent; I don't have the ability.


                          • #43
                            "Or she could pass out with a cigarette and burn the place down."

                            Oh gosh........I don't even want to think about that happening..........I just cannot believe she is still there and running that place!! This is so wrong.


                            • #44
                              Do you know if she has children ? If so, a call to your local county Department of children and family services is in order. A drunk mom is one who can neglect her own children too. Just a thought. As a social worker, we work closely with animal control, when we remove children, they end up removing the pets. Folks who abuse animals, abuse children too. The two go together.



                              • #45
                                I meant to post yesterday to see if you had heard anything else.

                                This is so unbelievable....but then again people get away with soooo much.

                                Hopeing the station does a story on it!

                                "...none of us know what private hell or hardships the next person may have endured or faces even now. We should never aim even the tiniest arrow at a heart that may be more fragile than we know..." Janice

