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A WARNING For Anyone That Takes Their Dog To Doggie Daycare

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  • #16
    Well the VP called me earlier. Sue was terminated today. I don't know much because legally they could not tell me a lot. They said someone is there to care for the animals. However until Monday she has access to the building. The building is leased in her name-she is the franchise owner.

    I feel bad for her. She has an illness and I hope she gets the help she so badly needs.

    Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne) urce=otm&utm_medium=text_url
    Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


    • #17
      Don't feel bad for her. You did the right thing. She needs a wake up call and got it, hopefully before she hurts herself or anyone else or their animals. Glad there was a resolution.
      Jasper & Molly



      • #18
        What a nightmare, but thank goodness Ava is OK!!!! Thank goodness you trusted your instincts, but I feel bad for the patrons who aren't aware of the situation. Thank goodness they fired her!
        Lissa's furkids: Jupiter (RIP), Merlot (RIP), Savannah, and Poet
        Visit them at:
        AKC CGC Evaluator #9661 since 2003
        Feeding RMB since 2001


        • #19
          I have since found out that others have left because things weren't right. Word of mouth travels fast.

          Funny the President never called but had the VP call after someone copied this post and sent it to them. Too bad it took this to get their attention. I still cannot believe they knew about this long ago and never took action-they were just going to let her slide. I guess the problem was just going to go away

          Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
          Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


          • #20
            Michele - They did mess with a bit of a bearcat protecting her babies, so they had to take action it is not like you would have given them a choice. LOL. I am glad the situation is being resolved.

            Lori, Desi & Grimm
            RIP my beloved Murray 5/17/07-09/13/12
            Join Boise Danes ...!/
            Proud to be a Boise State Bronco!


            • #21
              Hey Michele..........I'm just glad it was YOU that walked into the whole situation! The reason I say this is because lots of people are very timid or don't want to get involved or maybe would have pulled their dog out of that place of business but not made calls to the CEO of the company, the media, the police, has been going on for awhile it sounds like and I'll just bet that there have been other occasions where a customer smelled the liquor, or saw her stumbling, or 'had a feeling' something wasn't right.........but it took a person LIKE YOU to get the ball rolling............and I THINK THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't feel guilty now that she's lost her job Michele.....this NEEDED TO HAPPEN!! It couldn't go on any longer! The dogs that are boarded there or that go for daycare were in danger........DANGER! And when you think about it, this woman was in danger too! It needed to stop and what is great is the way that it did stop.......for once it didn't take a horrible tragedy (like a death) of some kind to make people dogs were injured that we know of, no people were injured other than her taking the fall from being so was just FINALLY reported and it was long overdue. Just thinking that she was so drunk, and so used to falling and getting bloodied-up, just shows that an 'INTERVENTION' like this was desperately needed to FINALLY get her the help she needs. You did GOOD Michele.........I'm so relieved that precious Ava is ok.........I hope Chandler is ok too.........and I really truly hope that this woman can someday realize that what you did was a GOOD THING........a kind of wake-up call to get her life turned around hopefully in the right direction. Good going Michele!


              • #22
                Wow!! I just read the post. I'm glad the lady is fired. Hopefully she doesn't try to do anything stupid to the building & animals in the next few days. I can't believe she still has access to the building with animals in it! I'm so glad your animals are safe!
                If she wasn't fired I was going to suggest calling a shelter in the area. Our animal rescue league has an animal cruelity agent. They check into any unsafe conditions for animals.
                sigpic Brenda
                RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
                Presley 8/96 - 11/06


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GreatDaneMom View Post
                  Hey Michele..........I'm just glad it was YOU that walked into the whole situation! The reason I say this is because lots of people are very timid or don't want to get involved or maybe would have pulled their dog out of that place of business but not made calls to the CEO of the company, the media, the police, has been going on for awhile it sounds like and I'll just bet that there have been other occasions where a customer smelled the liquor, or saw her stumbling, or 'had a feeling' something wasn't right.........but it took a person LIKE YOU to get the ball rolling............and I THINK THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't feel guilty now that she's lost her job Michele.....this NEEDED TO HAPPEN!! It couldn't go on any longer! The dogs that are boarded there or that go for daycare were in danger........DANGER! And when you think about it, this woman was in danger too! It needed to stop and what is great is the way that it did stop.......for once it didn't take a horrible tragedy (like a death) of some kind to make people dogs were injured that we know of, no people were injured other than her taking the fall from being so was just FINALLY reported and it was long overdue. Just thinking that she was so drunk, and so used to falling and getting bloodied-up, just shows that an 'INTERVENTION' like this was desperately needed to FINALLY get her the help she needs. You did GOOD Michele.........I'm so relieved that precious Ava is ok.........I hope Chandler is ok too.........and I really truly hope that this woman can someday realize that what you did was a GOOD THING........a kind of wake-up call to get her life turned around hopefully in the right direction. Good going Michele!
                  I'm definitely not one to sit back when a child or animal is being neglected.

                  The sad part is that I learned today that other's have pulled their dogs out of there because of what was going on and from what I understand she JUST opened in September. They did nothing Thankfully, Ava was only there for a week and she was part time.

                  I don't feel bad that she lost her job. I feel bad that her problem is so serious. I can sit her all day and explain what I saw but unless you were actually there you can't even begin to imagine what that place was like last night ;( The blood, the dogs and just her.........just a really bad scene.
                  Last edited by DaphneandRoscoe; 12-13-2008, 03:30 PM.

                  Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
                  Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


                  • #24
                    "The sad part is that I learned today that other's have pulled their dogs out of there because of what was going on and from what I understand she JUST opened in September. They did nothing"

           glad you took the steps to notify the right people to get this stopped.

                    I can't even imagine what an awful scene that must have been........I really hope your son is doing too.


                    • #25
                      Just reading this! You have got to be kidding me!! I can't believe people knew of this and didn't do anything! Thank God none of the dogs got out and Ava is okay. Michele, as terrible as it was for you to find this out...I am GLAD you did! This can of worms needed exposure! Damn I'm mad!
                      June, Bumper (deaf & blind), Joey, Daisy, and Angel Ann (deaf)
                      RIP Dakota Blue Moon
                      Oct 27, 2006, Oct 01, 2012

                      "I'd tell ya...but I'd have ta lick ya"


                      • #26
                        I am so glad you got the ball rolling on this...what an awful situation. You're right to feel sad for her, but she's not at a halfway house, she's running a business. We had a situation with someone I supervised at a youth home I used to work at. She came in drunk several times, and she had a really sad life and needed the job, but the safety of the kids (and in your case the dogs) has to come first.


                        • #27
                          I am so glad to hear that things are getting resolved! Good for you Michele! You probably saved so many puppies from harm!!!! YAAAAYYY MICHELE

                          Dori: 7 years (TDI, CGC), Toby: RIP SWEET BOY (CGC), Cami: 7 years (TDI, CGC)



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by humbug View Post
                            Just reading this! You have got to be kidding me!! I can't believe people knew of this and didn't do anything! Thank God none of the dogs got out and Ava is okay. Michele, as terrible as it was for you to find this out...I am GLAD you did! This can of worms needed exposure! Damn I'm mad!
                            Yes June...The President, VP and son all knew of it. They allowed her after the last time this happened to CONTINUE to care for animals-UNSUPERVISED. Totally negligent.

                            Funny though...they want to sue They don't want me talking about it! lol I'm wondering if they know they can be sued for negligence and putting my dog and all the others in a dangerous situation-KNOWINGLY PUTTING THEM IN A DANGEROUS, NEGLECTFUL SITUATION???? There is a record of the last time it happened. I'm not thru with this.

                            Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
                            Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


                            • #29
                              Oh my gosh, that is crazy! Take care of yourself, Michele! I hope everything goes okay!

                              Dori: 7 years (TDI, CGC), Toby: RIP SWEET BOY (CGC), Cami: 7 years (TDI, CGC)



                              • #30
                                wow what a awful situation.keep up the good work michele when you are right you are right .these animals needed you all along im sure they are glad they found you!!!

                                you go girl


