I am going to dress Jack up for Halloween but do not have easy access to places that would sell costumes for a large breed. Does anyone have any great ideas or home recipes for a great costume. I do have a Wal Mart and a couple clothing stores to get supplies. Just want to hear what everyone has done in the past with their doggy costumes.
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Surprised this post didn't have more replies !! I know many that have a lot of fun with Halloween and other occassions to dress the danesSome that we have done and seen at our meetups :
*pony - complete with saddle & halter
*pirate - this was one of our rescue placements, she has a bad eye and she got a patch for it to go with the costume <g>
*can of beer - another rescue that was initially a foster - so they made a felt costume to look just like the Foster's beer can and left the 's' off so it said FOSTER
*school bus - this one was adorable. They just used felt and pieces of plastic and glue to put together. None of us could stop singing that bus song afterwards :P
*rainy day gear - galoshes (the kid kind with the faces on the feet) and rain coat
*ladybug - kid costume from wal-mart just tailored to the dane
*bumblebee - also from WM and tailored to dog
*pink pig - this on a blue dane, costume was hot pink
*zebra - it was a white dane and they used the temp black hairspray to make the stripes
*giraffe - on a fawn, just made darker squares all over
*beach bum - just use an old Hawaiian shirt and either visor or kids beachcomber hat (elast to hold it on under chin)
*dwarf - we did this for our Mardi Gras parade this year. The theme was Happily Ever After. Our group did Snow White and the Giant Dwarfs -- so we made all the danes dwarf costumes (from felt) and put names on them like - Dopey, Piggy, Slobbery, etc - and danes and humans wore dwarf hats
*Scooby - funny thing is we have some members of our meetup who don't yet have danes, they have chi's. So they dressed the chi's up as Scooby with teal collars and the dangling tag with S on it, and the humans were Velma, and I think one was Daphne ? It was cute - they are our honorary danes
Basically, the ideas can be limitless -- and it is amazing what you can whip together with different colored felt, glue and velcro <g> I think DOL'ers should definitely share their Halloween pix so we can see all the fun costumes next month !
ETA - as a variation of the pony costume, another year at the Mardi Gras parade we made all the danes dressy pony's - the halters had colorful beads glued along the side, they all had 'horse' blankets - most had their names embroidered on (KG &CG - super dane people for helping with that !!), the edges we just sewed on colored roping (got in WM sewing section) and used tassles as well. My old male that passed this year pulled a mini pony cart as well.Last edited by Harlequin Dane; 09-28-2008, 01:43 PM.Mrs Emery
AKC Canine Ambassador
Member GDCA - resource/referral
GOPDC - Public Education Coordinator
WOW! Thank you for all the great ideas!!! I still have not decided on Jack but will study your list more closely when it comes time to make my final decision. Have to dress him up exceptionally cute because all the kid will be by to see their favorite fur friend Jack...LOL I really like the pirate idea because the kids will definitely appreciate that because of the whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing. I go to a lot of Dallas Mavs games and have some jerseys that I tried on him with sweat bands on his ankles and he looked adorable.....but who knows...I will post picture of my decision. Thank you very much for all your great ideas.sigpicEMILY
I went to Target and bought the Adult Size Bumblebee costume. It is a vest and fits my dane perfectly. I also got the small doggie size for the cat. They are a pair of bumblebees for Halloween...buzz buzz.sigpic
Owned by Dakota RN CGC (great dane), Grand Champion Alter - Bailey (ragdoll cat), and our newest addition - Bridget (lab/plott hound mix)
AAAAHHH!!! How adorable. I bet they are a huge hit on Halloween. You will have to post pictures once you get them all dressed. I will have to make a trip to Wal Mart to see if I can use some of their costumes. I have so many things that I want to dress him as, but Halloween just doesn't come around enough!!! LOL Decisions, Desicions!sigpicEMILY
I got the jail dog last year for my boxer, it was so cute but he wasnt impressed.
I ordered Daisy a daisy costume that goes around her neck. Looks SO cute, I can't wait to get it. As soon as I do I will take pics! I love hearing all these ideas!sigpic
Forver Loved And Missed, RIP Barkly 1997-2008
Mom to Daisy and Nash (The Danegels) and Bobby and Miso (the Ragdolls) and Rojo (the red fish)
Andre is a vampire this year (and everytime he lays on his back) He has a little cape. I've always wanted to dress Clyde(the harle) up as a cow. The horns would be ok, but I'm not sure he'd like udders. Loki went as a black cat (meow teeshirt and cat ears) with me in a witches costume. I have a girlfriend with a brindle who dresses as Dorthey and Toto (a giant toto)Attached FilessigpicAndre post run, and ready for more!
Loki 7/2002-3/2013
Clyde 3/2003-8/2013
Andre ~5/2006
Bob the cat
Mom of "The Boys".........THANKS! He's a big ol' sweetie!! I love Tucson......."The Old Pueblo"..........as far as 'cities' go........it's one of the prettiest!We used to go to Tucson for 'get-aways' in the winter.......can't beat the weather there 9 months out of the year.....PERFECT!! And I love the "cow" idea!! Too funny! Cisco would make a great Jersey too........
I have not shopping for one yet. We live 1 hour from a town big enough to have even a walmart LOL. But i think i'm going to dress Ares as batman. I have only had him for 8 months and once i decided he was going to dress for Halloween i put a T shirt on him to see how he did in it. He did not mind it once it was on but getting it on was a chore.