A little girl in Washington has setup this website to donate free kibble for dogs & for cats. It cost you nothing…just two seconds to hit a button and feed either dogs or cats. This little girl has done a wonderful thing. Please help feed hungry dogs, play Bow Wow Trivia. http://www.freekibble.com
Someone sent me this, and I had just warched it on the Today show. {I think} Young girl worried about all the dogs turned into shelters, and wanted to do something.

You can click every day and altho 20 pieces of food doesn't sound like much..it mounts up.
You can sign up for daily email reminder.
Someone sent me this, and I had just warched it on the Today show. {I think} Young girl worried about all the dogs turned into shelters, and wanted to do something.

You can click every day and altho 20 pieces of food doesn't sound like much..it mounts up.
