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Hello Again! Past DOL Members reunite!

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  • Hello Again! Past DOL Members reunite!

    As a very ooooooolllllldddd member of DOL, I was encouraged to come back for a "reunion" of sorts with the other forum members who were very active in this board 8 or 9 years ago. It's been a long time since I've signed on, and I'd expect that there are very few of us crusty old types around anymore. This forum was invaluable to me 9 years ago when I joined, right before adopting my Maggie girl. She was a wonderful, loving member of our family until last year on Memorial Day when we had to say good bye to her. She would have been 8 years old on her birthday in June.

    These days, my animal family consists of a Basenji/Pug Daisy (10), Cavalier - Sophie (5), and my Akita Trooper - 2-1/2. We also have one cat who lives indoors all the time (Gus - 8). I'm in Northeastern California, and look forward to catching up on all the happenings of DOL in the last several years. see you all around the Board!
    My best boy, Trooper.

  • #2
    well, I'm new and didn't know you before--but I'm pleased to meet you!
    sigpic--Shana and Riley


    • #3
      Welcome back and nice to meet you


      • #4
        Well fancy seeing you here, Gwenna. <G> Welcome back!
        Foto Danes

        Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC CHIC


        • #5
          It's great to see the old timers stop in to say howdy. Hopefully, more will do the same
          Great Danes Online

          Great Danes Online Facebook

          Admin Blog


          • #6
            Welcome back!
            June, Bumper (deaf & blind), Joey, Daisy, and Angel Ann (deaf)
            RIP Dakota Blue Moon
            Oct 27, 2006, Oct 01, 2012

            "I'd tell ya...but I'd have ta lick ya"


            • #7
              Welcome back


              • #8
                thanks all..

                maybe one of you more computer savvy members can explain how to post a picture on my siggy? (no Paul, I didn't get any smarter while I was away, hahaha)
                My best boy, Trooper.


                • #9
                  The old crew coming back??? Awesome!

                  Gee, even after aaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time you've been away, I still dont have as many posts as you!!

                  Nice to "see" you again!
                  Divine Acres Great Danes
                  Divine Acres The Legend "Bruce" 5 1/2 months old..5th generation of DA Danes!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Carolyn View Post
                    Gee, even after aaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time you've been away, I still dont have as many posts as you!!
                    LOL, I noticed that about my own post count, too.
                    Foto Danes

                    Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC CHIC


                    • #11
                      A DOL reunion PARTY!!!!!!!

                      Originally posted by gmac View Post
                      As a very ooooooolllllldddd member of DOL, I was encouraged to come back for a "reunion" of sorts with the other forum members who were very active in this board 8 or 9 years ago. It's been a long time since I've signed on, and I'd expect that there are very few of us crusty old types around anymore.
                      Welcome back Gwenna from your crusty/rusty/old friend. Can I be the official champagne pourer at this cyber party? Remember when there were only 500 people on this forum? I'm looking forward to your wit and wisdom on DOL.

                      If any of the old-timers (posters and lurkers) want to join this cyber party, just enter here and I'll hand you a class of champagne and give you one of those "infamous" cyber hugs.

                      So here is a bubbly glass for Gwenna, Shotah, Greenmagick, Bev, Mitch, and Paul (I know he likes champagne.) I've got another bottle of Dom Perignon on ice, just waiting for the next check-ins to our DOL Reunion Party. So step right in and get your cyber hug.....

                      Just saw Carolyn checked in too, here is your glass of champagne. I forgot how often Gwenna had posted back then, but do remember all the discussions we had on if there should even be a post count. And I remember when my post count stayed the same 482 regardless of how many times I posted. But Paul and Debbie worked their magic. I do like the current look and feel of this new format. Now lets party!!!!
                      Last edited by Oni; 02-11-2010, 08:10 AM. Reason: pouring more champagne


                      • #12
                        Well, I am an old timer, but I'm just about as active now as I was back then

                        But the "cyber hug" certainly brought back memories!



                        • #13
                          <cyber-hug> GWENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <cyber-hug>

                          Did you get the capes out out storage? Gonna go dig my boots out just as soon as I dig out from 400 feet of snow.

                          Let the reunion begin!
                          In Memory of Sky, EZ and Honor

                          Visit Poke's Facebook Page

                          Member of the GDC of MD.
                          Well behaved danes are not born. They are “made” by responsible and caring dane owners.


                          • #14
                            I would love to see a pic of your basenji/pug cross. We had a basenji when I was a child. INSANELY energetic dog. Hope yours got the pug temperament and energy level.
                            Anyway, welcome back!


                            • #15
                              OK, I'm signed on and let's see if this works 500 members, Oni? If I recall correctly it was more like 300-something when I found this web site to ask questions about my (then) newly adopted girl Seqia. Gosh, now I really feel old...
                              Anyhow, Gwenna, thanks for getting the ball rolling and have fun with the bathroom remodeling.
                              By way of re-intro to the current DOL crew, my girl (my alter-ego), Seqia, had to be let go last May a 10 years, 8 months of age.
                              Currently have GD Molly (12 years!), GD Brenna (going on 10), GD Colt (4), Newfs Brandy (5) and Misty (9), Ariel (Husky) 10.
                              Good to be back -
                              Astrid & Zoo

