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Zoomer - cough, runny nose, shivering

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  • Zoomer - cough, runny nose, shivering

    I'm freaking out right now imagining the possibilities. Zoomer , 11 months old, has had a "throat clearing/hacking" type cough every now and again over the last few days. This morning he slept in (which he never does). He was hacking more than usual throughout the morning so we called the vet thinking it could be kennel cough. We boarded him over this past weekend for reference - there were eleven other dogs there.

    Now he has a runny nose and is shaking (like a fever). We can't find our thermometer so hubby is going to go buy one now. Our vet just went into surgery but is going to try to fit him in at three - if she can't squeeze him in he has an appt at 5pm.

    He has had all recommended vaccinations except his last bordatella booster as we were getting his rabies shot too and I didn't want to combine them.

    Any thoughts?
    -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)

  • #2
    He had a fever of 104.3. We just gave him kiddie aspirin shoved in hotdog and cheese...
    -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)


    • #3
      Sounds like kennel cough. Let us know what the Vet says.


      • #4
        How is he doing ? What did the vet say ?


        • #5
          I hope it's kennel cough - I am terrified it's distemper. The vet seemed worried about distemper also...

          Because he is a rescue I only have the receipt from his most recent distemper vaccination - it was given as a combo w/ parvo, influenza etc just before he came home with us, at about 4 1/2 months of age. I have to assume the others were given by the rescue. I am frantically digging through old emails now trying to find the records as I believe they emailed me dates that other vaccines were given. I am worried that Embrace will try to get out of paying for any of this if there is no actual written proof of vaccinations. They have tried to get out of paying just about everything thus far, and I am kicking myself for not having switched already but it was too hectic with my finals and the holidays.

          He is shivering now again - I gave baby aspirin at 2:10 pm, it is now 5:20pm in California. His temp is 105. I just called the vet to see if we should continue treating the fever with aspirin or not - she only gave some antibiotics thus far (zeniquin and amoxicillin). She did an xray and there were infiltrates that she was worried would quickly become consolidated areas in the lungs. She also is doing PCR on the mucus from his nose (and also either eyes or throat, I forgot which.) We should have results on what it is by Monday I hope.

          I hate seeing him sick like this and I feel helpless.
          -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)


          • #6
            Sending get well wishes. Make sure he's getting fluids. Cleo had kennel cough that turned to pneumonia last year. The vet suggested running the shower to steam up the bathroom and have him hang out in there for a little bit. And you'll get a steam treatment too!
            Keep us updated.


            • #7
              Well he won't eat his dinner now. Also won't take any treats (hot dog, turkey, cheese etc.) He drank a bit, but now I am worried he won't take his antibiotic pills in the morning. I have to work but my hubby will be home with him tomorrow. Any more advice? Has anyone had to deal with kennel cough that seems this severe and has such a sudden onset? Or does this now sound more like distemper?

              I remember some recent DOLers dealing w/ kennel cough, and it sounded much more benign than this.
              -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)


              • #8
                I have seen kennel cough at my practice and it is not normally this severe. Usually the coughing is persistent enough to bring the dog in quickly. We normally don't see it progress so bad that they have a fever/lethargy/decrease in appetite.

                Are you sure it is not canine influenza? That can easily be passed around in a boarding situation. Your vet should know if it is in the area. We don't have it here but it is reported about 50 miles away. The symptoms could point to distemper but they could also point to flu or a really bad case of kennel cough.

                You need to contact the boarding facility and have them find out if any of the other dogs are sick. Someone may have already diagnosed whatever it is.
                Last edited by karenNJ; 12-26-2014, 11:47 PM.


                • #9
                  As far as the pills, open his mouth, tip his head back, stick your fingers (which are holding his pill) as far back as you can, throw it towards his throat, shut his mouth and blow on his nose.


                  • #10
                    What is his temp now? The lack of appetite could be from the fever if he still has it.


                    • #11
                      It's still around 105 degrees- he's lethargic but I was elated when he got up recently. Although he seemed to be wandering aimlessly. My hubby picked him up and plopped him on my couch for the first time. (He's not normally allowed on our furniture.)

                      But I don't mind - I was bawling my eyes out a while ago. I am so afraid of losing him...

                      I emailed our sitter who watched him last weekend, but it's late so don't expect a response soon.
                      -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)


                      • #12
                        Make sure you keep checking his temp because you don't want it to go any higher. Do you have an emergency vet in the area? If it goes to 106 I would take him to an emergency 24hr vet. Make sure he keeps drinking small amounts and let him rest.


                        • #13
                          Thx - we do have emergency vets within a block or two from us fortunately. He's down to about 104 now and his breathing sounds better to me. Crossing fingers...
                          -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)


                          • #14
                            Try putting a little chicken or beef broth (low sodium) in his water to entice him to drink. You don't want him to get dehydrated.


                            • #15
                              Zoomer is still drinking water but no interest in food yet. Temp was 104.4 last check. He had two peeing accidents last night. Hoping he will eat but if not we will probably take him to the hospital...
                              -Lisa (Zoomer's mom)

