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pea has me a little concerned tonight

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  • pea has me a little concerned tonight

    she went out with me to feed the pigs this afternoon. she ate her supper. however, she is not in her usual chicken coma. she does not seem to be able to relax. she has been laying down, on her sternum, not flat out like she usually does. she's been panting a lot and just doesn't seem to be able to relax. no pacing, no whining, no gas, no bloated tummy so i'm pretty sure that it isn't bloat. when i run my hand over her, she trembles a little when i get to her back end.

    i did just talk to the vet who did her surgery. now, i had increased her tramadol to 600mg/day (300 morning, 300 evening). i'm pretty sure her surgeon knew that. her pupils are dilated but constrict when i shine a light into them. her capillary refill time is instant. he thinks it is probably the tramadol causing this and that it is a "cumulative" effect and is just now showing up. i hope that makes sense.

    he wants me to decrease the dosage to 300mg/day which i will do starting tomorrow. he seemed surprised that she was on such a high dosage. i was sure we had talked about that but it's entirely possible that i had not mentioned it.

    has anybody ever had this sort of experience with this particular drug. if pea doesn't want to go to bed, i'll sleep on the couch tonight so i can keep an eye on her.

    since i started typing this, she has finally put her head down and it looks like she might be going to sleep. maybe i am panicking but i can't help it!

    if she's still acting like this tomorrow morning, i will take her in. the only other thing we could think of was that the ulcer on her foot is bothering her but i removed her sock and left it off for the night and i have not seen her licking at her toes a single time.

  • #2
    I don't have any advice, but wanted to send my well wishes to Pea. I have been lurking here for two years now and I hate to see you worried and posting about health concerns rather than something fun with the dogs or pigs. Special prayers for Pea tonight!


    • #3
      Aww I'm sir sorry to hear about Pea not acting right/ not feeling like herself I know that you are worried sick about her! Will be praying for both of you to have calm through the night and answers in the morning.
      Caesar Augustus 9 months old


      • #4
        I had to use Tramadol with Aspen when the osteosarcoma started. 1/mg a lb was plenty for her(twice a day). You could tell when she'd had more than she needed cause shed be hyper and restless instead of calm and sleepy. Dunno if that helps, 1.8 mg per pound is recommended top dose last I checked. Dunno what pea weighs. Hope she recovers quick from surgery


        • #5
          That exact same thing happened to Chance when I gave him his full dose of Tramadol one time. I will never do that again. He was hyper, couldn't settle down and was extremely anxious. This is the total opposite of how he usually is. It was horrible...I felt so bad. It took a few hours for him to settle down and he was fine afterwards, but I'll never forget how he acted. When he needs it now, I only give 1/2 of his regular dose and that works great for him. He doesn't get anxious or nervous at all.
          Karen, Chance, Lucy and Savanah RB



          • #6
            thanks, everybody! pea finally went to bed about an hour after i posted last night. i woke a few times during the night and checked...she was laid out and fast asleep. she isn't panting this morning, just chillaxin'. it's been 2 weeks and 5 days since her surgery. i am seriously thinking of just foregoing the tramadol this morning. all she does is sleep all day when i'm at work and i honestly think the surgical pain is minimal at this point. i'll see how she is when we go out to do chores.

            the only thing different since she had the surgery is that on monday afternoon, i did frontline plus on both dogs. after seeing that poor dane girl with tick fever at the vet's on monday, i couldn't get them treated fast enough. it's been sitting on my kitchen counter for a month. we hit upper 80's yesterday so i know the ticks are just waiting to ambush my dogs! frontline has never had a negative effect on her so i doubt there's anything to that.

            appreciate the good thoughts!! pea is such a trooper and i'll be SO glad when she's all healed!


            • #7
              Glad to hear Pea is better this morning!!
              I think I would skip the tramadol also.
              Divine Acres Great Danes
              Divine Acres The Legend "Bruce" 5 1/2 months old..5th generation of DA Danes!


              • #8
                thanks, carolyn. that's my plan. i'm anxious to see on monday how the ulcer is healing. the sores on the tops of her toes are looking MUCH better. i'm using betagen spray and keeping a sock on her most of the time, especially when she goes outside. i think that's what caused the initial problem...sand getting up in there and irritating her foot.


                • #9
                  Glad shes back to herself this morning! Keep us posted!
                  Owned by:
                  Dexter 8 year old GD, CGC
                  CH xxx's Top Gear AKA Studebaker (Baker) 4 years
                  Bagel 19 yr old Maine Coon
                  Lox 11 yr old Russian Blue mix


                  • #10
                    I use Gabapentin for pain. My pups never tolerated Tramdol.
                    Feel better Pea!
                    "The human language, as precise as it is with its thousands of words, can still be so wonderfully vague"....Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain


                    • #11
                      SO glad Pea is feeling better today!
                      sigpic Brenda
                      RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
                      Presley 8/96 - 11/06


                      • #12
                        Glad she is doing better this morning!!!
                        sigpicStephanie Folker

                        Mom to:
                        Bonnie - female, pitbull/great dane mix -4 yrs.
                        Clyde - male, pitbull - 3 yrs.
                        Emma - female, great dane - 19 months


                        • #13
                          well, it appears that the tramadol was the culprit. i did not give her any this morning or this afternoon. she did have her previcox and she is sleeping like a log. a very, very BIG log with a fancy leg accessory that we will be SO happy to get rid of in a few weeks!

                          thanks all for the good thoughts!!

