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Concerned about Molly

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  • Concerned about Molly

    Hello all! I am a first time GD owner. I became the very lucky owner of my Molly Merly Girly when the family (with four children) that owner her (and crated her daily) could no longer keep her. She was just over year then (July 2012) and very, very thin at 94lbs. I am totally, absolutely in love with her. My vet promptly gave her a clean bill of health, we spayed her, feed her Fromms Giant Breed and all seems well. Except for the past week and a half or so. Molly keeps yelping (sometimes a piercing cry) as if in pain, when she's sleeping. Doesn't happen all the time, but seems to be increasing. It's a single very short quick yelp, or cry, and sometimes she stays where she is, sometimes she gets up and moves to a different position, only to go right back to sleep. There are no other issues, her appetite is good and she plays (very happily) with our other dogs. Should I be concerned?

  • #2
    Dreaming maybe?


    • #3
      She is beautiful by the way. My Dixie is also blue merle.


      • #4
        Possibly dreaming. We are used to doggy dreams, feet kicking, vocalizing, twitching. This is different


        • #5
          Wonder if she's dreaming, having a post surgical issue (adhesions?) or just hurts? If it continues, I would certainly go back and have her checked out.


          • #6
            Molly was spayed back in July, sorry for being unclear. I have been a lurker on this site since I got here. The knowledge I gain for you guys is invaluable, thank you so much. Thought I would post this questions wondering if danes might be known for this behavior (I'm a newbie). Thanks for your help.


            • #7
              My adult rescues have done this for a few months after I got them. One of them would even howl in his sleep - a chilling, mournful noise like something was terribly wrong. They would wake up (or I would wake them) and they would seem groggy, then resettle themselves and go back to sleep.
              I always wondered if they were having bad dreams. It stopped after several months.

              I hope that is all that is going on with your girl. If it is, it will pass after she gets used to her new loving home!
              Second hand dogs = first class love!


              • #8
                One of our German Shorthairs does this. She started doing it when she was @ 2 - 2.5 years old. We x-rayed her hips and found that she has hip dysplasia in her rt hip but really didn't think that was the cause...later we x-rayed her again and noticed artritic changes in her spinal area near her tail...we discovered that on occasion if she moved just right it would pinch a bit which would cause her to yelp,,it occured when she was sleeping or laying down in certain poitions more then it did any other time. She has the episodes less now then she did when she was younger..she's almost 9. Also the episodes decreased after i got her going on fish oil and glucosamine/chondrotin/msm as did the lameness from hd. She still hunts and enjoys life
                Dale AKC CGC Evaluator
                Associate Member GDCNE
                Member GSPCA
                Member NAVHDA
                Member Central Maine Kennel Club
                High Hopes Great Danes & German Shorthairs

