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"Bed Wetting" or Coyote mating season.....

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  • "Bed Wetting" or Coyote mating season.....

    Yes, I'm serious....this is the situation:

    A year ago, I had 2 nights when Briar peed in her sleep (and she sleeps on my bed with me...) not just a little ~~~ a great dane pee ! She had NO idea she did it. No other signs of bladder infection. (when she HAS had bladder infections she pees in the house, downstairs, during the day, on the way out the dog door, and had dribbles)

    Went to vet, decided to try Proin for the issue; but the vet (lives locally, knows the area) mentions that there is an "old wives tale" locally that some dogs will do this seasonally, when the coyotes are mating, and calling. We discussed this interesting fact, I took the bottle of Proin, and started her on 50mg twice a day. No more pee problems.

    After a few months, I decreased the Proin from 2 tabs to 1 and a half, then to one, then down to half, and then stopped giving it. It's been a full 6 months; no accidents. Until last night. Woke up this am to a pee soaked bed.

    So........ do I re-start her on the Proin, or put it down to coyote season ?! It is almost exactly a year ago that I had her in for this, and started the meds - I went and looked at the Rx date, and it was June of 2010.

    Opinions ? Or are you all laughing at me ??!!


  • #2
    Weird!! I've never heard of that but it seems to odd! I guess it all depends on how long mating season is! If you can handle the urine for that length of time, I would see if it goes away when it's over!
    Owned by:
    Dexter 8 year old GD, CGC
    CH xxx's Top Gear AKA Studebaker (Baker) 4 years
    Bagel 19 yr old Maine Coon
    Lox 11 yr old Russian Blue mix


    • #3
      I hadn't heard about the Coyote mating season, but I do know when Ximmy has a huge day if I don't make sure she goes just before bed, wetting can happen. Luckily, mine is a California King bed and she sleeps on the other side.

      I think they are like kids bedwetting. They are so deeply asleep, they get totally relaxed and it happens. Seems to be more common in spayed bitches.

      We haven't tried the Proin yet, as it has only happened a couple times and I have added a shower curtain between the mattress pad and the bed for safety sake. I also have 2 mattress pads and several sets of sheets!
      sigpicLynn - Ximmy's Mom's Mom - John & Lynsie, skin kids, Faela & Gus skin grandkids,OnzaPous, ReignaPous, Banshee & Kit-ten and now Dare Devil and Fuzzy Butt the cats, and of course......Ximmy Ximmy Xoom Xoom and [COLOR=red]Sprocket (aka Sprockey Wocky Puppy Pants) and Sibanca our newest Dane rescue


      • #4
        Not gonna lie - when I hear coyotes calling and doing their screaming banchee stuff, I'm close to wetting myself. Just sayin'...

        That is weird though, I wonder what the reasoning is?
        Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened.
        - Anatole France


        • #5
          I have never heard of that, but it sounds plausible with the timing.
          Very spooky though...I am not a fan of coyotes. I have had 2 bad run-ins with them, and they really creep me they are so big...almost wolf like. Since it has only happened once, maybe wait awhile before re-starting the meds. I am sure you have a water-proof mattress protector. I still use them on all, of our beds for my daughter...just in case. They make really nice ones know, that have the plastic concealed in the lining, so it doesn't feel like you are sleeping on plastic. aHH...the things we do for our danes.

          ~Jeanne, Jason & Emily(6)-The Humans~
          Milly-Harl GD,
          Tank, Tigra Cougie & Jax-The Cat Crew


          • #6
            I put a call into my vet -- will discuss with him; but still wanted opinions here -- the vet practice tracks the number of calls/visits each year with this issue because of the number of calls they get on this seasonally. My vet lives right up next to state preserve land, and told me he has had this issue with some of his dogs over the years, that he believes is unrealated to a physical cause; as it only happens once or twice a year; and always at the same approximate times.

            Crystal -- is there any reason that starting her on Proin for say a month, and then withdrawing the medication would be harmful to her ?

            Thanks !


            • #7
              Nope, I don't think starting then gradually withdrawing it will be harmful at all. I'd rather all dogs be able to be weaned off of it rather than keep them on it. Let us know what the vet thinks!
              Owned by:
              Dexter 8 year old GD, CGC
              CH xxx's Top Gear AKA Studebaker (Baker) 4 years
              Bagel 19 yr old Maine Coon
              Lox 11 yr old Russian Blue mix


              • #8
                My girl Shiner was started on Proin around 2yo. Since she was on so many other drugs, we wanted her weaned down to the minimal doses of all of them. The Proin was the last one we changed. We did the same as you - weaned down so much that we eventually just stopped it altogether. If I remember correctly - she was off of it for a good two years, before she started having trouble again. We put her back on at the original dose and then when she was stable for a bit - tried weaning her down again, but no luck that time. Eventually we had to increase the dose quite a bit to maintain good results. She was on it for the rest of her life (10yo) with no obvious side effects.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by isdapous View Post
                  I think they are like kids bedwetting. They are so deeply asleep, they get totally relaxed and it happens.
                  I agree. One time I came home around midnight and woke Cooper up from sleeping in his crate. When he got out of the crate he sat down for a minute...then started peeing while sitting down! If I didn't have to get up at 5:30am for work I would have thought it was funny.
                  Cooper at 4 months


                  • #10
                    I think you are on to something. Freja only have problem with her bladder in the springs. This was why we never put her on anything we just use a pad. for the two weeks. But some time she would have one day in the middle of summer so we used the pad years round to be safe. Yes we have Coyotes around our house.


                    • #11
                      Vet is going to renew Rx. Told me to do what I did last year, and see what happens. He did say that it IS the season.



                      • #12
                        well, this is downright fascinating! pea has been on proin for about 2 years now. it's been a lifesaver! i never connected her problems to the yotes or the time of year. i have decreased her dosage only one time. hrrrmmmm.....


                        • #13
                          Wow!! Never heard of this, and I got coyotes screaming in my backyard and I dont have a problem with dogs peeing the bed.............but with that said, I am NOT one who believes in coincidences.

                          Yes, I would google this ole wives tale........there may be some truth to it.
                          Divine Acres Great Danes
                          Divine Acres The Legend "Bruce" 5 1/2 months old..5th generation of DA Danes!


                          • #14
                            Just another option to consider. I give Maggie and Gwen something called Leaks No More by HomeoPet. Gwen used to pee in her sleep and flood the bed. Since starting this, no accidents. Maggie has DM so it doesn't work quite as well, but I think she'd be alot worse without it.
                            sigpicIs it dinnertime yet?


                            • #15
                              I have used Homeopet's Leaks No More for Scarlett with success as well. Just need to order some more!!

                              I don't know how any coyotes there are lurking around my city (I've heard there are several), but Scarlett's sleepytime incontinence is usually when she's exhausted after a play date. We wake her up every hour after an exciting day and limit water intake.
                              Katie & Scarlett

