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*** alert *** h3n8 canine flu alert

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  • *** alert *** h3n8 canine flu alert

    Hey Y'all,

    This just came across the wire. Not trying to start a panic but please educate yourselves and be on alert.

    Hope y'all having a Dane-up Day!


    H3N8 Canine Flu Alert

  • #2
    This begins up a very important questions. For those of us that limit vaccinate our dogs: How do you feel about this and do you feel that this vaccine is needed? Are you going to get it for your dog? It states that it is needed annually, would you?
    Macon Kennel Club
    & Great Dane Club of the Mid-South


    • #3
      I almost wish I knew about this last week - poor Leroy woke up with it this morning (have already been to the vet). We picked it up in NY at a show. Just watching him sulk around (and I have to keep him calm for 2+ weeks) is well worth a trip to the vet for a shot IMO.


      • #4
        Not sure. I googled some info on it and also read the Fox report, and it seems more likely to catch if kenneled, shows, shelters or any group where large amounts of dogs are. I would think those dogs should be vaccinated. Would like also to hear everyone,s opinion. Called our vet and they haven't had any come in, but they are getting the vaccine in soon. So could be having some cases here.
        Linda and Rocky
        Jesse 1998-2007
        Harley 1998-2002
        Breeze 1973-1982


        • #5
          I guess I'm torn over how I feel about this vaccine. I do have a call in to the vet to get her thoughts. I'm not a fan of over vaccinating BUT I'm not sure I'm totally against this one.

          On one hand, IF my skin kid could be vaccinated for flu (regular or swine), I would do so - she has a severe egg allergy and can't get vaccinations that are incubated in eggs. I am very, very worried about her as she's in high school now and the preferred greeting among her and her friends seems to be hugging...she has asthma so is high risk for flu illnesses & can't get the vaccine. Scares the crap out of me. We have one confirmed case of H1N1 in my office, one suspected case (best friend of the girl with the confirmed case) and one death last week that the victim's boyfriend is attributing to H1N1 because she had flu symtoms but that's not confirmed as I'm very afraid I'll bring THAT into my home with my poor skin kid...okay,

          so, if I would vaccinate my skin kid to prevent flu, why not my pets? I try to really limit the vaccines they get in general, especially my old guys but I *think* I would consider this one just because the flu would be hard on the older dogs. I don't know that I'd do it annually, maybe only if there were a lot of outbreaks in my area. My preferred method (for humans and dogs) would be to limit exposure. The dogs I can limit...I can keep them from parks and things but the skin kid has to go to school...maybe that's the difference? I have a lot of control over who / what my dogs encounter but not so much with the human kid so I'd be more eager to vaccinate a human kid than a dog for the flu? My guys don't board or go to shows or classes or anything...but we do dog parks and the beach and we encounter lots of other dogs when we are out and about.

          Sorry, that is a very rambling, incoherent post...


          • #6
            I totally agree about the one that should get it and are more at high risk for catching this, but its also saying it so highly contagious that you can walk anywhere a dog has, carry on your clothes which may lead you carrying it to your home, so all dogs would be at risk, right?

            But what I'm scared of is it a new vaccine, we don't know nothing about it. There is a case somewhere with nurses, that is mandatory to have the flu and swine vaccination and some nurses are refusing to have it done due to not knowing anything about it and/or the combo, if they don't they are being fired. Suet is being filed. Same as for dogs, what if?
            Macon Kennel Club
            & Great Dane Club of the Mid-South


            • #7
              Reading the web post it says that this has been around and noted from 2003 and had mutated 40 years ago. Your dog has been at risk from day one of his or her life. Why panic now? Keep your dogs immune system healthy and KNOW the dogs you let your baby interact with. I'm not vaccinated, and nether will my pack be.
              "Show me your dog, and I will tell you what manner of man you are."
              ~Capt. Max von Stephanitz
              Anubis CGC (RIP) , Cheza CGC, Schwarz Frost von Lichtefeld CGCA THD TDIA, Steele Gunner Goatsbane CGCA, and Professional House Dog Oliver.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SusRob0674 View Post
                Same as for dogs, what if?
                And if the sky fell on our heads?

                Nope, not planning to do it. A healthy immune system will be able to deal with something as simple as the flu. The vaccine doesnt guarantee you 100% immunity either by the way.

