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Bump on front of left leg

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  • Bump on front of left leg

    My 7 month old, has a small hard bump on the front of his left leg, it is about the size of a pea.

    I noticed it today after i had given him a bath, no hair is growing on it, right on his first bend in his leg from his paw.

    I was just wondering if anyone knew what it was and should I be concerned?

    I tried to pinch it to see if, something could come out of it, but it is just a hard bump again about the size of a pea, it is not bothering him in any way, since he is black I noticed it.

    One other questions my 3 month old dane had round worm, so a friend that has no dogs but lives in a house is watching him so my other dogs don't get it. I pick up all of their poo everytime they do it, took him to the vet today and they gave him his third set of shots, how quickly after the vet gives him a dewormer is he okay to be around the other dogs?!


    sigpic "To err is human, to forgive, canine." – Unknown

    Susan & Gibson

  • #2
    Puppies can get beneign growths, but I would have it looked at to make sure. You can have the dogs around each other now, just pick up stools right away & don't let them lick his hind end. I would check a fecal in 3 weeks to make sure all the worms are gone.
    sigpic Brenda
    RIP Gibson 9/06 - 8/11
    Presley 8/96 - 11/06


    • #3
      bump on front of left leg

      Thanks Gibson's mom for the information on Gibson's bump, I will get an appt. for the vet next week.

      Toby goes for his last set of shots in three weeks we will have another fecal check done then.

      thanks for the information.

      sigpic "To err is human, to forgive, canine." – Unknown

      Susan & Gibson


      • #4
        I mean no harm in suggesting this, but is it where the dew claw used to be? Sometimes there is a little fleshy bit there about that size of a pea. Just a thought!
        ~ Jill


        • #5
          Bump on front of left leg

          Hi Jill,

          No it is actually in the front of his leg, like if I am looking at him head on I can see it.

          I know that my schnauzer still has his dew claws, i never knew that they should be removed anyway, and those are on the back of his leg.

          Thank you for writing in though about the matter. I was just not sure what it might be. It can be so scary when your dog gets a bump or something you know should not be there.

          But on the front of his left leg right below his wrist in the front. Where his wrist starts is where the bump is.
          sigpic "To err is human, to forgive, canine." – Unknown

          Susan & Gibson


          • #6
            If it is hard and does not move it definitely needs to be checked by a vet. I do not want to alarm you, but that is often a sign of bone cancer.

            That said it can also simply be a benign tumor or growth.
            Logan, Member GDCA and Past President GDCMF
            Int'l CH & AM GCH Legacys Killer Instinct, TT, CHIC (Kaos)


            • #7
              Logan is right, although your dog is awfully young. If it is hard, I would be at the Vet. I would insist on at least a needle aspiration. My dogs, while older than yours by years, have growths that I can squeeze and are kind of soft and have had them checked and they are nothing.
              ~Patty~ I have the right to remain silent; I don't have the ability.

