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WOW!!! Exhausting week!!!Please read!!

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  • WOW!!! Exhausting week!!!Please read!!

    So I do remember coming on here a while back stating some syptoms with my baby girl Chevy.

    So update on Chevy...

    She had some vomiting issues to where every once in a while she would vomit but only a yellowish foam, never noticed a time as to when she'd do it so I figured after a while it would stop. NOT!

    Then... it got so bad to where she became extremely lethargic and very sad and very sleepy one day. I rushed her to the Vet the day after. They took some X-Rays and noticed a strange path of gas throughout her intestines. Momma got really worried and thought she got into something she shouldn't have... so they suggested either doing an ultra sound to see inside without having to open her up... but told me if there is a foreign body inside that it can be too late to perform the Exploritory to get it out and that it could be a 50% to 50% survival rate. So I told them that they needed to just go ahead with the Exploritory and get whatever is in their out and figure out what it is that's wrong with her.

    Exploritory went great... good news No Foreign Body inside so they just gave the whole Gastritis description and figured that's what it was. So I took her home and kept her on the meds they prescribed... she still was throwing up and had thrown up atleast 7 times all that one evening after surgery. So I rushed her to the vet the next morning and they immediately put her through an ultrasound and figured out that since that exploritory her intestines did a intussusseption and from what they could see on the ultrasound... it was only about 6 to 12 centimeters and only one side. So she goes into immediate surgery ( OPENED HER BACK UP) ( and get a better look at things... guess what!? She had a DOUBLE intussusseption when already those cases are very care all in its own but it was a DOUBLE intussusseption... and both sides of her small intestines swallowed an ENTIRE FOOT of her small intestines...

    So she got outta surgery yesterday evening and I transported her on over to the emergency clinic so she could be hospitalized over night and I got her this morning... still feeling loopy and seeing pink elephants but other then that has her appetite back and is doing better.

    All in all... she lost atleast 15 lbs. from not eating for 6 to 7 days... and all procedures cost me close to $3000. AMAZING how small symptoms become LIFE THREATENING!!! My poor baby (

    Thought I would leave updates for everyone who was concerned! Hope none of this happends to anyone elses baby out there... it's absolutely heartbreaking!!!!

  • #2
    omg poor baby glad shes better now.



    • #3
      Aww, I am so sorry this happened to your baby! I had never even heard of an intussesception until now! It's a good thing you got her into the vet! I'm glad she's got her appetite back, and we're sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery!
      Capone & Sookie


      • #4
        Yea isn't that crazy!! And it wasn't even one side it was 2... but im so happy that shes gettin better.. im nervous to go home... im at work and im praying that there is no vomit /... I can't handle her being sick anymore!!! But I most definately appreciate the prayers) means alot!!!


        • #5
          Aww, I'm sorry she's be so sick, but glad she's feeling better...keep us updated.


          • #6
            That's terrible and how scary! I've never even heard of it. Prayers for an uneventful recovery.
            ~Patty~ I have the right to remain silent; I don't have the ability.


            • #7
              Poor Chevy! I hope she recovers very, very quickly. She has been through alot and so have you. So glad your vet found this! Prayers and healing energy sent for your girl!
              June, Bumper (deaf & blind), Joey, Daisy, and Angel Ann (deaf)
              RIP Dakota Blue Moon
              Oct 27, 2006, Oct 01, 2012

              "I'd tell ya...but I'd have ta lick ya"


              • #8
                Gosh what an ordeal. So glad they found out what was wrong. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
                Linda and Rocky
                Jesse 1998-2007
                Harley 1998-2002
                Breeze 1973-1982


                • #9
                  Oh my goodness! I just love Chevy!!! She is a beautiful baby! I also have never heard of this and I'm so glad that it was finally diagnosed and the vet performed a successful surgery. Please keep us updated on how Chevy is doing!! Poor little wonder she wouldn't eat and kept vomiting the yellow bile stuff! Hoping she is eating well and feeling great in no time at all.........those pounds will come back on quickly once she's feeling better.


                  • #10
                    That is soooo scary!!! I hope she has a speedy recovery!


                    • #11
                      Poor you and Chevy....what an ordeal.
                      How is she doing now?
                      This is something that can happen to people.....and I guess dogs too.
                      She is so beautiful, I hope she has a speedy recovery.
                      Many well wishes.
                      From Jeanette and Handsome Johnny.


                      • #12
                        I'm glad Chevy is feeling better! Poor girl!

                        Michele, Roscoe, Ava, Romeo, (RIP Daphne)
                        Be part of the solution by not being part of the problem. NO BYB's!!


                        • #13
                          Sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

                          Cheryl, Boca and Maddox
                          Boca & Maddox

                          In loving memory of Mufasa & Anubis


                          • #14
                            O my must have been going crazy! Glad to hear she's getting better.
                            Proud to be a 'Dane-A-Holic'


                            • #15
                              Poor baby Chevy and mom. I hope she's feeling better! How scary!
                              sigpicAndre post run, and ready for more!
                              Loki 7/2002-3/2013
                              Clyde 3/2003-8/2013
                              Andre ~5/2006
                              Bob the cat

