My great dane (Junebug) just turned one year old. She bloated the first time a few months ago, we took her to the vet and she was needled to the tune of 5k. No torsion. Since, we've bought a bloat kit, and have had to deflate/tube her belly a total of 9 times. When she starts to dry heave, her belly is enormous, we know its time. We've been through ALL the online resources. She isn't super anxious. She was originally on a high quality kibble, we switched to another, and now we're on a pre-ground raw diet. She's bloated on all. We keep her inactive / crated before and after feedings for 1 1/2 hours. We've tried elevated bowl, and lowering her bowl. She has bloated right after a feeding, and also 5 hours after a feeding (when there couldn't have been any food in her belly). We monitor water consumption. We've tried probiotics - 3 varieties. She had her stomach tacked when she was neutered at 7 months. My wife and I both work - we're afraid this will inevitably happen when we're not home and it will be horrible. Is there anything that we're not trying.
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Consistently bloating :( Need advice/assistance
I’m so sorry this is happening. Since she was spayed and pexied at only 7 months, there is a very good chance that due to her growth, the pexi has either come undone or there are other issues related to it. I know of several Dane owners who have dealt with this and the only option Is surgery to re-do the pexi. I would urge you to find a vet who has experience with giant breeds, Danes in particular. The sooner, the better. An ultrasound would likely be able to diagnose this.
for future reference, this is one of the reasons that spay/neuter/pexi is generally not recommended until a Dane is at least 18 months old.
The forums here are not very active at all especially with Facebook taking over. There’s a Danesonline FB page but if you’d m like to discuss this further, I’d be glad to private message my phone number to you. Let me know.