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Anyone do Dog Dancing?

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  • Anyone do Dog Dancing?

    I've been researching a lot on Dog dancing lately and thought I'd ask if anyone on here does it with their Danes.
    You can see a whole bunch of examples on Youtube, including the Cruft competitions. What a fun thing to do! And great for obedience!

    Anyone dance?

  • #2
    Ha, to be honest, dog dancing really freaks me out.
    Katie & Scarlett


    • #3
      LOL Scarlett's Mum. I have actually researched dancing as well and thought it looked like fun. It is probably something Merle and I will play with as soon as he knows enough commands because it looks like a neat thing for owner and dog to do together. Stainthedane, let me know if you get into this because I would love to hear how it goes.


      • #4
        Yes, I compete in dog dancing daily with Jax.
        It involves trying to keep my feet moving fast enough so his aren't on top of mine
        Sorry...couldn't resist! Its that boy's daily mission to see how many times he can step on my feet:cool:

        "...none of us know what private hell or hardships the next person may have endured or faces even now. We should never aim even the tiniest arrow at a heart that may be more fragile than we know..." Janice


        • #5
          Why does it freak you out Scarlett's mum?

          Don't have my Dane yet, hopefully soon, but when I do I am going to hop straight into dog dancing for sure! When I do I'll be sure to let you know Faye413, hopefully get some videos.

          Megan T, do you have any videos??? I love watching it!
          And it seems I can only find one dane on youtube that dances. (Honey)

          Lol, Danes, They have to be on you at all times.


          • #6
            I just looks weird to me. I watched a competition on the telly once, and it gave me the heebie-jeebies. And they always use weird music. It's like people who do yoga with their babies...I just don't get it.

            I don't doubt that it's an awesome way to bond and exercise with your dog, but...I just don't get it!!!!! :p
            Katie & Scarlett


            • #7
              Scarlett have you ever seen people that do Yoga with their dogs, talk about weird, try manouvering a Dane into the Downward Facing Dog Pose, yeah right. LOL, we have enough problems moving them on the bed let alone putting them into an awkward position. There was an episode of King of the Hill, where Bobby was dancing with his neighbors dog, I thought it a little weird as well, but I can see the bond it makes between dog and handler.
              Lindsay, proud owner of Rotts, Brody and Lucy, Danes, Duke and Indy, and a Jap Chin, Romeo


              • #8
                Originally posted by stainthedane View Post
                Megan T, do you have any videos??? I love watching it!
                I was just kidding! Its me that's dancing around trying to keep my feet from getting stepped on by a 150lb dog! It doesn't matter where they are, even on the couch he'll come and sit on them

                "...none of us know what private hell or hardships the next person may have endured or faces even now. We should never aim even the tiniest arrow at a heart that may be more fragile than we know..." Janice


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MeganT View Post
                  I was just kidding! Its me that's dancing around trying to keep my feet from getting stepped on by a 150lb dog! It doesn't matter where they are, even on the couch he'll come and sit on them

                  LOL - it is the same around my house too!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Actually I think it is kind of fun

                    I have trained some steps and tricks with Luca, but without instructions of a trainer or music. I find teaching him some not so common steps and figures has loosend up our often pretty strict obedience routines.

                    He has fun because it is new stuff, and he gets lots of praises and treats. Not talking about all the uuuhs and aahhs of kind friends and family.

                    But it has also helped focusing his attention on me and keeping eye contact with me during the heel position. Because one never knows that crazy Mom might turn in a circle, goes backward or asks a big Dane to run an eight around her legs without flooring her

                    I pick some figures and tricks, then think about how to break them down and teach them to him. And then start putting things together. It helped me to learn how Luca learns best, and gives me a better timing with when to praise and correct him. Also you can see real fast when the dogs attention is drifting and when to stop training.

                    Another aspect of it is that you are spitting treats (hot dog pieces etc.) into the Danes mouth. That way the dog focuses on your face and you spit the treat directly towards the dog and the dog catches it. Takes some practice, but is a quick and interesting way to treat, because it keeps your hands free and it rewards faster and more on time. If your treat is in the hand the dog always focuses on the hand and miss most of the signals, and never learns to look up at you for instructions.

                    Oops did not want to write an essay
                    With best regards,
                    Jeannette Luca & Leo and now Lilly & Sophie


                    • #11
                      LOL, Katie you crack me up! If I did yoga with a baby, I'd be a nervous wreck I'd break it LOL (can you tell I don't have kids!)...

                      The only dancing I've done is some sweet footwork to get out of the way when the stampede of Danes rolls through my family room in what seems like an enormous ball of fur all trying to eat one another's feet LOL!

                      Dori: 7 years (TDI, CGC), Toby: RIP SWEET BOY (CGC), Cami: 7 years (TDI, CGC)



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mom2Dori View Post
                        LOL, Katie you crack me up! If I did yoga with a baby, I'd be a nervous wreck I'd break it LOL (can you tell I don't have kids!)...

                        The only dancing I've done is some sweet footwork to get out of the way when the stampede of Danes rolls through my family room in what seems like an enormous ball of fur all trying to eat one another's feet LOL!
                        Same here.....LOL!! only for me it's one dane, one Pomeranian and a 5 yr old little girl..... Oh and can I have Cami PLEASE!!!!!!!! she is sooooooo Cute!!!!!!!!! I love the Mantled Merles!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
                        Teresa n


                        • #13
                          Awww...thanks!!!! You'd love her....she's a ball of love....she has this look she gives me that makes me melt! It just says "love me now and love me forever, plllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase" And she's all snuggles all the time....very velcro-y! More than my other two...which I thought would be hard to do, but it was done LOL!

                          Dori: 7 years (TDI, CGC), Toby: RIP SWEET BOY (CGC), Cami: 7 years (TDI, CGC)



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jeann1230 View Post
                            Actually I think it is kind of fun

                            I have trained some steps and tricks with Luca, but without instructions of a trainer or music. I find teaching him some not so common steps and figures has loosend up our often pretty strict obedience routines.

                            He has fun because it is new stuff, and he gets lots of praises and treats. Not talking about all the uuuhs and aahhs of kind friends and family.

                            But it has also helped focusing his attention on me and keeping eye contact with me during the heel position. Because one never knows that crazy Mom might turn in a circle, goes backward or asks a big Dane to run an eight around her legs without flooring her

                            I pick some figures and tricks, then think about how to break them down and teach them to him. And then start putting things together. It helped me to learn how Luca learns best, and gives me a better timing with when to praise and correct him. Also you can see real fast when the dogs attention is drifting and when to stop training.

                            Another aspect of it is that you are spitting treats (hot dog pieces etc.) into the Danes mouth. That way the dog focuses on your face and you spit the treat directly towards the dog and the dog catches it. Takes some practice, but is a quick and interesting way to treat, because it keeps your hands free and it rewards faster and more on time. If your treat is in the hand the dog always focuses on the hand and miss most of the signals, and never learns to look up at you for instructions.

                            Oops did not want to write an essay
                            Thank you so much for writing this essay! I have been wanting to start doing some more "fun" training with Merle and you gave me some great ideas! One of my obedience instructors was talking the other day about doling out treats from your mouth - we'll have to give it a whirl.


                            • #15
                              Yoga with a baby is actually wonderful I never go too into it, but I wish I did. The couple times we did it were great.

                              Dog Dancing....I wont ever do it because I dont danceIf I did, I would consider it. I have a friend who does it. It really is a great bonding and obedience sport.

                              There is one guy on youtube that I really enjoy. Some of the dances are kind of boring and goofy (the dogs does some spins and heels, repeat) but this guy and his border collie do really fun routines! One is a gladiator themed "fight", another is a Charlie Chapman routine, etc.

