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"Daniff" gripe

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  • "Daniff" gripe

    Old topic revisited, I know. I'm soooo tired of people telling me that their dog is a Daniff and that they bought it because it looks more like a Mastiff. If you wanted a dog that looked Mastiff why didn't you buy a Mastiff? Since it's largly agreed that Dane ancestors were an Irish Wolfhound type dog and a Mastiff type dog, you're not ADDING anything to a Dane by mixing it with a Mastiff, there's already a heavy measure in there, you're just making it more Mastiff than anything else! So buy a Mastiff! I have the same problem with people needing to inform me as soon as we meet that their dog is a "European" Dane, as if that somehow makes him anything other than a dog that does not conform to ANY Dane standard on either continent. I try to tell them that all "Daniff" or "European" means is that they bought from a byb, but hubby usually pretends to trip and knock me over before I get a chance. He's so polite (insert disgusted smiley face). Leo is a byb dog and has some major conformational flaws, but you don't see me running around trying to tell people he's a "Slope Butt Dane" or something, trying to pretend his conformational flaws are intentional. Rant over.

    (BTW, mutts are great, I have one, it's the intentional creation of them that irritates me.)
    Misty, Leonidas (Dane), and Valor (Pomeranian Mix)
    Current 52 Photo Project:

  • #2
    I agree completely! I used to be a petsmart mgr right across from a mall that had a pet store. We constantly had people coming in showing off their "purebred" yorkiepoo, puggle, goldendoodle, chipom........that they had paid $800 for (on a payment plan of course). Then you have the folks breeding 100lb pitbulls, "imperial" shitzus, "mini" aussies and my favorite: people who have a GSD who boast that it has German bloodlines. They all do, dumbass!!!! When I would bring Maxwell (Shep/pit) to work with me, people always asked what breed he is. I tell them he's a Shepapitapoo; shepherd, pit and I throw the poo part in cause EVERYTHING seems to be part "poo".
    sigpicIs it dinnertime yet?


    • #3
      I hate the cutesy names the most, honestly, you don't have a "pitador" or a "daniff" you have a mixed breed or mutt and for the love of god I hope it's fixed and you aren't using it to make more mutts!


      • #4
        Originally posted by GoingPostal View Post
        I hate the cutesy names the most, honestly, you don't have a "pitador" or a "daniff" you have a mixed breed or mutt and for the love of god I hope it's fixed and you aren't using it to make more mutts!
        The names never used to bother me because I think of them as a joke (like saying "linner" for a meal between lunch and dinner), and I used to call little Val a pomchi (although we're pretty sure there's something else in there too), but people interperet the name as giving the mix legitimacy, so now they irritate me too!
        Misty, Leonidas (Dane), and Valor (Pomeranian Mix)
        Current 52 Photo Project:


        • #5
          The problem is that half these boneheads truly believe that their schnoodlepomayorkiejackuggle is some sort of actual breed since it's registered with the APR or another BS registry. They think those "papers" they got with Fluffy are good for something other than to pick up Fluffy's first accident in the house. I've had folks get pissed at me and call me a liar when I tell them they can't register their APR Dane they got from Petland with the AKC (not like it matters). I also love when these same type of idiots try to dump their goldendoodles/labradoodles on someone at work (petsmart) because the kids are still allergic. No dog is completely hypoallergenic, and certainly not some puppy mill God only knows the true parentage petstore dog, but that doesn't stop the uninformed consumer from laying out tons of cash for an overpriced mutt. Anymore, I don't feel sorry for them. With all the information on the internet, a misinformed decision is no one's fault but your own.
          sigpicIs it dinnertime yet?


          • #6
            Originally posted by maggiemay98 View Post
            The problem is that half these boneheads truly believe that their schnoodlepomayorkiejackuggle is some sort of actual breed since it's registered with the APR or another BS registry.
            This is my gripe.

            Their are CKC (not the good one .. the BS one) "registered" puppies in the paper All the time. It's ridiculous. One it's ridiculous that they were allowed to create a "kennel club" with the same acronym as a legit kennel club, two it's ridiculous the prices they charge for pups with this registration .. when they dont' even have events, and three it's ridiculous because they can register ANY type of dog (mixed or full blooded) just by sending in some paperwork.

            It's sad that people are allowed to be misled like that. Your normal joe blow whose kid wants a puppy doesn't know any better. I think it should be along the lines of fraud.
            A backyard breeder (BYB) is someone who has been deemed not a reputable breeder.

            A "Responsible Breeder" supports their buyers, supports their own dogs, and supports the lives of any fututre puppies by having (and keeping up with) all the appropriate health testing suggested by the GDCA.


            • #7
              I have a Pyradane

              (only found that out after we got him though)

              And he was for free!
              Molly (Kelpie mix, 2y),
              Charlie (Shih Tzu 4 months)
              Diesel (Great Dane mix, 3 months)


              • #8
                Originally posted by maggiemay98 View Post
                schnoodlepomayorkiejackuggle is some sort of actual breed since it's registered with the APR or another BS registry.
                LOL, I love the name you have created!

                I would like to know what is the APR registry?
                Roxy & Ace


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mistified247 View Post

                  I would like to know what is the APR registry?
                  It's the American Pet Registry so you can register your pet, any pet or it could be American Purebreed Registry both are total BS

                  Quote from the site above states truth of these fake registrars
                  3. APRI is owned and operated by the pet breeding industry. When AKC decided to mandate that frequently used male dogs were to have DNA testing performed, this meant an extra expense for the breeders using this registry. The AKC also began inspecting the breeders that use their registry. Breeders with large numbers of commercial breeding stock, such as puppy mills, do not want more expenses nor do they want more inspections. The pet industry began their own pet registry on a whim, and the people bought into it. The American people were naively duped into thinking their dog was "papered", not knowing what this actually meant, and a new registry run by commercial breeders developed and continues to spread it's wings today with great momentum. It did not hurt the deception that another popular breed registry was just one initial different from APRI. The American Purebred Registry was known as APR, so confusion of the two registries was frequent. When you register your dog with APRI, your dollars are going to support the people that continue to breed in mass quantities despite the problems of severe pet overpopulation, and to pay lobbyists to fight Breeding Legislation that is intended to make the industry more humane in their treatment of the animals in their care. Your money will be used to lobby for the inclusion of canine breeding stock as LIVESTOCK in some states. In Iowa, this recently came to a head and was defeated, but can and will likely be brought up again. Livestock are not required to have shelter at all, and there are tax benefits to dog breeders becoming livestock producer
                  Last edited by angeldane; 10-06-2010, 06:01 PM.


                  • #10
                    How about all the catahoula mastiffs, or all the other merle mix breeds people are claiming are catahoulas


                    • #11
                      European means you bought it from a BYB??

                      These sort of discussions are getting old.....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Malyshka View Post
                        European means you bought it from a BYB??

                        These sort of discussions are getting old.....
                        I hope no one thinks that as a number one blue dane and only blue with an AOM at Westminster is half Polish (Tommy). Because of the lack of color crossing many blue dane breeders are using European lines or even importing in blues. I also see people importing and exporting Harlequins and fawns. Many counties in Europe do have a heavier dog the standard is not written in a way that does not allow for some differences to be possible. Germany, Ireland, and Hungry have much more massive dogs but they do not deviate from the standard as they are no where near as massive as a Mastiff, European dogs seem to carry more skin in a lot of breeds, like Basset, Mastiff, and Saints ect.
                        Last edited by angeldane; 10-06-2010, 07:02 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by angeldane View Post
                          I hope no one thinks that as a number one blue dane and only blue with an AOM at Westminster is half Polish (Tommy). Because of the lack of color crossing many blue dane breeders are using European lines or even importing in blues. I also see people importing and exporting Harlequins and fawns. Many counties in Europe do have a heavier dog the standard is not written in a way that does not allow for some differences to be possible. Germany, Ireland, and Hungry have much more massive dogs but they do not deviate from the standard as they are no where near as massive as a Mastiff, European dogs seem to carry more skin in a lot of breeds, like Basset, Mastiff, and Saints ect.
                          The standard is the same in both countries. "From European lines" or a dog imported from Europe is NOT what I am talking about. I'm talking about the people who's danes are short, heavy, and MASTIFFY that need to tell me right away that he looks like that because he's a "special kind of dane." I thought I made that pretty clear in my FIRST post, sorry if I didn't. Obviously, a fresh infusion of DNA from a well-bred dog from another continent is good for the breed. Any American breeder telling people that their dogs are "European" (and do not mean that they brought the dog over from Europe) are just telling lies to make a buck and making excuses for their poorly bred, non-standard-conforming dogs. Yes, I'm sure this discussion is old to you, but so are these instances that I'm talking about and I just needed to put it out there to some dog people, okay?! If you don't like the topic DON'T READ THE THREAD.
                          Misty, Leonidas (Dane), and Valor (Pomeranian Mix)
                          Current 52 Photo Project:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Leonidas&Fam View Post
                            Old topic revisited, I know. I'm soooo tired of people telling me that their dog is a Daniff and that they bought it because it looks more like a Mastiff. If you wanted a dog that looked Mastiff why didn't you buy a Mastiff? Since it's largly agreed that Dane ancestors were an Irish Wolfhound type dog and a Mastiff type dog, you're not ADDING anything to a Dane by mixing it with a Mastiff, there's already a heavy measure in there, you're just making it more Mastiff than anything else! So buy a Mastiff! I have the same problem with people needing to inform me as soon as we meet that their dog is a "European" Dane, as if that somehow makes him anything other than a dog that does not conform to ANY Dane standard on either continent. I try to tell them that all "Daniff" or "European" means is that they bought from a byb, but hubby usually pretends to trip and knock me over before I get a chance. He's so polite (insert disgusted smiley face). Leo is a byb dog and has some major conformational flaws, but you don't see me running around trying to tell people he's a "Slope Butt Dane" or something, trying to pretend his conformational flaws are intentional. Rant over.

                            (BTW, mutts are great, I have one, it's the intentional creation of them that irritates me.)
                            My comment is "AND this means WHAT? NOTHING." I'm sorry I don't give them a chance to reply and I do come off a little harsh or rude. Do I care? NO. I always give them the website to do their own research and compare their mutts.
                            Macon Kennel Club
                            & Great Dane Club of the Mid-South


                            • #15
                              Now a days I don't think they're is a breed they don't try to mix intentially, it's crazy, and the sad part is people jump on these dog's & spend sometimes big buck's for these "rare" mutt's, nothing wrong w/ mutts, they are still mutt's not at all purebred which people don't understand. People just go gaga over the little "poo" named pup's, I do have to admit some are cute, but I wouldn't purchase one from a "breeder" yes adopt one from a shelter perhaps & for a very nominal fee the dog will be altered, tested for worms etc. utd on shots & get some goodies. Especially w/ the economy the way it is people will just do about anything to make a buck & jump on that bandwagen. It's just a shame for these bitches being used as a baby machine & sometimes being injured in the process, if you know what I mean girl's
                              sigpicDiane & Zeus

