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Danes and Kids...

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  • Danes and Kids...

    Not sure if this is in the right area...but...

    I had a question about danes and kids. I've had several danes over the years, but due to where I was living, didn't have much interaction with kids. I had maybe one that was good with them when they did come, but the others were skittish and not fond of them at all! (a couple I raised, a few I acquired/rescued as adults at about 2-3 years old). My sister had a dane she got as a puppy, and I want to say they had their first son a year or two later. Though she was not mean in anyway, she wanted nothing to do with the baby or little toddler running around wanting to play with her.

    Now, I have my new guy! He will be 8 months old in a few days. Very fortunately, he was raised with kids before he came to me, and I've been trying to socialize him as much as possible, though he still doesn't get "regular" interaction as I am a ways away in the country. My question is, he still LOVES kids, but as you all know, he is right at face level. My nieces and nephews certainly weren't like I was as a kid, I would have died to have this dog want to play with me. But being a puppy and vastly unaware of his size, he is always in their face wanting to play, and they aren't too interested. My question is, how can I teach him not to be "in your face?" It is different with adults I guess, unless they are sitting down, he can come right up to you and though would *almost* be able to touch a face reaching up, he is not "right there." I'm just not really sure how to go about this. I don't want him to not want to be around the kids, so don't want to scold him for going up to them. This is one thing I both admire and dislike about the dane is their need to be close to your face. While I don't mind it most of the time, I don't want them walking right up to my face if I'm sitting down, and can imagine how the kids must feel! Plus, most people do not like when a big dog walks right up and puts their nose in their face. So, how can I teach him that this is unaccaptable without discouraging him from wanting to be around them? Because, if you try to pull him back away from them, I don't think he would understand that he just shouldn't be by their face, he might interpret that is not wanting to be by them at all. Any suggestions?

    PS- we went to our first fun match a couple weekends ago and he did FANTASTIC! He got first in his class and BOB (though, there were only two other danes there, we don't have to mention that part!) I was incredibly proud of him. He wanted to drag me all over the place, but in the ring during his classes, he did wonderfully for his first time and it was an experience for both of us. Here's my boy, "Deacon" looking handsome on his own on the back porch!
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  • #2


    • #3
      My daughter has been around Danes since she was 4 months old. She was 4 years old when we got Murphy and of course she is 7 now and we have a new pup in the house. I always worry more on how the kids will act around the dogs then how the dogs will act.

      You will just have to accept the fact that anyone on face level with him he will be in their face. My daughter doesn't mind it but usually its because she is getting a kiss from them. And if she doesn't want them in her face she moves away.

      But all my boys have always been great around kids as long as the kid knows how to act around a dog.

      Don't know if I helped you but this is just from my peronal experiance.


      • #4
        I have a 7 year old and a 5 year old and they aren't crazy about dog slobber and such.



        • #5
          I have found that alot of kids are intimidated by the size. If I see a kid hesitant and I can still see interest in their eyes, I make the dog lay down and encourage the kid to come pet. You may want to teach your dog to go up to the kid/s and lay down. There is a few games kids can play with dogs when they are laying down; tug of war and "watch." Hope that helps.

          BTW Congrats on the match!



          • #6
            Thanks for the replies!

            Marian- That is a great idea and I never thought of that! That my be something we could work on!

            Paige- part of that has to be true, they need to learn to deal and if they don't want to be there they can move them out of the way or leave. The problem is (he was here yesterday for example). They were running around the house and Deacon wants to play so he runs with them. Unfortunately he is still pretty "mouthy," with me as wel, so he got him in the ear (not bleeding, he didn't "bite" him, but I'm sure he had his mouth open. I have to definately work on that with him, as there shouldn't be teeth with skin contact, ever. BUT, I have 1 4 year old niece who loves him, 2 8 year old nephews who tolerate him, one 10 year old niece who pretty much ignores him, and two brothers, 6 and 3 who can't stand him. They will sometimes go and try to do something with him, but as soon as he does something they don't like they throw their tantrums. (this has more to do with the boys than the dog). But either way, I can see how it can be scary to have a huge rambunctious dog that is taller than YOU are coming after you. The 6 year old actually spent the night with me, so we have been working on it, if he is doing something he doesn't like, he tells him no and gentle pushes on him. It has definately helped the kid, poor deacon probably has no idea what is going on. I'm so frusterated with him right now, he is 8 months old and just recently started to get really hyper, like a tightly wound spring, like he can't control himself. Guess it's that time!

            Doug- I've yet to meet someone who DOES like slobber! When I have company over, I usually give them a personal rag for dog slobber. It never fails that one or more dogs will visit the water bowl and clean their mouth on someone's shoulder who is sitting down. oh well! That's why they have their slobber rag!


            • #7
              We also have drool towels in every room of the house. And when people come over they know not to wear there nice clothes. LOL!! I know here my daughter knows if she stays on the furniture the dogs will stay out of her face. And when there are kids at the house I tell them that if they act hyper and run all over the house it will also get the dogs stirred up. But after a while the dogs just get used to you and they will ignor you unless you make a sudden movement.


              • #8
                I swear I laugh at this trait of Jack's all the time. He does have to get right in EVERYONES face. When I first got him I went crazy with socialization and had him meet EVERY child possible. We have a lot of kids going in and out of the house so I wanted him to love them and be comfortable and confident around them. I was reading an earlier post and someone said that they taught their dog to lay down for a child to pet him which is totally what i should have done. Everytime Jack met a kid I told him to give kisses and he loved it and so did the kids. One day we were out in the front yard and all of a sudden Jack bolts to the next door neighbors yard and their 2 year old is standing by himself. The fathers sees Jack coming and bolts toward the child...I shout that he is friendly so the father just stands by the child. Well Jack somehow stops right infront of the child and plants a big one right on the boys face, then said hello to the rest of the family and came back. They have loved Jack ever since and always jump at the oppurtunity to babysit. They were new in the neighborhood but Jack had to do his part in welcoming them.


                • #9
                  I must have an amazingly spoiled, intolerant bunch of kids! He just wants to give kisses and hugs, but my nieces and nephews just don't want any part of it most of the time. When I was little, I would have thought that was the best thing since sliced bread!

                  Jack is adorable, by the way!


                  • #10
                    Me too!! lol The kids all love it, but sometimes it is the parents that are a little uneasy or on edge about it. Sometimes parents actually grab their kids and run when they see him coming...

                    Thank you. Jack is a big cuddle bug.


                    • #11
                      We don't have kids, and Zara has had issues with meeting and greeting. We go to class at local petsmart, mainly because of all the people, and it forces both of us to deal with her issues. Zara is cautious around children, but getting better with them.


                      • #12
                        Our Dane (2 year old male) does extremely well with kids. My wife is a third grade teacher and we occasionally take him to her classroom where 25 kids surround him all day. Never a problem at all. He is very gentle with kids.


                        • #13
                          I have 3 kids--ages 6, 3, and 1--and both Duke and Samson are great with them and any neighborhood kids that come through(and we get a lot). Duke likes to get right in the kid's face, and I've had to teach him to lay off to one side when the neighborhood kids are around...that way he's still by the action but not scaring the little ones. After a while, the kids just all get used to having him around and sometimes in their faces.


                          • #14
                            We have two children, and Winston just adores them...He is so GENTLE with ALL children...We,like many posters here have lots of kids in and out of our home and yard so it was a must that he fit in and behave like the perfect pup he is...LOL of course (I may be a tad partial) BUT...that's besides the point!!!

                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              These are all kinds of things I am working on with Lily and our children. We have a 9 yr old and a 7 yr old who both love having our dane, but are not always sure how to act with such a crazy puppy. I've learned its really important to teach the kids how to handle their own issues with the dog, i.e. teach them how to give commands with the right body language and tone of voice, etc. Lily really listens to them and I have confidence in the relationships as a result.

